Menu for 7-month-old children with slow weight gain

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Weaning is an important milestone in your baby's growth and development. However, many parents are struggling to know how to make a menu for a 7-month-old child with slow weight gain to meet the standards. So, please immediately refer to the article below for a lot of useful information.

1. Principles to keep in mind in the weight gain regime for 6-7 month old babies

Breast milk is still the most important source of nutrition for babies in the first year of life, so mothers should not completely give up breastfeeding, continue to keep babies breastfed for about 600-800ml a day. Parents should also limit their children from eating too much meat, fish, eggs... to avoid overwork of the child's liver and kidneys. Thereby adversely affecting the liver and kidney function of children. When preparing food for children, try to keep the original taste of the food, do not add spices to help children develop their taste buds, feel the full flavor of food, and practice eating habits. pale to protect the health and kidneys of children. 10g of rice with 70ml of water is the standard rule to cook porridge in the menu for lazy children. However, parents also need to be careful not to overdo it. Provide children with a diverse menu full of food groups that need to be balanced between 4 main groups of substances: The carbohydrate group helps provide energy and metabolize substances in the body; protein group helps strengthen antibodies, build muscle; group of fats to store energy and provide an environment for fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, E, K, D; group of vitamins, minerals and fiber to help metabolize substances, enhance resistance.
Nhóm thực phẩm Các mặt hàng thực phẩm
Rau Bông cải xanh, súp lơ trắng, đậu Hà Lan, rau bina, măng tây, củ cải, ớt, cà rốt, bắp cải, bơ, đậu xanh, cải xoăn và bí ngô
Trái cây Chuối, táo, xoài, việt quất, kiwi, lê, dâu tây, đu đủ, dưa, đào, mận và cam.
Thực phẩm giàu tinh bột Khoai tây, khoai lang, gạo, cháo, bột yến mạch, yến mạch, ngô, kê, hạt diêm mạch, bột ngô và bánh mì
Thực phẩm giàu protein Thịt (gà, bò, lợn, cá không xương), trứng, các loại đậu và đậu phụ
Sản phẩm bơ sữa Sữa chua nguyên chất béo tiệt trùng không có mật ong, đường và chất làm ngọt nhân tạo)

The amount of food given to the child must be appropriate for the weight and age. Avoid letting children eat too full, which will cause anorexia, which can easily lead to lazy eating. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in addition to 700-800ml of breast milk or formula, the menu for a 7-month-old baby with slow weight gain needs to be maintained from 2 to 3 main meals per day. Mothers should change dishes for their children often to avoid boredom, but still have to pay attention to the principle of food allergy testing. After 19:00, the mother should give the child milk to avoid hunger at night, affecting the child's sleep. Sometimes to change the child's taste, let the child eat boiled vegetables a little so that the child gradually gets used to the food and learns to suck, bite, and grasp food.

Thực đơn cho trẻ 7 tháng chậm tăng cân cần đa dạng, đầy đủ dinh dưỡng
Thực đơn cho trẻ 7 tháng chậm tăng cân cần đa dạng, đầy đủ dinh dưỡng

2. Menu for 7-month-old children with slow weight gain

2.1. Pork and vegetable powder

* Ingredients:
- Rice flour : 2 spoons
- Spinach : 1 pinch
- Lean pork : 20 grams
- Cooking oil for kids
* Processing:
- Spinach washed, chopped, bring puree and filter the water. Pork washed, pureed
- Mix rice flour with water spinach, then add ground meat and stir well until the dough is cooked. Pour the dough into a bowl and add some cooking oil.

2.2. Shrimp powder with sweet vegetables

* Ingredients
- Rice flour : 2 spoons
- Shrimp : 20g
- Sweet cabbage : 20g
- Cooking oil for kids
* Processing:
- Shrimps are washed, peeled, and blacked out. , take only the body. Boil until cooked and then grind into small pieces.
- Collard greens only take the leaves, wash and drain. Put the vegetables in the blender, filter the water.
- Mix rice flour with about 200ml of water. Next, put the flour in the pan, stir until the dough thickens, then add the shrimp and vegetables, continue to stir until the dough is cooked.
- Pour the dough into a bowl to add a little oil

2.3. Moringa Pork Powder

* Ingredients:
- Rice flour: 20 grams
- Lean pork: 20 grams
- Moringa: 20 grams
- Cooking oil for children
* How to prepare:
- Moringa leaves peeled, washed Clean, cut into small pieces and then puree
- Thinly sliced ​​lean pork, puree and stir with 1 tablespoon of cooking oil
- Mix rice flour with filtered water, stir until all powder is dissolved, then put on the stove over medium heat, stirring evenly to avoid clumping.
- When the dough boils for about 1 minute, add the processed meat and moringa and stir until the dough thickens.

