Lysine for children in which foods?

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Which nutritional supplement for children to develop comprehensively both physically and intellectually is always a matter of concern for mothers. Among the nutrients that help children eat well, increase calcium absorption and develop height, supplementing lysine for children is considered a top priority.

1. Benefits of supplementing lysine for young children

Lysine, scientifically known as L-2,6-diaminohexanoic acid, is an essential amino acid (a component of protein) needed in children's meals. This is a nutrient that enhances the absorption and maintenance of calcium, as well as prevents the excretion of this substance to the outside. Supplementing with lysine for children will help strengthen bones and develop better. In addition to being a structural protein component, lysine is also a substance that helps maintain the stability of the immune system, improves digestive enzymes and stimulates appetite in children. At the same time, lysine also works to prevent the growth of bacteria that cause herpes on the skin, as well as have the ability to prevent and treat stroke and heart disease.
Specifically, supplementing lysine for children can bring effects such as:
Stimulate appetite: In some recent studies, children who are supplemented with enough lysine gain 40% more weight than children without lysine . Scientists explain the reason is that lysine helps increase absorption of substances and stimulates appetite in children. As a result, children avoid conditions such as anorexia, malabsorption, growth retardation, and lack of digestive enzymes and hormones. Strengthening a healthy immune system: Because lysine is a structural component of protein, lysine also has many antibodies capable of helping to fight bacteria and viruses such as herpes or shingles,... As a result, the baby's immune system is enhanced and can fight many diseases. Support absorption of calcium to grow taller: In order to transmit and absorb calcium well, vitamin D is essential. Lysine has the same ability as vitamin D, helping to improve absorption, keeping calcium from being excreted. secreted out of the body. Lysine ensures the formation of connective tissues, bones, cartilage and collagen, anti-aging of the spine, helps children's bones stay strong as well as height development. Promote collagen creation: Providing enough lysine in a day will help the collagen regeneration process be accelerated because this is a component of protein, and collagen is a protein found in cartilage, bones, connective tissues, etc. skin,... Children lacking lysine will slow down collagen formation, making bones weak and fragile. Reduces stress and fatigue: According to a lysine study, stress and anxiety are significantly reduced in people who consume enough lysine every day.

Lysine giúp trẻ ăn ngon miệng, giảm căng thẳng, hỗ trợ phát triển chiều cao,...
Lysine giúp trẻ ăn ngon miệng, giảm căng thẳng, hỗ trợ phát triển chiều cao,...

2. How much lysine do children need a day?

Lysine is an essential amino acid but cannot be synthesized by the body. Therefore, lysine is supplemented through food. According to nutritional studies, the amount of lysine needed for children in a day is as follows:
Children from about 3 to 4 months old need to add 103 mg of lysine per 1 kg of body weight Children aged 2 years old need to supplement about 64 mg of lysine per 1 kg of baby's body Children from 10 -12 years old need to supplement 44 - 60 mg of lysine per 1 kg of body.

3. Lysine in which foods?

Lysine is an essential nutrient and is found in many different dietary sources. However, because there is not much knowledge about nutrition, many parents still do not know which foods lysine is in. Lysine is mainly found in animals, especially meat and milk. In plants, legumes and wheat germ contain the most lysine. In addition, some of the following foods also provide lysine for the body:
Milk and products made from milk Red vegetables and fruits such as oranges, tangerines, carrots,... Nuts such as: Pecans, walnuts, almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, ... Legumes and products made from beans such as: peas, lentils, soy milk, tofu, ... Shellfish such as shrimp, oysters,... Red meat (pork, roast beef) and chicken Spirulina is compressed by the manufacturer into pellets and powders Fish such as cod, sardines, tuna,... Barley germ and brewer's yeast Eggs with the yolk and white intact contain a lot of protein and lysine.

Trứng là thực phẩm giàu lysine
Trứng là thực phẩm giàu lysine

4. Notes when supplementing lysine for children

Arginine is an amino acid found in the circulatory system and can interact with lysine. Adding too much lysine can reduce the activity of arginine. Lysine is easily destroyed in the cooking process, so mothers need to be careful in processing Lysine, which helps increase calcium absorption, so mothers need to follow Monitor calcium intake in the child's body Adding too much lysine will cause side effects such as: Flatulence, diarrhea, constipation or digestive disorders Before supplementing with lysine with medicine for children, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor. Pediatricians visit and consult to get the appropriate course. Ensuring a sufficient amount of lysine for the child's body in a day will help maintain good health and develop optimal height. Therefore, the supplementation of lysine for children needs more attention from mothers as well as a variety of daily food sources to provide enough nutrients for the baby.
In addition, in order to help children achieve the right height and weight, and exceed the standard, have a good immune system, strengthen their resistance to get sick less often and have less digestive problems... they need to add more micro-organisms. Essential substances: Zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C),...
Also according to leading nutrition experts, parents should be calm and patient. Maintain when adding nutrients to your baby, even through food or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow simultaneous use of many types or continuously change the types of functional foods. Besides, nutritionists also emphasize on the role of biological zinc; Parents should learn and supplement zinc for children properly at the appropriate time, to avoid zinc deficiency affecting the comprehensive development of children.
To have more knowledge about raising children and taking care of children by age, you should regularly visit the website and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric experts - Nutrition when visiting the website need advice.
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