Recommendations for cancer screening by age

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Le Thi Nha Hien - Internal Oncologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
In addition to genetics, diet, exercise and other habits can affect your overall health as well as your risk of developing cancer and other serious diseases. Each type of cancer has different risk factors and pathogenesis, so cancer screening is also applicable to each age appropriate for each type of cancer. Screening for cancer can help detect the disease at an easily treatable stage.

1. From the age of 21-29

For men Colon cancer: find out if there's a higher-than-normal risk of colon cancer due to family history, genetic disorders, or other causes. If your risk is not high, you don't need to have further screening at this time. If you are at high risk (with a parent in the family, a sibling with colon cancer, familial polyposis, etc.) talk to your healthcare provider about the tests you should do to help colon cancer screening. Thyroid cancer: if your family (father, mother, brother, sister) has thyroid cancer or a history of neck radiation... talk to your healthcare provider about the tests you should do to screen for cancer. Thyroid cancer For women Breast cancer: if you notice an abnormality on either side of your breasts, talk to your healthcare provider right away and learn about your risk for breast cancer. If your risk is not high, you don't need to have further screening at this time. If your risk is high, talk to your healthcare provider about the need for mammograms and other tests. Cervical cancer: women do not need cervical cancer screening before age 21. Between ages 21 and 29, women should have a Pap smear every 3 years. An HPV test is not necessary if the Pap smear is normal. Colon cancer: find out if you have a higher-than-normal risk of colon cancer due to family history, genetic disorders or other causes. If your risk is high, talk to your healthcare provider about tests you should have to screen for colon cancer. Thyroid cancer: if your family (father, mother, brother, sister) has thyroid cancer or a history of neck radiation... talk to your healthcare provider about the tests you should do to screen for cancer. letter armor

Phụ nữ nên thực hiện xét nghiệm Pap smear 3 năm một lần
Phụ nữ nên thực hiện xét nghiệm Pap smear 3 năm một lần

2. From the age of 30 - 39

For men Colon cancer: find out if there's a higher-than-normal risk of colon cancer due to family history, genetic disorders, or other causes. If your risk is not high, you don't need to have further screening at this time. If you are at high risk (with a parent in the family, a sibling with colon cancer, familial polyposis, etc.) talk to your healthcare provider about the tests you should do to help colon cancer screening For women Breast cancer: if you notice an abnormality in your breasts, talk to your healthcare provider right away and learn about your risk for breast cancer. If your risk is not high, you don't need to have further screening at this time. If your risk is high, talk to your healthcare provider about the need for mammograms and other tests. Cervical cancer: starting at age 30, women should have a Pap smear and an HPV test every 5 years. Continue to do recommended screening even if you've had the HPV vaccine Colon cancer: if you notice an abnormality in your breasts, talk to your healthcare provider right away and learn about your risk. her breast cancer. If your risk is not high, you don't need to have further screening at this time. If your risk is high, talk to your healthcare provider about the need for mammograms and other tests.

Phụ nữ độ tuổi 30 - 39 nên sàng lọc ung thư vú
Phụ nữ độ tuổi 30 - 39 nên sàng lọc ung thư vú

3. From the age of 40 - 49

For men Colon cancer: starting at age 45, all men should have a colon cancer screening with fecal occult blood screening annually or a colonoscopy every 10 years. Prostate Cancer: Starting at age 45, men with a higher-than-normal risk of prostate cancer should talk to their doctor about the right tests. For those who have one or more relatives with prostate cancer, screening should begin at age 40. For women with breast cancer: from age 45, women should have a mammogram every year. once a year. Women should know their breast cancer risk and talk to their doctor for advice on appropriate tests. Cervical cancer: At this age, women should have a Pap smear every 5 years and continue to be screened even after receiving the HPV vaccine. Colon cancer: starting at age 45, all women should be screened for colon cancer.

4. From the age of 50-64

For Men Colon Cancer: Beginning at age 45, all men should have a colon cancer screening with fecal occult blood screening annually or a colonoscopy every 10 years. Prostate: Starting at age 50, all men should begin screening for prostate cancer and should talk with their doctor about appropriate tests. Lung cancer: Men over age 55 should talk to their doctor about their smoking history so they can determine the need for a low-dose CT scan of the lungs. For men who are long-term smokers or have quit smoking for 15 years, lung cancer screening can detect the disease early and prompt treatment. For women Breast cancer: Women between the ages of 50 and 54 should have a mammogram once a year. Starting at age 55, women can have X-rays every 2 years or continue to have them once a year. Cervical cancer: women this age should have a Pap smear and an HPV test every 5 years or a separate Pap smear every 3 years. Colon cancer: all women should be screened for colon cancer annually by fecal occult blood smear or colonoscopy every 10 years Lung cancer: women over 55 years of age should discuss your doctor about your smoking history so he or she can determine the need for a low-dose CT scan of your lungs. For women who have smoked for a long time or have quit smoking for 15 years, lung cancer screening can detect the disease early and prompt treatment.

Tất cả nam giới từ 50 tuổi trở lên nên bắt đầu sàng lọc ung thư tiền liệt tuyến
Tất cả nam giới từ 50 tuổi trở lên nên bắt đầu sàng lọc ung thư tiền liệt tuyến

5. From the age of 65 and up

For men Colon cancer: colon cancer screening should be done until age 75. Men aged 76 - 85 should be advised by their doctor about continuing colon cancer screening. . For people over the age of 85, colon cancer screening is not necessary. Prostate cancer: at this age, men should be advised by their doctor about continuing screening for prostate cancer. Lung cancer: Talk to your doctor about your smoking history so he or she can determine the need for a low-dose CT scan of your lungs. For men who are long-term smokers or have quit smoking for 15 years, lung cancer screening can detect the disease early and prompt treatment. For women Breast cancer: Women this age should have a mammogram every 2 years. Cervical cancer: cervical cancer screening is not necessary at this age if screening results have been normal in the past 10 years. Colon cancer: colon cancer screening should be done until age 75. People aged 76-85 should be advised by their doctor about continuing colon cancer screening. For people over the age of 85, colon cancer screening is not necessary. Lung cancer: Talk to your doctor about your smoking history so he can determine the need for a low-dose computed tomography lung scan. For men who are long-term smokers or have quit smoking for 15 years, lung cancer screening can detect the disease early and prompt treatment. In addition, based on family factors or medical history (hepatitis B, C; chronic pancreatitis) or habits (drinking alcohol, eating spicy food...), doctors at Vinmec will provide provide customers with appropriate cancer screening packages.
Vinmec International General Hospital provides customers with cancer screening packages by age, sex and pathology such as: Lung cancer screening, stomach cancer screening, breast cancer screening,. ..For health control, timely detection and treatment of diseases.
Doctor Le Thi Nha Hien has many years of experience in the field of examination and diagnosis of oncological diseases and methods of chemotherapy, targeted therapy and palliative care. Currently, the doctor is working at the Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.

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