Motor development of 3-year-old children

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The motor development of 3-year-old children is often active and sociable. This is the age when young people speak and act more complex. Besides, children also become curious, easy to get along with strangers and have a richer imagination.

1. The process of motor development in children by age

At each age children will have different stages of motor development and the complexity of these stages increases with age. Parents can monitor their child's motor development through the things that the child can do, including gross motor, fine motor, perception, socio-personal action, and language.
For example, children from 1 to 3 months old can perform some actions such as turning to one side, raising the head when lying on the stomach, these are actions belonging to the rudimentary motor group. Children who can put objects in their hands into their mouths and hold objects in their hands for 1-2 minutes belong to the fine motor group. The language act that babies this age can perform is to laugh out loud and make sounds to get other people's attention. Children learn to perceive by listening to stories, smiling innocently.
The child's motor development is increasing as he grows up, when the child is 4-6 months old, the level of activity is already greater than the previous period. The gross motor activities that the child can perform are turning from the back to the stomach and vice versa, the child can sit more firmly, raise the head longer when lying on the stomach, hold the body can stand, when pulled up the child holds head straight, able to slither forward and around. The fine motor that children can perform is knowing with their hands holding objects. Language development at this stage is knowing how to turn your head towards sounds, especially using someone's voice, children begin to babble single sounds like "ma, mu" Children love to laugh and play with people and knows how to keep toys, enjoy the surroundings.
When entering the stage of 7 - 9 months old, babies can sit firmly on their own, begin to practice crawling and crawling proficiently, standing up on their own when there is a solid wall. The fine motor skills that children can perform are holding and banging two objects together, passing an object to another hand, picking up an object with the other thumb and fingers. Children at this age have more language development than knowing how to pronounce "grandmother, father, father, mam" and know how to turn their heads in the direction of voices.
From 9 months to 1 year old, children have learned to stand, stand firm, walk and walk a few steps when someone takes their hand. A group of fine motor skills that children can do are banging objects together, clamping with two fingers and using their fingers more easily. Children can talk and can say one- or two-word sentences as well as understand simple sentences. Babies at the stage of nearly 1 year old know how to point their fingers at favorite objects and repeat actions that attract attention or cause laughter. Besides, the baby also begins to learn to respond to simple commands and requests such as saying goodbye...

Mẹ có thể theo dõi quá trình phát triển vận động ở trẻ theo từng độ tuổi thông qua các việc mà trẻ làm được
Mẹ có thể theo dõi quá trình phát triển vận động ở trẻ theo từng độ tuổi thông qua các việc mà trẻ làm được

2. Motor development of 3-year-old children

“What can 3-year-olds do? “is a concern for many parents. Accordingly, when children enter the age of 3, they are often very active, sociable and also become curious and have a richer imagination. Therefore, this is considered an age with a lot of emotional development, motor skills and communication of children.
Emotional development in 3-year-old children is demonstrated through actions that children begin to have "invisible" friends appear based on their imagination and these friends can appear while having fun or even becoming a companion with your baby anytime, anywhere. This is demonstrated through activities such as children being able to ask their mother to leave space on the dinner table for “you” or in the minds of children that anxiety-provoking things like darkness may be associated with monsters. object.
The motor development of 3-year-old children is shown through a series of activities such as running, jumping, climbing stairs more easily. This is also the age when parents should prepare their baby for a 3-wheel bicycle, because children already have enough skills and strength to pedal with their feet and use their hands to steer. Along with that, the development of static motor skills such as painting and music is also shown a lot at this stage. For example, children can draw a simple picture with a square and branching lines. Therefore, parents should give children a space to comprehensively develop skills.
Children at the age of 3 - 4 years are also a time to develop a lot of communication skills, because their vocabulary is expanding with about 300 words by the age of 3 and can expand up to 1000 words. in a year later. In fact, this is the age when "children talk constantly" all day and are excited to tell their parents about new things they have seen, learned at school or from friends. However, despite being able to imitate most of the adult voices, children still cannot pronounce correctly and may shuffle some words.

Sự phát triển vận động của trẻ 3 tuổi được thể hiện qua các loạt hoạt động như chạy, nhảy, leo cầu thang,...một cách dễ dàng hơn
Sự phát triển vận động của trẻ 3 tuổi được thể hiện qua các loạt hoạt động như chạy, nhảy, leo cầu thang,...một cách dễ dàng hơn

3. Development of fine motor skills in 3-year-old children

Children always have in themselves some outstanding talent in a certain field, the parents' discovery and selection of toys and the right environment will help children develop that outstanding talent in the best way. And those activities are called subtle movements. Fine motor skills require calmness and concentration, which helps children to fine-tune their gestures, learn to draw and gain spatial awareness, and learn to write. It's important to repeat activities over and over again, as it helps children get better.
Motor development in 3-year-olds includes fine motor skills. At this age children can perform outstanding activities such as using scissors and cutting simple shapes, holding a pencil between thumb and index finger like adults. Along with that, children can build a tower of 10 blocks or draw characters with 2 to 3 details attached to the head and not necessarily a body. Children can turn pages, open and button clothes.
Thus, 3-year-old children is a period of comprehensive development of motor skills, communication, emotions... In which, motor development in children shows outstanding, delicate and active activities. Parents should pay attention and discover subtle activities to help children have better development.
To help 3-year-old children develop better, parents also need to establish a suitable nutrition for children. At the same time, children should also be supplemented with necessary micronutrients such as: Zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C), ... to improve taste, eat delicious, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard, have a good immune system, increase resistance to less minor illnesses as well as less digestive problems.
To have more knowledge about taking care of children according to age, please visit the website ( regularly and make an appointment with the leading doctors, Pediatricians - Nutrition experts when you need advice.
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