Preschool development (27 to 28 months)

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The article was professionally consulted with Doctor Ho Thi Hong Tho - Neonatologist - Pediatrics - Neonatology Department - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
Children's development stages all involve a number of changes that parents need to be aware of in order to behave appropriately. Without exception, preschoolers 27 months - 28 months will also continue to develop a number of new social, emotional, and physical skills.

1. Physical development

Preschoolers 27 months - 28 months old can grasp small objects easily. Children can stack Lego blocks, knock over a newly built toy tower, take off their shoes, turn the pages of a book and hold a cup with one hand. Many kids this age can even balance on one leg for a second or do a two-legged forward jump.
Along with quiet playtime indoors, it's also good to take your baby outside. Physical activity makes the child tired, from which the child sleeps more easily. Outdoor play also promotes appetite and helps children eat better. Without complicated games, you can keep your 28-month-old preschooler's attention by asking her to help you hang the clothes while drying, watering the plants, or picking flowers.
Don't forget to put a hat on your baby and remind him to put it on himself before going out to play. Always supervise when taking your baby out to ensure safety.

Trẻ mẫu giáo 27 tháng - 28 tháng tuổi có thể cầm nắm các đồ vật nhỏ một cách dễ dàng
Trẻ mẫu giáo 27 tháng - 28 tháng tuổi có thể cầm nắm các đồ vật nhỏ một cách dễ dàng

2. Controlling negative reactions and behaviors

Your 27-month-old preschooler will probably call you constantly, sometimes harshly, because she wants something right away, or wants to share and show you her eagerness. If you are tired, it will be difficult for you to be at peace because your child knows how to attract attention and influence parents and grandparents.
Many children have also gradually learned to resist, so you need to be prepared to deal with this. There are many different ways to handle situations, you can give small rewards when your child obeys, correct them as soon as they misbehave, or show empathy for your child because negative behavior only occurs. from immaturity.
At the same time, your child is also gradually developing the ability to control his actions. However, 2.5-year-olds still have a tendency to push or kick, punch, scream, fuss, and throw tantrums when disagreeing. You can't expect your 28-month-old preschooler to behave perfectly and be obedient all the time. Always remind your child that expressing feelings with words will bring better results than actions. Don't forget to praise your child every time he or she tries to communicate peacefully with words.

Trẻ 2,5 tuổi vẫn có thiên hướng xô đẩy hoặc la hét, quấy khóc và nổi cơn giận dữ khi không đồng ý
Trẻ 2,5 tuổi vẫn có thiên hướng xô đẩy hoặc la hét, quấy khóc và nổi cơn giận dữ khi không đồng ý

3. Get familiar with the rules

When children understand why they have to follow the rules parents give them, it will be easier for children to follow them. Explain that we must and do not do certain things to stay safe, such as holding hands when crossing the street, wearing shoes when going out, not watching TV or electronic devices for too long... Encourage your child to sit still when eating, as running around with food in his mouth can cause very dangerous choking. Remind your child to sit on his knees (2 W-shaped legs) to avoid problems affecting the hips and knees. Most 28-month-old preschoolers quite like sitting this way because it is more stable than normal sitting, but it really doesn't help in the long run.
Make sure the rules you set for your child to follow are reasonable, clear, and consistent, and be patient while your child learns to obey them. Most 27-month-old preschoolers will need lots of gentle reminders to get them in shape.

4. Increase concentration, patience

The attention span of preschoolers 27 months and older is getting longer and longer. Sometimes babies will be absorbed in playing for hours and get frustrated if parents interrupt. When his patience has grown a bit, if you tell him to do something else while playing, he may not listen, not pay attention to what you say, even get angry and make both mother and child angry. annoyed.
One strategy you can use is to warn your baby in advance, for example, “You only have 5 more minutes of jigsaw puzzles, then it's time for dinner.” If possible, try to be flexible when caring for school-age children. Some children will need to be warned several times before easily stopping the game and moving on to another activity at the request of the mother.

Đặt ra các quy tắc cho trẻ tuân theo là hợp lý và nhất quán, đồng thời kiên nhẫn trong khi bé dần học cách nghe lời
Đặt ra các quy tắc cho trẻ tuân theo là hợp lý và nhất quán, đồng thời kiên nhẫn trong khi bé dần học cách nghe lời

5. Tips for taking care of school-age children (27 to 28 months)

For the mischievousness of a 28-month-old preschooler, you will have many times of frustration and anger. However, it is important to know that any negative attention is better than a 2-and-a-half-year-old who can't speak and doesn't know what to do, just sitting still.
Here are some tips for parents who are taking care of young children going to school:
Need to remind them to find a pet to teach them respect, gentle behavior with animals and how to care for and care for animals. eat. 27-month-old preschoolers are still self-centered, so they still don't want to make friends with other children. Therefore, playing with this new “friend” is also a good way for your child to start developing friendships. Do some exercise each day and get your child involved, such as walking around the house, visiting a museum, or riding a bike in the park. Try to spend a lot of time with your child, create effective interactions for the child to be closer to his parents. Arrange a time to rest at noon, lying quietly in bed (whether sleeping or not) will be good for both mother and child. Learn a basic first aid course, as well as how to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation, artificial respiration, ... in case of an accident. Finally, even though you are busy taking care of children going to school, don't forget to take time to warm up your feelings and focus on the relationship between husband and wife. One of the positive things parents can do for their 28-month-old preschooler is to build a strong bond with one another. A couple who agree, love and share the work together will easily overcome difficulties, as well as get joy from simple activities in the family.
Caring, protecting and nurturing children is a long process, so parents should be a companion to help children develop their physical and mental abilities well. If you notice that your child has unusual signs for his age or has difficulties in caring for and teaching him or her, you can go to Vinmec International General Hospital to get help from doctors and nurses. Psychologists.
Children of school age need 5mg of elemental zinc/day for them to eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.
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