Note to choose a mask against fine dust caused by air pollution

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Currently, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are the two most polluted cities in the world. Air pollution is increasing, fine dust is at a high level. To protect health, the simplest way that people who often move on the street choose to wear a mask. Masks against fine dust caused by air pollution are specialized masks.

1. Fine dust index due to air pollution in Vietnam

Through a number of studies, in recent days in Ho Chi Minh City, the AQI index (air quality index and level of impact on human health) has reached 128. It is worth noting. Note that PM2.5 exposure levels in Ho Chi Minh City indoors and outdoors also exceed recommended levels. These indexes showed signs of increasing gradually at noon.

Hà Nội và Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh là những nơi có chỉ số bụi mịn cao nhất
Hà Nội và Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh là những nơi có chỉ số bụi mịn cao nhất

According to the World Health Organization, PM2.5 dust is the most dangerous pollutant to human health, with its microscopic size, it can easily enter the human body.
In Hanoi, the concentration of PM2.5 dust tends to increase in recent days, especially on September 30, as recorded at some air quality monitoring stations showing that the air quality index The air level exceeds 200, which is extremely dangerous for health.
Over the past two weeks, PM2.5 dust concentrations in two big cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City all exceeded the allowable threshold compared to national standards.
Fine dust affects more objects than any other pollutant, and they can cause health effects even at low concentrations.

2. Health risks when not using a mask

2.1 What do we inhale when we don't wear a mask?

PM2.5 fine dust is particles with a diameter of less than 2.5micrometers, equal to the size of bacteria. We cannot see them with the naked eye, they are in the air, when we breathe in, PM2.5 dust will enter the lungs and then wriggle into the blood and heart. Our body does not have the function of eliminating dust particles of this size on its own, this dust layer closes every day until the dust layer is large enough to cause death.
The cause of eye, nose, throat, lung irritation, cough ... and respiratory diseases is due to fine dust accompanied by CO or SO2, NO2 gas that will prevent hemoglobin from combining with oxygen, causing cells lack of oxygen.
The risk of respiratory disease and related diseases increases with the higher the fine dust index.

Điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu chúng ta không mang khẩu trang khi sống trong bầu không khí ô nhiễm?
Điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu chúng ta không mang khẩu trang khi sống trong bầu không khí ô nhiễm?

Fine dust is the cause of blood poisoning, blood is difficult to clot, affecting the circulatory system, the nervous system that controls the activity of the heart muscle is weakened, causing cardiovascular diseases. When they enter the lungs, the blood does not have oxygen to feed the body, leading to the appearance of symptoms such as headache, fatigue, and dizziness. If this situation persists, our respiratory system will be poisoned, the immune system is destroyed, they invade cells and interfere with the body's activities.
Especially for pregnant women, if breathing in fine dust caused by polluted air can cause retardation of the fetus. Babies are born with low birth weight, neurasthenia, and autism.
In the long run, fine dust in the air can make us suffer from cardiovascular diseases, stroke, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis.
With the immune system not yet fully and comprehensively developed, children are the subjects most affected by air pollution, the same concentration of polluted gas but when entering the child's body can be twice as high. 2 times that of an adult.
Besides, other pollutants come from the production and discharge process of factories, factories, industrial parks, exhaust fumes from vehicles participating in traffic make the air even more polluted. Severe infection, the risk of respiratory disease also increases.

3. Note to choose a mask against fine dust caused by air pollution

Currently, wearing a mask is the simplest and most effective way for us, when traveling on the street. We often see the vast majority of people only using ordinary masks such as cloth masks, medical masks. However, these masks are not able to protect us against air pollution.
It is necessary to use a suitable mask to ensure that it is a mask against fine dust PM2.5, bacteria and harmful substances.

Nên lựa chọn khẩu trang có khả năng hạn chế được bụi mịn để bảo vệ cho sức khỏe
Nên lựa chọn khẩu trang có khả năng hạn chế được bụi mịn để bảo vệ cho sức khỏe

Some notes when choosing a mask against fine dust caused by air pollution such as:
Choose a mask material capable of filtering small particles. Ordinary masks are not guaranteed to filter small particles such as PM10 or PM2.5. N95 and N99 masks are recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to be used in cities with air pollution. N95 means that this mask can filter 95% of all types of dust in the air, including ultrafine dust. And N99 filters 99% of substances in the air, preventing almost absolutely all types of bacteria and viruses. Masks need to be close to the face: This is the most important criterion when wearing a mask, helping to prevent dirty air from getting inside. The mask hugs the face tightly, allowing up to 5% of the air to pass through the gaps. Using a mask should have ventilation, make the user feel comfortable, and help the user breathe normally. Aesthetic assurance: With a mask with high aesthetics, it helps users feel comfortable, confident, and ready to wear it anytime, anywhere. Make sure to change the mask after 10-15 days of use with the condition that it is stored in a cool place The current pollution situation is still at an alarming level, wearing a suitable mask is necessary to ensure health and avoid negative effects from fine dust caused by air pollution. Besides, you should add nutritious foods to strengthen the immune system.
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