Bổ sung bột thịt lợn rau chùm ngây vào thực đơn cho trẻ 7 tháng chậm tăng cân
Bổ sung bột thịt lợn rau chùm ngây vào thực đơn cho trẻ 7 tháng chậm tăng cân

2.4. Pigeon porridge and sweet corn

* Ingredients:
- Pigeon meat: 20g
- Rice flour: 20g
- A few young corn kernels
* How to prepare:
- Puree pigeon meat, then stir-fry with 1 spoon coffee with cooking oil and 10g of finely ground sweet corn (filtered with cornstarch).
- Dissolve 20 grams of rice flour with pigeon broth and then put it on the stove to boil over medium heat, stirring well.
- After 5 minutes, stir in the mixture of bird meat and corn until the dough is cooked.

2.5. Carrot chicken powder

* Ingredients:
- Chicken: 20 grams
- Carrots: 10 grams
- Rice flour: 20 grams
* Method:
- Wash chicken, then puree
- Carrots washed and sliced small, pureed, filtered to get water
- Stir-fry chicken with 1 teaspoon of cooking oil.
- Mix rice flour with filtered water, stir until the powder is dissolved, then put on the stove over medium heat, stirring well to avoid lumps.
- Add the chicken and carrot mixture, stir well until the dough is cooked.

2.6. Amaranth meat powder

* Ingredients:
- Rice flour: 20g
- Pork: 20g
- Amaranth: 20g
- Cooking oil for children
* How to prepare:
- Pork washed, pureed, put cooking oil on the island ripe.
- Amaranth is washed, chopped, grinded to get water
- Dissolve rice flour with 1 cup of filtered water, stir the flour evenly until the dough thickens, then add the meat and amaranth juice. Simmer until the dough is cooked.

2.7. Egg yolk tofu powder

* Ingredients:
- Tofu: 20 grams
- 1 egg yolk
- Rice flour: 20 grams
* How to prepare:
- Put 20 grams of tofu in a pot to boil, then take out and drain , use a spoon to mash.
- Mix rice flour with a bowl of filtered water, stir until dissolved.
- Put tofu and egg yolk in a small bowl and stir with chopsticks to form a homogeneous mixture.
- Mix the above mixture with the dissolved powder in a pot and put it on the stove to boil over low heat, add a little oil to boil again and then turn off the heat.

2.8. Yam shrimp paste

* Ingredients:
- Plain rice flour: 20g
- Shrimp meat: 5 pieces
- Yam: 20g
- Baby cooking oil
* How to cook:
- Shrimp peeled, removed head, removed spine and then minced.
- Peel the yams, soak in water until all the plastic is removed, steamed, and pureed with a spoon.
- Dissolve the powder with filtered water and put it on the stove over medium heat. Add the minced shrimp and yams and stir well until the dough is cooked, add a little cooking oil.

2.9. Beef soup

* Ingredients:
- Beef: 30 grams
- White porridge
- Bell peppers
- Straw mushrooms, baby corn
- Cooking oil for children, cheese
* Method:
- Wash beef , drain, cut into small pieces
- Bell peppers, mushrooms, baby corn are washed, diced.
- Put the pot on the stove, turn on medium heat, add olive oil and put the beef on the island. Then add in the order of corn, mushrooms, bell peppers, stir-fry and stir-fry.
- Cooked white porridge and then stir-fried mixture on the island. Turn off the heat and add cheese.
- Ladle the porridge into a bowl to reduce the heat and then put it in the blender.

2.10. Fruit porridge

* Ingredient:
- White porridge: 1 bowl
- Boneless fish: 10 grams
- Crushed green vegetables: 1 small spoon
* Method:
- Finely chopped fish, puree, put in pan add a little cooking oil.
- North white porridge on the stove and then add cooked green vegetables. Cook for about 2 minutes, then add the fish, stir until cooked, then turn off the heat.

