Pregnant women infected with toxocariasis during pregnancy should do?

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The article is professionally consulted by an Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital
Being infected with toxocariasis during pregnancy can greatly affect the health of the mother and the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women need to consult their doctor for safe treatment during pregnancy.

1. Signs of dog roundworm infection?

Toxocariasis is caused by Toxoplasma canis, a roundworm that lives in dogs. Adult roundworms live in the small intestine of dogs, they develop, lay eggs, then eggs are excreted in the feces into the environment, after 1-2 weeks the eggs will develop into embryos. If people swallow eggs during this stage, they will become infected.
After the eggs enter the human body, the larvae hatched from the eggs will be released, penetrate the intestinal wall, move with the blood to organs in the body such as liver, lungs, eyes, central nervous system ,... Because humans are not the main host, the larvae will not develop to the adult stage, but will travel in the human body for a long time from a few months to many years and cause damage in places where the human body is not. they come.

Ấu trùng giun đũa xuyên qua thành ruột và theo máu di chuyển đến các cơ quan trong cơ thể
Ấu trùng giun đũa xuyên qua thành ruột và theo máu di chuyển đến các cơ quan trong cơ thể
Is it okay to get roundworm in dogs? The extent of damage to the body as well as signs of infection with toxocariasis depends on the number of larvae as well as the organs they invade. Common clinical forms are:
Migrating eye larvae: Common in children aged 5-10 years, the symptom is decreased vision in one eye, the degree of vision loss depends on the affected eye area. (retina, macular), which can lead to blindness. Visceral migration: Common in children under 5 years of age with signs of toxocariasis such as fever, enlarged spleen, enlarged and necrotic liver, eosinophilia, and urinary tract symptoms. respiratory like asthma. Other possible symptoms such as nephritis, myocarditis, central nervous system damage causing convulsions, neuropsychiatric symptoms, brain disease,... A study conducted by the Malaria Institute City parasites. Ho Chi Minh City conducted in 2012, showed that the most common signs of toxocariasis infection were itching, hives, headache, digestive disorders, eosinophilia, anorexia, abdominal pain, ..
However, in general, toxocariasis is difficult to detect because the clinical symptoms of the disease are not specific, in some people there are no clinical manifestations when infected, usually only detected when the pathogen has proliferated and invade other organs.

Dấu hiệu ngứa nổi mề đay có thể là do bị nhiễm giun đũa chó
Dấu hiệu ngứa nổi mề đay có thể là do bị nhiễm giun đũa chó

2. Is it okay to get roundworm during pregnancy?

Toxocariasis is common in children due to their habit of playing with sandy soil - this is where the eggs of Toxocara canis are spread. However, due to the characteristics of dogs being animals that are very close to humans, it is not uncommon to get toxocariasis during pregnancy.
Is it okay to get roundworm during pregnancy? About 15-60% of pregnant women infected with roundworms can experience complications such as miscarriage, stillbirth, birth defects, damage to internal organs, especially eyes and brain . Therefore, at maternity hospitals, before pregnancy, women are often screened for Toxoplasma to avoid the risk of miscarriage and fetal malformations. If infected with toxocariasis, women must be completely treated to get pregnant.
When infected with toxocariasis during pregnancy, women must have regular antenatal check-ups according to the appointment schedule so that the doctor can closely monitor the health status of the mother and the fetus. Pregnant women need to consult a doctor to have a safe treatment method for mother and baby. Some safe topical medications can be used to relieve the symptoms of itching and hives.

Thai phụ phải đi khám sức khỏe định kỳ để theo dõi tình hình của cả mẹ và bé
Thai phụ phải đi khám sức khỏe định kỳ để theo dõi tình hình của cả mẹ và bé

3. How to prevent canine roundworm infection during pregnancy

To prevent toxocariasis, especially during pregnancy, when raising a dog, it is necessary to have a separate place, limit the pet to climb on the bed, chair, lie down, sit together. After petting, petting dogs or other animals, it is necessary to wash hands with soap to avoid parasitic worm eggs from pets entering the body through eating or drinking.
Regularly take pets to the veterinarian for health checks to prevent dogs and cats from being infected with roundworms, periodically deworming dogs and cats. Regularly clean the pet's place, handle the animal's feces to ensure hygiene to avoid the risk of infection.
Because it can leave dangerous complications during pregnancy, pregnant women need to be very vigilant, should not approach pets such as dogs and cats to avoid the risk of infection. In case of infection, pregnant women need to go to medical centers for examination and treatment, to avoid possible dangerous complications.
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