Things to know before using PRP skin rejuvenation

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When entering the age of 30, the body's defenses and self-repair mechanisms begin to decline, the skin is the part that signals the signs of aging. The introduction of PRP skin rejuvenation is considered a step forward in the cosmetic industry to help maintain youthful skin. Thanks to its safety and long-term effectiveness, PRP can overcome the limitations of other methods. However, to achieve the highest efficiency without worrying about side effects, what requirements should PRP comply with?

1. First, what is PRP skin rejuvenation?

PRP technology is an abbreviation of the English phrase "Platelet Rich Plasma", which means "Platelet Rich Plasma". This is a method of taking autologous blood and then centrifuging to remove platelet-rich plasma and using that plasma to return to the body, into the area to be treated PRP using only the cells of the patient. The body itself to extract, treat, rejuvenate the skin as well as repair the damage of the skin, so there is absolutely no use of any preservatives or external active ingredients. PRP is performed after analgesia at the hospital. so it has little impact on daily life. The growth factors contained in platelets will stimulate new skin cells to grow continuously, so the effectiveness of skin rejuvenation treatment increases and lasts. Applications of PRP in skin rejuvenation treatment:
Solve problems The problem of damaged skin, dark skin pigmentation, less aesthetic skin. Treatment and prevention of aging, wrinkled skin. Treat skin pigmentation, pitted scars, large pores, acne. Blurred eye bags, orange peel skin, stretch marks.
Things to know before using PRP skin rejuvenation

2. Principle of PRP Skin Rejuvenation Therapy

Take about 30ml of blood, then put it through a standard centrifugal extraction process and technology to get a platelet-rich plasma called PRP. Then, this amount of PRP is injected by the doctor into the area of ​​​​the skin to be treated, helping to restore and rejuvenate damaged cells, and stimulate the production of new cells.
Things to know before using PRP skin rejuvenation

3. Note for customers using PRP skin rejuvenation

According to esthetician Dr., Dr. Hu Jung Woo at Vinmec hospital, customers using PRP need to adhere to the following notes:
3.1 Before the procedure Stop using facial creams, all kinds of face Nourishing mask containing corticosteroids 1 week before PRP injection. Do not smoke or drink alcohol 2-3 weeks before the procedure as this can reduce the effect of platelet-rich plasma after injection and disrupt the healing process of new skin. Inform the doctor about the medicine you are using, the disease you have had or are being treated for such as: High blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc. Get a good night's sleep before the day of the procedure. At that time, the doctor can properly assess the skin condition and help limit swelling after the procedure. Avoid doing it during your menstrual cycle. You will be completely fasted for at least 6 hours before the procedure.

Để bác sĩ có thể đánh giá đúng tình trạng da và hạn chế sưng nề, trước đó hãy ngủ sâu, không sử dụng đồ uống có gas,..
Để bác sĩ có thể đánh giá đúng tình trạng da và hạn chế sưng nề, trước đó hãy ngủ sâu, không sử dụng đồ uống có gas,..

3.2 Prepare in advance at home Do not wear jewelry during the entire procedure. Do not paint fingernails or toenails. Prepare wide-brimmed hats and medical masks for use after surgery. If you are a male client, please shave before the procedure. 3.3 Care after the procedure Ice can be applied within 24 - 48 hours through a clean, soft towel after the procedure Use sterile soft gauze to wash your face with physiological saline solution. Limit direct exposure to sunlight, dirt or touch your face with your hands. Do not use cosmetics, do not wear makeup, do not use cleansers within the first 7 days. In the following days, neutral cleansers and sunscreens can be used that do not cause skin irritation. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water and don't use alcohol, coffee and stimulants. On the 4th and 7th day after the procedure, you should return to the hospital for a follow-up examination. The next injection of rejuvenation can be done after 3 months.

Hạn chế tiếp xúc trực tiếp với ánh nắng mặt trời, bụi bẩn hay chạm tay vào mặt sau khi sử dụng PRP
Hạn chế tiếp xúc trực tiếp với ánh nắng mặt trời, bụi bẩn hay chạm tay vào mặt sau khi sử dụng PRP

4. Note when choosing where to use PRP skin rejuvenation method

4.1 A highly skilled doctor is required. There is a need to have a qualified and skilled doctor because otherwise you may be poked in the wrong vein, causing infection, causing prolonged pain at the injection site, ..
Therefore, it is recommended that if you want to use the method of beautifying the skin with your own blood, you need a skilled doctor, dermatology specialist to ensure safety at Vinmec Times City beauty center with a team of experts. Dr. Nguyen Dang Dai, Dr. Pham Hong Thai... will closely coordinate between specialties to ensure:
4.2 Must have a comprehensive examination and examination before the procedure. Patients with stroke, diabetes...have a reduced platelet count, it will be difficult to use PRP skin rejuvenation method. The elderly are also not the subjects who can use this method easily because of the limited amount of cells. Before performing surgery, all customers at Vinmec receive a comprehensive health and skin examination. This helps doctors accurately and completely assess the condition of the client
4.3. International standard centrifugal extraction process and technology

Quy trình và công nghệ chiết xuất ly tâm chuẩn Quốc tế tại Vinmec
Quy trình và công nghệ chiết xuất ly tâm chuẩn Quốc tế tại Vinmec

Local or systemic infection is a risk that can occur at all stages of operation: blood collection, blood treatment, plasma solution preservation and the process of manipulating plasma into the body where blood is the environment. favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. Therefore, the sanitary condition of the facility and equipment is a factor that needs to be paid attention to above all. Perfect care service with modern advanced technology, absolute sterility that meets international standards at Vinmec helps minimize irritation or any side effects.
Not only bringing PRP skin rejuvenation method to help "Return to youth for the second time", Vinmec Plastic Surgery Center also always puts safety first - Where customers can send trust, peace of mind when beautifying.
Register to experience PRP skin rejuvenation service with an expert today by calling Hotline 024 3974 3556 or go directly to Vinmec Times City hospital 458 Minh Khai, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi
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