2.11. Mashed avocado

* Ingredients:
- Avocado: 1 fruit
- Breast milk or formula milk
* How to prepare:
- Grate the flesh of an avocado, add milk, puree or blend the mixture.

Thực đơn cho trẻ 7 tháng chậm tăng cân với món bơ nghiền
Thực đơn cho trẻ 7 tháng chậm tăng cân với món bơ nghiền

3. Mistakes in how to cook porridge for babies to eat weaning

Always put mashed potatoes and carrots in porridge Many mothers think that potatoes and carrots contain a lot of nutrients. They constantly add two types of vegetables to their child's porridge without knowing that in fact these two vegetables only represent a group of starches, not a vegetable as they think.
Therefore, children fall into the state of excess carbohydrate group but lack of vitamins. Better yet, let children get all the essential nutrients and stimulate their taste buds, and give them the opportunity to get used to a variety of foods by changing dishes frequently, especially leafy vegetables. green.
Add cereal to porridge One of the misconceptions of mothers is that because they want to increase nutrition in their children's diet, they did not hesitate to add cereals to porridge. But that is a mistake because cereals, though rich in nutrients, are not suitable for the child's digestive system. This act of the mother inadvertently caused the child to have indigestion.
Overuse of blender In the menu for children from 6 to 7 months old, they should practice giving them a thin and then thickening powder, when the child is 7 - 8 months old, eat pureed porridge or solid powder, up to 12 month, practice eating with porridge cooked whole grain or soft foods such as pho, vermicelli. At each stage when transitioning between diets, the child may vomit at the first meal, but then the child will gradually get used to the food.
Mothers should convert gradually so that children can easily adapt. Stop abusing the blender by gradually coarsening (the grinding time is gradually shortening)
Use bone broth to cook porridge Many mothers still think that bone broth is good for children and often add them to their porridge dishes. child. They think it is high in calcium and extremely nutritious for children. But their children are still anorexic and even underweight for their age.
In fact, stewing only has the effect of creating sweetness and aroma. The nutrients are actually in the flesh of the flesh. In addition, the fat in the bones interferes with the absorption of nutrients in the intestines, leading to low birth weight. Therefore, it is better for the mother to chop lean meat and cook porridge for her children to eat.
Do not add cooking oil to your child's porridge One of the wrong thoughts is that adding cooking oil to your child's porridge will cause stomach pain, but on the contrary, cooking oil provides a lot of energy and supports the body to absorb more. other nutrients. Therefore, when cooking porridge for children to eat, mothers should put 1 to 2 tablespoons of cooking oil specifically for children in the porridge. Cooking oil (including vegetable oil or fish oil) is classified in the group of foods providing fats. This is a very important group of nutrients, playing a major role in providing energy for children, helping to form adipose tissue with the function of regulating body temperature, providing fat to help absorb important vitamins. in the body. Therefore, this valuable nutrient should not be overlooked in the diet of children.
Cook a pot of porridge and feed the child all day Because of busyness or fear of losing time, many mothers often cook a pot of porridge and feed their children all day, which causes significant damage to nutrients. during storage.
At normal temperature, porridge can only be left for 2 hours before it begins to show signs of rancidity. If stored in the refrigerator, meat can be preserved for 3 hours, but this is only a way to limit the growth of rancid microorganisms, now they exist in the form of spores waiting for the opportunity to grow again.
Cold preserved porridge needs to be boiled again before eating to destroy all those spores. Nutrition experts advise that, if you are afraid of wasting time or are too busy with work, mothers can cook a small pot of white porridge and each time feed the child, bring a portion of that porridge cooked with assorted varieties. vegetables and meat so that children do not get bored. Moreover, the vitamins in the porridge are not lost.
In addition to the nutritious 7-month-old baby food menu, the baby also needs to add essential micronutrients such as: Zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamins). C),... to improve taste, eat well, reach the right height and weight, and exceed the standard, have a good immune system, strengthen resistance to reduce minor illnesses as well as less digestive problems.
The improvement of symptoms can take place for a long time, so it is recommended that parents be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients for children, even through eating or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow simultaneous use of many types or continuously change the types of functional foods.
To have more knowledge about taking care of children by age, you should regularly visit the website and make an appointment with the leading doctors, Pediatricians - Nutritionists when you need advice.
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