Preventing hair loss in women

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Hair is a symbol of a woman's beauty. Although hair loss does not affect health much, it can cause anxiety, low self-esteem and significantly affect the daily life of women.

1. The most common form of hair loss in women

Hair loss in women is often inherited from parents. This is also known as androgenetic alopecia, which can begin as early as late adolescence. The earlier hair loss occurs, the more severe it is.
Most women do not experience baldness on top of their heads like men do. Instead, the hair may be thinner and more sparse. In both men and women, hair thinning or not reaching its normal length is due to a shortened hair growth cycle, and the most affected area is the top of the head.

2. Is hair loss a sign of a serious health problem?

The answer is yes. Hyperandrogenism is a condition in which the body produces excessive amounts of the hormone androgen (usually found in men), which can cause hair loss in women. The most common cause of this problem is polycystic ovary syndrome. Besides, some other signs include obesity, irregular periods, acne growth, even infertility.
Some women also have metabolic syndrome, which is a combination of health conditions, including belly fat and high blood pressure, that increase your risk of heart disease, heart attack, stroke or diabetes. .
Although hair loss is caused by high blood pressure, you can treat this condition with minoxidil and have your health checked for other problems.

Nhiều nghiên cứu cho thấy rụng tóc bắt nguồn từ chứng tăng huyết áp
Nhiều nghiên cứu cho thấy rụng tóc bắt nguồn từ chứng tăng huyết áp

3. Treatment of hair loss in women

Currently, the only FDA-approved topical treatment for female hair loss is Minoxidil (Rogaine) 5%. When using this medicine once a day can help hair grow back up to 81%.
In fact, Minoxidil works by prolonging the hair's growth phase, thereby providing more time for the hair to fully grow and achieve the right thickness.
It is important that you be really patient as the treatment usually takes about 3-4 months, provided it is used regularly every day. However, the earlier it is used, the more effective it is.
Researchers have also found that women with hair loss often have low levels of ferritin, a protein that reflects total iron stores in the body. To improve ferritin levels, you should get more iron through your daily diet.
In certain cases, hormonal abnormalities, such as an excess of male androgens, can be the main cause of hair loss in women. You can tell this when you observe that your hair loss pattern is similar to that of men. Treatment can be with prescription drugs such as spironolactone or birth control pills .

One of the other treatment options is a hair transplant , in which small hair follicles are taken from an area of ​​the scalp, then transplanted to the affected area. This method is often highly effective with naturalness and permanent results.

Minoxidil (Rogaine) 5% được sử dụng trong điều trị rụng tóc
Minoxidil (Rogaine) 5% được sử dụng trong điều trị rụng tóc

4. Tips to help prevent hair loss in women

Although hair loss does not affect health, it can create a low self-esteem about hair for women. To improve this situation, you can apply some tips below:
Eat a lot of green vegetables: follow a nutritious diet with lots of green vegetables and fresh fruits, such as basil, parsley Salads may reduce the risk of androgenetic alopecia, while also slowing the onset of hair loss in women. Protein supply: hair follicles are made up mainly of a protein called keratin. A deficiency of this substance in the body can lead to hair loss. To improve this, you should get more protein through healthy foods, including eggs, peas, nuts, fish, low-fat dairy products or chicken. Vitamin A Supplement: Vitamin A is made up of part of retinoids, which are substances that have the ability to speed up hair growth. Moreover, vitamin A is also very helpful in the production of sebum, keeping the scalp healthy and preventing hair loss. Several foods are rich in vitamin A, including sweet peppers, sweet potatoes, or spinach. Using multivitamins: scientists have shown that vitamins such as A, B, C, D, selenium, iron and zinc are all substances that play an extremely important role in growth and development. maintain healthy hair. Biotin: biotin, also known as vitamin H or B7, is often involved in the synthesis of fatty acids in the body. This is essential for the life of the hair, so hair loss in women can occur if there is a biotin deficiency. Doctors often recommend that women at risk of hair loss take 3 to 5 milligrams of biotin per day. Take care of your hair regularly: you should also wash your hair regularly to keep your scalp healthy and prevent hair loss. However, you should only use mild shampoos, avoid using products containing many highly detergent ingredients, as it can cause hair dryness, leading to breakage or hair loss. Use coconut oil: Coconut oil is an excellent source of nutrients that help prevent damage to the hair caused by brushing or overexposure to UV rays. Besides, the lauric acid present in coconut oil helps to bind the proteins in the hair together, thereby protecting the hair strands from breaking. In addition, the scalp massage with coconut oil can also promote blood circulation.

Sử dụng dầu dừa có thể giảm tình trạng rụng tóc ở nữ giới
Sử dụng dầu dừa có thể giảm tình trạng rụng tóc ở nữ giới

Gentle styling: frequent braids or ponytails can cause hair loss. In addition, heat styling machines such as puffs, curls or straighteners are also a major cause of hair loss and damage. To keep your hair strong, you should limit the use of these styling tools, instead, let your hair fall naturally. Customers can directly go to Vinmec health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.
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