Nutrition for overweight and obese adults

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Currently, in the world, the proportion of adults who are obese is quite large, this situation is also partly due to too much nutrition in the body. Therefore, to avoid being overweight, it is necessary to have a suitable diet.

1. Learn about overweight and obesity

Overweight is a body weight higher than what is considered a healthy normal as measured by BMI. Obesity is a metabolic disorder associated with excess body fat that increases the risk of health problems.
The main cause of overweight and obesity in adults is due to an unreasonable diet, eating too much fatty food, eating a lot of sweets, drinking stimulants, eating a lot of fast food..

Đồ ăn nhanh là một trong những nguyên nhân gây béo phì ở người lớn
Đồ ăn nhanh là một trong những nguyên nhân gây béo phì ở người lớn

Besides, some of the following causes and factors often cause overweight and obesity in adults:
Due to genetic factors Due to the influence of reproduction Weight gain due to age Due to some diseases in the person such as : Diabetes, polycystic ovary.... Lazy exercise

2. Consequences of overweight and obesity in adults

When you are overweight and obese, you will lose confidence in communication, low self-esteem, inferiority complex, less flexible, afraid to appear in public.
Obesity will make you unattractive and prone to dangerous diseases such as: cardiovascular disease, hypertension, fatty blood, respiratory disease, diabetes, hormonal disorders, easy degeneration, osteoporosis, gout, frequent digestive disorders, memory impairment.

Béo phì dễ dẫn tới bệnh máu nhiễm mỡ
Béo phì dễ dẫn tới bệnh máu nhiễm mỡ

3. Nutrition for adults with overweight and obesity

What obese adults eat is a matter of great concern. Accordingly, nutrition for overweight and obese adults includes:
Obese people should eat more green vegetables, less sweet ripe fruits, especially foods containing a lot of fiber. Change processing habits, give priority to using processing methods such as steaming, boiling food to retain maximum nutrients, limit the use of fat Choose non-sugar milk, soy milk, foods with calories short.
Choose sugar-free cakes for obese people, yogurt. Safe starches like brown rice, whole grains, and sweet potatoes. Eat fat-free foods like chicken breasts and eggs. Eat foods with safe fats like, green beans, soybeans, walnuts. Drink enough water 2 liters per day. Eat a lot in the morning, limit snacking, don't eat at night. Eating slowly and chewing well will help you feel fuller for longer. Eat regularly to avoid hunger, because when you are hungry, you will eat a lot of energy and accumulate excess body fat. Divide meals into several meals such as 3 main meals and 2-3 alternate snacks, each meal should only be eaten small for easy digestion and absorption by the body.

Chia nhỏ bữa ăn sẽ giúp cơ thể dễ tiêu hóa
Chia nhỏ bữa ăn sẽ giúp cơ thể dễ tiêu hóa
Besides, overweight and obesity in adults should develop for themselves the following methods to bring the weight back to the normal index:
Change lifestyle: The most successful way to lose weight is a combination of diet and exercise, reduce energy intake and increase energy expenditure rope, swimming, cycling to burn calories loaded into the body every day You need to be active, increase work activities but still have to ensure health. Overweight and obesity in adults in particular and of all ages in general make you feel tired in daily life, so you need to take care of yourself to have stable health. Choose the right nutrition to enjoy a better life.
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