Note to help thoroughly treat scabies

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Le Thi Thu Hang - Dermatologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Scabies is caused by a parasite called "scabies" - Sarcoptes scabiei hominis. This is a skin disease caused by infection, not caused by "heat in the liver" born as many people mistakenly believe. So does scabies go away on its own and how is scabies treated?

1. Principles of scabies treatment

Early detection, early treatment (new disease, no complications). Treat all people with scabies in the family or group at the same time. Avoid scratching as this can cause infection. Isolation of sick people Clothes, blankets, cushions, pillowcases, utensils...wash, dry, iron thoroughly. Do not share clothes.

Bôi thuốc liên tục 10 - 15 ngày, theo dõi sau 10 - 15 ngày vì có thể có đợt trứng mới nở
Bôi thuốc liên tục 10 - 15 ngày, theo dõi sau 10 - 15 ngày vì có thể có đợt trứng mới nở

2. Scabies treatment regimen

Topical treatment: One of the following drugs can be applied:
DEP (Diethylphthalate) Solution 5-10% Sulfur ointment for children and adults, especially children under 2 months of age, pregnant women and Breastfeeding. Permethrin solution or cream 1-5 %. Benzyl benzoate oil 25% Crotaminton 10% Gamma benzene 1% Oriental medicine: bath with bitter leaves, three gauze, oval, mother-of-pearl, chrysanthemum, dog blood seed oil... How to apply: wash with soap, then apply drugs and lesions once a day in the evening. Wash and dry clothes, blankets.
Superinfected scabies can be combined with topical antibiotic cream.
If there is eczema, combine with topical corticosteroids for 1-2 weeks.
Systemic treatment:
- Antibiotics if there is a superinfection
- Antihistamine to relieve itching
- Ivermectin single dose 0.15 mg/kg body weight for children over 5 years old and adults. Avoid eating within 2 hours before and after taking the medicine. Indicated in case treatment with topical drugs is not effective...

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Thu Hang has over 10 years of experience in the field of dermatology. Especially experienced in the treatment of adult and pediatric skin diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, autoimmune and rare skin diseases. The doctor has obtained certificates and university degrees at home and abroad such as: Degree I - Dermatology, Hanoi Medical University, DFMS Degree - Dermatology, University of Paris XIII, France before becoming a doctor. dermatology at the Department of Internal Medicine, Vinmec Hai Phong Hospital today.
To learn more about the service package of examination and advice on treatment of atopic dermatitis as well as other services at Vinmec, you can contact HERE.
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