Qualified children are still stunted, why?

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Not only families with anorexic children have to worry about their baby's weight, but even healthy children are still stunted, poorly absorbed and slow to gain weight. So what is the cause of the baby eating a lot but still stunted, not gaining weight? Do you need to go to the hospital to check nutrition for your baby?

1. Unbalanced diet

Appropriate and balanced nutrition plays a decisive role in the growth and development of children. However, there are some mothers who try to cram their children to eat a certain substance or a food that the baby likes. This leads to the baby will get used to it, for example, eat too much and only love starchy foods (rice, cake), fat (fried dishes, fast food)... , the body will not have the opportunity to absorb other essential nutrients, causing an overabundance of a lack of nutrients, and a stunted child.
Parents need to keep in mind that quantity should always be accompanied by quality. There are cases where the baby eats a large portion but not sure enough nutrition. What you need to do is pay attention to balance enough groups of essential nutrients in your child's menu, including protein, starch, beneficial fats, as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals.

2. Eating at the wrong time, right meal

Due to busy work, sometimes mothers may accidentally or intentionally (to save time) let their children eat a lot at the main meal, rather than divide it into several meals a day. Moreover, the frequency between each meal is not regular, not on time, sooner or later, it also affects the digestion of young children. As a result, the baby's ability to absorb is worse, making the child grow slowly and stunted.
Therefore, parents need to create a habit for their children to eat scientifically, at the right time and at the right time so that the baby can absorb nutrients optimally.

3. Improper processing

Sometimes because of being too busy, housewives also often buy ready-made food and store it in the refrigerator for a long time, until it is no longer fresh and delicious, the dish loses a lot of nutrients.
Besides, the habit of reheating food many times also makes the amount of vitamins in the food lose almost all and creates a difficult taste. In fact, some mothers are often able to cook a large pot of porridge for the whole day, while each meal their children do not eat much, each time they eat, they bring it back to reheat.
Some mistakes while cooking for children as above will lead to a decrease or loss of nutrients in food, making children not provided with enough nutrients in the diet. Even processing food the wrong way also puts children at risk of digestive disorders, leading to intestinal diseases.

Trẻ đủ chất vẫn còi cọc có thể do cách chế biến sai cách của người nội trợ
Trẻ đủ chất vẫn còi cọc có thể do cách chế biến sai cách của người nội trợ

4. Children with some digestive diseases

4.1. Worms, flukes, and bacterial infections Worms and flukes can be transmitted through eating and drinking for the following reasons:
Using unclean or undercooked food Drink unboiled water Eat raw vegetables but not washed. .. Young children can also be infected with worms due to the habit of putting dirty toys in their mouth, holding food when their hands are dirty. Children infected with helminths often have a thin, weak, slow weight gain, anorexia and vomiting. In addition, the baby also has frequent symptoms of abdominal pain around the navel, digestive disorders, and loose stools. Mothers can also detect more signs of a child being infected with worms when she sees her baby tossing, itching and scratching the anus while sleeping.
Usually, children 2 years of age and older are dewormed every 6 months. However, in cases where the baby is slow to grow, is malnourished due to worm infection, the child can be dewormed earlier as prescribed by the doctor. Helminth infections reduce the ability to absorb nutrients, affecting the health and physical development of children. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to disease prevention, keep the living environment clean and have a sense of personal hygiene for their children.
4.2. Digestive disorders Due to the genetic condition, some children from childhood have had intestinal diseases, hepatobiliary diseases, genetic diseases or allergies... making the digestive system intolerant to food, leading to the ability to digest Food digestion and absorption is limited. In addition, digestive disorders can also occur in children who take too many antibiotics, causing the beneficial bacteria in the body and intestines to be destroyed, leading to anorexia, digestive disorders, and poor absorption. gain and slow weight gain.
Currently, even though parents have checked for micronutrients for their children, there is still no safe and effective treatment for anorexia. Some drugs will stop working when no longer used, adversely affecting the development of children, so it is not recommended to use. However, parents can completely use vitamin and mineral supplements if their children are malnourished to enhance metabolic activity in the body, as well as enzymes to support food digestion. In case the child is still stunted enough, the mother can overcome it by supplementing natural micro-minerals for the child.
Leading experts in the field all agree that this is a solution to stimulate the taste buds, supplement essential micronutrients to support children's natural appetite and effectively strengthen their resistance. Using supplements is a combination of pure micronutrient ingredients, combined with natural vitamin C extracted from acerola berries, beta-(1,3-1,6)-glucan,. .. has been proven safe and effective, helps babies grow healthy, improves the condition of children who are still stunted, and increases natural absorption.
Please regularly visit Vinmec.com website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.
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