Pink mucus discharge: Early signs of labor?

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Trắc nghiệm: Dấu hiệu cảnh báo chuyển dạ thực sự

Chuyển dạ là quá trình thai phụ bước vào giai đoạn “đẻ đau” để kết thúc thời gian “mang nặng”. Thời gian và dấu hiệu chuyển dạ sẽ khác nhau tùy vào vào từng người và nhiều yếu tố. Theo dõi bài trắc nghiệm dưới đây sẽ giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn các dấu hiệu chuyển dạ một cách chính xác và an toàn.

To have a safe pregnancy, pregnant women need to equip themselves with sufficient knowledge when giving birth to be able to coordinate with medical staff. In addition, pregnant women need to be aware of the signs of labor in order to promptly go to a medical facility to avoid the risk of childbirth, which can affect the life of both mother and child.

1. What is cervical mucus?

Cervical mucus is actually a tube of mucus located in the cervix that prevents bacteria from entering, gathering thick uterine lining to form an effective protective plug. This is a characteristic feature of pregnancy. This button will release and exit through the mother's vagina before the uterus begins to contract.

2. Is pink mucus an early sign of labor?

Dịch nhầy màu hồng là dấu hiệu chuyển dạ sớm của mẹ bầu trước khi sinh nở khoảng 1 tuần
Dịch nhầy màu hồng là dấu hiệu chuyển dạ sớm của mẹ bầu trước khi sinh nở khoảng 1 tuần

Usually 1 week before giving birth, pregnant women will see more vaginal discharge like egg white or pink blood in the fluid.
Pink mucus is a sign of early labor of pregnant women about 1 week before delivery.
When this phenomenon occurs, pregnant women need to prepare mentally to give birth.
Mucus may come out a lot and continuously or sporadically for a few days and then stop.

3. Early signs of labor

Vào tuần cuối thai kf, thai nhi gần sát bàng quang nên mẹ sẽ thường xuyên đi tiểu hơn
Vào tuần cuối thai kf, thai nhi gần sát bàng quang nên mẹ sẽ thường xuyên đi tiểu hơn

Some signs of early labor pregnant mothers need to pay attention to to prepare for labor:
3.1 Frequent urination Due to the last week of pregnancy, the fetus's head is close to the bladder, so the pregnant mother will often urinating and feeling the need to urinate more often.
3.2 Lower back pain Because the baby in the last days of pregnancy is quite heavy and drops down, putting pressure and stretching the ligaments in the cervix, pelvis, causing pregnant women to have a lot of lower back pain.
3.3 Uterine contractions appear When uterine contractions appear at the end of pregnancy, pregnant women should be admitted to the hospital to prepare for labor. Uterine pain will appear with increasing intensity, and more often.
3.4 Mucous plug detachment At the end of pregnancy, the mucus plug opens, the amniotic fluid leaks or breaks, this indicates that the cervix has begun to open and pregnant women should prepare mentally to be hospitalized, prepare for childbirth
3.5 Increased vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge will be more, egg white color or pink mucus about 1 week before delivery. Usually pink mucus will appear 1 week before labor. When this phenomenon occurs, pregnant women need to prepare to give birth.
3.6 Water break Babies will be born 1-2 hours after the amniotic fluid comes out. Usually, only about 10% of births have membranes that break before pain occurs. The fetus needs to be removed immediately if the water breaks.
Pregnant women when experiencing abdominal pain, cramping intermittently and accompanied by blood and vaginal discharge, they need to be hospitalized immediately.
Labor in pregnant women will be monitored with charts to detect abnormal factors and handle them in a timely manner.
Labor is a series of phenomena that take place in pregnant women in the last days of pregnancy. Pregnant women during labor often have intermittent abdominal pain due to uterine contractions, the intensity and frequency of the pain will gradually increase with bloody mucus in the vagina, the cervix is ​​dilated, and the amniotic sac is formed. Fort.
When signs of labor appear, you should go to a medical facility immediately, especially in cases where your water has broken, if not handled soon, it will be dangerous for both mother and baby. In order for the birth to go well, in the last month of pregnancy, you should have regular prenatal check-ups to monitor amniotic fluid, predict the date of birth
To protect the health of the mother and the baby comprehensively as well as help the mother feel secure. During labor, Vinmec offers a full Maternity service. With this package, the mother will have regular antenatal check-ups and routine tests to monitor her health. The fetus is monitored for fetal heart rate and uterine contractions with an obstetric monitor at 37-40 weeks of gestation to predict the exact time of delivery. During labor, the mother will be given pain-relieving techniques during and after birth such as: epidural anesthesia, pudendal nerve anesthesia (applied to normal delivery), postoperative pain treatment (applied to childbirth). surgery). In particular, Vinmec is deploying cold plasma services to help wounds heal quickly such as: cesarean section, perineal stitches, baby umbilical cord, and lactation to avoid swelling, redness, infection, and dryness. , flat, beautiful straight edge, little pain, no bruising, no convexity.
If you have a need to use maternity services at Vinmec, please register directly at the website to be served.

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