Mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection in the treatment of breast cancer

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Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the leading cause of death among women in developed countries. With current medical advances in screening and early diagnosis of breast cancer, the percentage of patients detected at an early stage is increasing. Therefore, breast cancer treatment is also highly effective and gives a good prognosis.

1. How is breast cancer treated?

Based on clinical features, laboratory tests and general condition such as: breast cancer type, stage of disease, size of breast tumor, sensitivity of cancer cells to hormones or health status common to each patient, the doctor will have a regimen and course of treatment suitable for each case. Along with that, currently the treatment methods are also compatible and suitable for each patient, patients will be able to choose a method or a combination for the best treatment effect.
Basic breast cancer treatments include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted cell therapy. This article will clarify the surgical methods of mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection.

Trắc nghiệm: Những lầm tưởng và sự thật về ung thư vú

Ung thư vú có tỷ lệ tử vong cao nhất ở nữ giới khiến họ rất lo sợ bản thân mắc phải căn bệnh này. Tuy nhiên, không ít chị em có những hiểu biết thái quá về ung thư vú. Thử sức cùng bài trắc nghiệm sau sẽ giúp bạn loại bỏ được những nghi ngờ không đúng về căn bệnh này.

Bài dịch từ:

2. Methods of mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection in breast cancer treatment

Phẫu thuật cắt bỏ vú là phương pháp phẫu thuật cơ bản
Phẫu thuật cắt bỏ vú là phương pháp phẫu thuật cơ bản

2.1 Concept The method of mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection is the basic surgical method, including removal of the entire mammary gland, breast and axillary lymph node dissection into one mass. The surgeon will proceed to cut the entire mammary gland parenchyma, the skin around the lesion and the nipple, leaving only the muscle and skin of the chest wall.
Indications: Breast cancer to stage II or late stage has adjuvant treatment, applied to advanced stage disease. Contraindications: Inflammatory breast cancer or distant metastases. 2.2 Advantages of the method The radical surgery method limits recurrence and prolongs the survival time for breast cancer patients. Extensive resection will help patients limit the need for radiation therapy, as well as create peace of mind for the patient. After surgery, radiation therapy may not be required, depending on the pathological results. Total mastectomy is a method of removing the entire breast parenchyma, the skin around the lesion and the nipple, leaving only the muscle and skin of the chest wall. Combination with systemic chemotherapy brings good results for cancer patients. Thanks to the new understanding of the pathogenesis of breast cancer, it is believed that it is a systemic disease. Instead, they expanded the indications for adjuvant chemotherapy to lower the preoperative stage of the disease. After surgery, continue adjuvant chemotherapy to destroy all cancer cells. 2.3 Disadvantages of the method This type of surgery aims to remove the entire breast with cancer, and at the same time, axillary lymph node dissection. This surgery severely affects the aesthetics and psychology of the patient due to the loss of one breast. The removal of the entire mammary gland can be a mental "pressure" for many patients because it makes them lose confidence in their life and marital life, but many people still believe that this is a more radical form. Limit breast cancer recurrence. The surgery is complicated, requires long intervention time, has many complications and long hospital stay. Patients wishing to beautify often have to undergo breast reconstruction surgery afterwards.

3. Why is lymph node dissection necessary when treating breast cancer?

The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and nodes that transport a fluid called lymph throughout the body. This is an important part of the body's immune system. Lymph nodes fight infection and filter out toxins. Lymph nodes that can be invaded by breast cancer are called sentinel lymph nodes. It is located in a group of lymph nodes in the armpit. Dissection of lymph nodes has two purposes: to remove cancer cells if they have spread to the lymph nodes and to prevent lymph node metastasis from invading neighboring organizations.

Bệnh nhân bị ung thư vú có thể đến Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec để được thăm khám và điều trị
Bệnh nhân bị ung thư vú có thể đến Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec để được thăm khám và điều trị

Patients with breast cancer can go to Vinmec International General Hospital for examination and treatment. Vinmec provides a full range of necessary medical care services for cancer patients including: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgical treatment, medical treatment, stem cell transplant...; at the same time, helping to control pain by physiotherapy, peripheral nerve block, sympathetic block,...
Vinmec gathers a team of well-trained specialists in Oncology - radiation therapy. , rich in expertise and experience; system of modern equipment, meeting international standards; Professional service quality, high efficiency in diagnosis and treatment.
>> See more: Rehabilitation exercises after breast cancer treatment - Article by Master Vu Van Minh - Chief Technician at Rehabilitation Department - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

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