Non-invasive cosmetic intervention: Real pictures

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At some point in your life, it's hard not to notice the signs of aging present on your face when you look in the mirror, like small wrinkles around your eyes or lips, age spots, saggy skin. Non-surgical cosmetic surgery is a beauty trend that many people love today. Non-surgical cosmetic interventions can be understood as beauty correction therapies that do not need to be "cutlery" on your body.

1. What is non-invasive aesthetics?

Non-surgical cosmetic means beautifying without using cutlery to invade areas of the body such as bones, blood, skin,... Customers do not need to undergo lengthy surgeries. , non-surgical aesthetics use advanced technologies to rejuvenate the skin, remove wrinkles and signs of aging with immediate or long-lasting results.

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Hình ảnh thẩm mỹ không xâm lấn,không gây đau đớn

2. Non-invasive cosmetic types

Thẩm mỹ không xâm lấn khắc phục nếp nhăn-căng da
Thẩm mỹ không xâm lấn khắc phục nếp nhăn-căng da

Wrinkle Remedies If forehead wrinkles make you look dull, botulinum toxin injections (Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin) can provide temporary relief. Botulinum toxin is purified from botulinum toxin. In small doses, this toxin relaxes wrinkled facial muscles that cause crow's feet, wrinkles, and the like. These injections take only a few minutes and cause mild pain. This treatment usually takes 3 to 7 days to start seeing results. You will notice smoother skin at the injection site. As the muscles slowly contract, lines and wrinkles will reappear. To continue, you will need the injection 3 to 6 months after the first injection and less often thereafter.
Chemical Peeling Peeling is using some acidic solution to remove old and dead cells from the outer layer of skin, using chemicals at different depths including shallow peels, medium and deep. Solution mixes typically contain glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid, phenol, or trichloroacetic acid (TCA). It may take about 15 minutes for the solution to start working and you may feel prickly and uncomfortable.
Within a few days of using a chemical peel with shallow depth, the upper layers of the skin will peel off, revealing newer, smoother skin. After several treatments, chemical peels can reduce age spots, fine lines, acne scars, and wrinkles caused by sun or aging.
Microdermabrasion Microdermabrasion, also known as super grinding, the doctor will use a special sand to apply on the skin. When grinding the skin, under vacuum pressure, this sand acts on the surface of the skin to grind away the upper stratum corneum, reducing wrinkles, brown spots and mild acne scars. When microdermabrasion exfoliates, it draws dead skin cells in powder form from your face.
Immediately after, your skin will look rosy and feel taut, like a sunburn. These symptoms should improve in about 24 hours and possibly 10 treatments, several weeks apart, before you can see visible results. Because microdermabrasion does not cause bleeding, it is a safe technology with very little risk of scarring or infection.
Thermage Thermage is a method of rejuvenation, lifting, and skin tightening by using radiofrequency waves to penetrate deep into 3 layers of the skin (epidermis, dermis and dermis) to help increase collagen production and make the skin stronger. skin tightening. Thermage can be painful for users, but often with one treatment, signs of aging have been markedly improved.
Non-ablative lasers Use high-energy wavelengths to penetrate the epidermis to help skin increase collagen, reduce wrinkles and improve tone and firmness. This technique affects the skin gently, does not cause burning, blistering like using invasive lasers. However, the procedure can be painful, so your doctor will put a numbing medicine on your face before the procedure. Since the laser can't damage the skin at the surface, you won't need as much recovery time as with other treatments.
Non-invasive lasers are a good option for people who want to improve their skin tone and texture in no time. You may experience slight redness after the exposure, but this should go away quickly.
Diode Laser Technology Diode laser technology for acne treatment by emitting wavelengths of light that generates heat in and around the sebaceous glands, altering the structure of the gland and thus reducing its production Excessive sebum causes acne. Like non-ablative lasers, the lasers shine below the surface without damaging the outer layer of skin. The main side effects of this method include redness and inflammation of the skin, but these symptoms disappear quickly. Acne condition will be improved after 6 months with 5 sessions of diode laser technology.
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) This technique uses light pulses with the right wavelength to treat some skin diseases, increase collagen, fight wrinkles. Like lasers, IPL shines down into the dermis. The heat pulses are short and destroy the cells to stimulate the skin's renewal process. Unlike lasers, IPL uses a broad spectrum of light that can treat many different skin problems at the same time. IPL can reduce redness in rosacea or remove dark circles under the eyes. IPL can also remove unwanted patches of color (such as melasma and age spots) by destroying pigment cells.

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Article reference source:, NCBI
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