Possible effects when cutting one fallopian tube

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Nguyen Thi Man - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital. The doctor has more than 10 years of experience in diagnosing, consulting and treating in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Women can still get pregnant normally even after having one fallopian tube removed, as long as both ovaries are still intact.

1. When does a woman have to cut one of her fallopian tubes?

Fallopian tubes or fallopian tubes are reproductive organs in women, with a relatively complex structure, including many connected segments. The size of the fallopian tube is quite small, so any damage can affect the functioning of this organ. Statistics show that up to one-third of infertility cases in women are related to various problems in the fallopian tubes. Here are some reasons why women have to cut one fallopian tube:

1.1 Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a condition that occurs when the embryo after fertilization implants right in the fallopian tube instead of attaching to the uterine wall to develop as usual. Thus, when the ectopic embryo grows to a certain extent beyond the tolerance of the fallopian tubes, it will cause severe pain, which, if not treated promptly, can easily cause rupture of the fetal mass. Fallopian tube was severely damaged, leading to cutting one side of the fallopian tube.
If an ectopic pregnancy is detected and treated early, a woman can still save her fallopian tubes by using medication, instead of having to have her fallopian tubes removed.

Mang thai ngoài tử cung là trường hợp xảy ra khi phôi thai sau khi thụ tinh làm tổ ngay tại vòi trứng thay vì bám vào thành tử cung để phát triển
Mang thai ngoài tử cung là trường hợp xảy ra khi phôi thai sau khi thụ tinh làm tổ ngay tại vòi trứng thay vì bám vào thành tử cung để phát triển

1.2 Tubal stasis

Tubal stasis is usually an inflammatory fluid, caused by a blocked fallopian tube. If the fallopian tubes are only slightly damaged, laparoscopic surgery can open the fallopian tubes. However, in case of severe damage to the fallopian tube, during surgery, only part of the fluid can be removed and it is not possible to completely open the fallopian tube. In this case, the possibility of both natural pregnancy and in vitro fertilization is often not very successful. Therefore, women with tubal fluid retention are often advised to undergo surgery to remove one damaged fallopian tube before undergoing IVF to increase the possibility of pregnancy.

1.3 Pelvic or bilateral pelvic inflammatory disease

Severe inflammation caused by Chlamydia bacteria is also a reason why women have to have one fallopian tube removed. In some cases, women are forced to cut their fallopian tubes due to multiple abortions, causing pelvic inflammatory complications.

2. What is the effect of cutting one side of the fallopian tube?

2.1. Affects ability to get pregnant

In case one fallopian tube has been removed but the other fallopian tube is still able to function normally, a woman can completely conceive naturally. Each month, ovulation occurs on both ovaries and alternates.
Theoretically, a woman's chance of getting pregnant naturally with one side of her fallopian tube will be somewhat reduced compared to those with both sides. However, in reality, many women are still able to get pregnant naturally within the first year after having one fallopian tube removed. Therefore, removal of one fallopian tube does not greatly affect the ability to get pregnant. It is important for a woman who wants to become pregnant to stay in a good mood, get enough nutrients, control a reasonable weight, maintain a scientific lifestyle and healthy habits.
In less common cases, where a woman has both fallopian tubes removed, pregnancy is still possible, but most often requires assisted reproductive methods, such as insemination. in vitro. This way, the sperm and egg do not need to meet in the fallopian tube, but the woman can still have normal pregnancy. However, couples should be patient and mentally prepared, because not every IVF procedure is successful the first time it is performed.

2.2. Affects sexual intercourse

Hormone sinh dục là tác nhân chính ảnh hưởng đến khả năng quan hệ tình dục của phụ nữ
Hormone sinh dục là tác nhân chính ảnh hưởng đến khả năng quan hệ tình dục của phụ nữ
Sex hormones are the main factors affecting a woman's ability to have sex, and are secreted by the pituitary gland and the ovaries. Therefore, when one fallopian tube is removed, the ovaries and pituitary gland can still function normally, in other words, sexual desire and pleasure during intercourse are not affected.
Thus, even though a woman has one fallopian tube cut, her sexual relationship will not be affected. However, after removing the fallopian tubes, women have to wait a period of about 4-6 weeks before they can have normal sex again, this is the average time for wound recovery after surgery.
In short, with the advancement of medicine, the defects that occur with a woman's reproductive system due to the removal of one fallopian tube are no longer as serious a problem as before.

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