Pay attention to moisturizing when taking care of the skin in children with atopic dermatitis

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The article is professionally consulted Master, Doctor Phan Ngoc Hai - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital. Dr. Hai used to work at the Neonatology Department of Da Nang Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital and Hoan My Da Nang Hospital. His strength is in general pediatric examination and treatment, neonatal examination and treatment, pediatric resuscitation.
Moisturizing the skin is a particularly important step in the treatment of atopic dermatitis both in the acute and chronic stages of the disease, which helps to maintain moisture in the skin through its ability to prevent water loss through the skin. skin and restore the skin's natural moisturizing factors and normal physiological lipids

1. Caring for children with atopic dermatitis

The normal skin structure consists of: Many layers of cells linked together by binding substances to form a protective barrier of the skin, preventing water loss and penetration of germs into the body.
In atopic dermatitis, there is a decrease in the production of filaggrin, loricrin, and a decrease in substances that bind skin cells, which increases water loss, making the skin dry.
Skin moisturizers are substances that help maintain moisture in the skin through the ability to prevent transepidermal water loss and restore the skin's natural moisturizing factors and normal physiological lipids.
Moisturizing the skin is a particularly important treatment step in the treatment of atopic dermatitis both in acute and chronic stages to help improve symptoms of dry and itchy skin, restore protective function skin, helping to reduce the duration and extent of corticosteroid use.
Should use moisturizers that cause less irritation to the skin, lotions should be applied to the whole body, not just the damaged skin. The number of times to use the cream depends on the severity of the disease, it can be 1 time, 2 times or more. The cream should be applied after moistening the skin (bath, wet dressing, ...). If you have a doctor's prescription to apply medication, apply the medicine first and then apply a layer of moisturizer on top.

Viêm da cơ địa ở trẻ làm cho vùng da viêm khô và kích ứng, vì vậy phụ huynh cần duy trì độ ẩm cho da
Viêm da cơ địa ở trẻ làm cho vùng da viêm khô và kích ứng, vì vậy phụ huynh cần duy trì độ ẩm cho da

2. The role of moisturizing in atopic dermatitis in children

Reduce inflammation, relieve itching, relieve dry skin by applying moisturizers to create a protective layer that helps retain water, prevents water evaporation through the skin, softens skin texture, helps relieve itching, dryness, restores the barrier Protects the skin, inhibits the penetration of factors that provoke allergies. Reduce duration and frequency of corticosteroid use: Long-term topical corticosteroids can cause some side effects such as hirsutism, skin atrophy, vasodilation, acne, etc. Some studies show that using moisturizers in combination with corticosteroids significantly improved clinical symptoms and shortened treatment time for patients. Maintenance and prevention of recurrence of atopic dermatitis: Moisturizers are quite safe and have almost no side effects, so they can be used long-term as a maintenance therapy. Moisturizers help maintain optimal hydration and address skin barrier dysfunctions, helping to relieve excessive dryness and irritation. Studies all recommend using moisturizer at least twice a day with or without symptoms. Prophylaxis of atopic dermatitis in high-risk neonates: A study in infants 1-7 days old with high risk factors for atopic dermatitis such as diseased parents. Apply moisturizer twice a day, monitor and evaluate patients at months 1, 6, 12, 24. The results showed that no side effects were noted, the rate of children with atopic dermatitis was 5%, significantly less than the rate described in the literature (50-70%).

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Dưỡng ẩm có vai trò quan trọng trong việc điều trị viêm da cơ địa ở trẻ em

3. How to choose the right baby skin moisturizer

Maintain ideal skin moisture, pH similar to natural skin, safe for long-term use, fragrance-free, non-irritating, convenient, effective, aesthetically and economically Economic
Choose a moisturizer suitable for each individual, the location of the damage and the degree of dryness of the skin. It is recommended to use at least 2-3 times a day, increase the number of times if the skin is very dry. Use immediately after bathing for 3-5 minutes to maintain moisture on the skin. In the acute phase, a combination of topical corticosteroids should be used to rapidly relieve symptoms. Applying a moisturizer before applying corticosteroids helps to increase the absorption of the drug through the skin. The amount of moisturizer used for children is usually 250-300g/week and should be maintained daily even if there are no symptoms.
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