Often throbbing in the heart should pay attention to what problems?

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Hello doctor! I want to ask, sometimes I have a heart attack, what should I pay attention to. Thank you doctor for helping me.
Nguyen Thi Ha (1988)
Hello doctor. These days, my heart often has spasms, throbbing and uncomfortable, I don't know what it is. Thank you for the consultation
Ngoc (Hanoi)
Hello! Throbbing pain in the left chest is common in young women, often due to neurological causes, appearing when psychological stress, anxiety. With the problems you are having, the doctor recommends that you monitor your medical symptoms, whether it is related to the above factors to prevent.
However, it is still best to see a Cardiologist for an examination and further assessment specific to your current health condition. We look forward to meeting you at the hospital of Vinmec Health System for further discussions. Sincerely thank you!
Answered by Master, Doctor Tran Hong Nhat - Interventional Cardiologist Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

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