Meaning of female hormone test, estrogen hormone

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Hormonal disorders can lead to bad effects on the patient's health. Therefore, the performance of hormonal tests should be carried out periodically for regular monitoring.

1. What is a female hormone test?

Female hormone testing includes many different small tests, with the aim of monitoring and evaluating reproductive health, pregnancy ability as well as sex life in a woman, specifically as functional function. oocyte motility and storage capacity.
Female hormone test helps to detect early disorders and abnormalities in the endocrine system, thereby quickly having timely treatment. Women are advised to have hormone tests periodically, at least twice a year.

2. When should female hormone test be done?

Anyone can have a hormone test to assess their reproductive health. However, some cases are prescribed by a doctor to do a female hormone test such as:
Women with menstrual irregularities, irregular menstrual periods (or very little, or a lot) and short periods without stable. Cases of primary amenorrhea (no period) or secondary amenorrhea (previously menstruating but suddenly disappearing). Women with unexplained vaginal bleeding. Cases with suspected signs of polycystic ovary disease. People who have difficulty conceiving. People who want or are about to undergo assisted reproductive methods such as IVF.

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Phụ nữ gặp vấn đề về kinh nguyệt nên xét nghiệm để kiểm tra

3. The meaning of female hormone test

Female hormone test includes 7 small tests, specifically: Test for Estrogen, Testosterone, Prolactin, FSH, LH, AMH, Progesterone.
3.1 Estrogen Hormone Test Estrogen is one of the most important sex hormones in a woman's body. Estrogen is produced in the ovaries and is divided into 3 main forms:
E1 - Estrone E2 - Estradiol : is the most common form of estrogen. Most of the estrogen readings in female hormone tests are E2. Too much E2 can lead to hair loss, headaches, menstrual cycle changes, and even an increased risk of breast cancer. E3 – Estriol: usually checked in pregnant women. E3 index can reflect abnormalities related to fetal health. The normal threshold of the hormone Estrogen is between 70-220 pmol/L. The estrogen test should be done on the 2nd - 4th day of the menstrual cycle.
3.2 Testosterone Test Most people know Testosterone as a male hormone. However, a woman's body also has a certain amount of Testosterone.
Normal testosterone levels are between 15 and 70 mg/dL. Testosterone testing can be performed at any time and does not affect the results.
3.3 Prolactin Index Test Prolactin is a hormone that plays an important role in lactation in lactating women. It has the ability to prevent ovulation by inhibiting reproductive hormones. Therefore, high prolactin levels in women who are breastfeeding are completely normal, as a natural method of contraception. However, prolactin levels exceeding the safe threshold in normal women can cause infertility.
The average concentration of Prolactin is between 127 – 637 μU/mL.
3.4 FSH test With its ability to stimulate oocyte development and estrogen secretion, too high a FSH can be a sign of low ovarian reserve and a high risk of polycystic syndrome ovary.
The normal range of FSH is between 1.4 - 9.6 IU/L. The FSH test should be done on the 2nd - 4th day of the menstrual cycle.

Xét nghiệm FSH giúp chẩn đoán nguy cơ buồng trứng đa nang
Xét nghiệm FSH giúp chẩn đoán nguy cơ buồng trứng đa nang

3.5 LH index test LH hormone is secreted from the anterior pituitary gland with the function of helping to stimulate the production of estradiol in the ovaries. LH levels that are too high are associated with a higher risk of polycystic ovary disease.
LH concentrations between 0.8 - 26 IU/L are considered safe. The LH test should be done on days 2-4 of your period.
3.6 AMH index test Among female hormone indicators, AMH is currently the most valuable and accurate indicator in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. A measured AMH level that is too low means a woman's ability to respond poorly to medication during IVF. Conversely, if AMH is too high, it can also lead to ovarian hyperstimulation and cause infertility.
Normal AMH concentrations range from 2 to 6.8 ng/ml. This concentration is relatively stable, so the AMH test can be performed at any time.
3.7 Progesterone test For normal women, high levels of progesterone can cause breast pain, fatigue, acne, decreased sex drive, depression, ... However, high levels of Progesterone in pregnant women are essential because it helps protect the fetus.
Progesterone threshold in normal people is in the range of 5 - 20 ng/mL. Progesterone test should be done on days 21-22 of the cycle.
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