Learn about the drug Progynova 2mg

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Progynova 2mg is a hormone replacement therapy for the treatment of menorrhagia, heavy bleeding or after surgical removal of the ovaries. Because of the risks of prolonged exogenous hormone use, progynova 2mg is intended for short-term use only. In addition, women also need to know when to take progynova 2mg to achieve the best effect.

1. Uses of the drug progynova 2mg

Progynova 2mg is a hormone replacement therapy because it contains the female hormone, estrogen. The ovaries tend to gradually make less of this hormone as a woman gets older and won't produce any more after going through menopause.
Therefore, progynova 2mg can be used in premenopausal and postmenopausal women to help relieve symptoms that occur after menopause. However, progynova 2mg should only be prescribed when symptoms severely interfere with a person's daily life.
Besides, the drug progynova 2mg also plays a role in preventing osteoporosis in the group of women after menopause. Thus, if there is a high risk of fracture due to osteoporosis and other drugs are not suitable, a woman can use Progynova to prevent osteoporosis after menopause.

2. Things to keep in mind when taking progynova

The use of progynova or hormone replacement therapy in general carry risks that need to be considered when deciding whether to start or to stay on it. Due to limited experience in the treatment of progynova in women with early menopause (due to ovarian failure or surgery), the physician will consider using progynova on a case-by-case basis.
Before starting to take progynova, your medical history and family history should be taken. In addition, the woman should also examine the breasts as well as a general examination of other organ systems.
Once you have started using Progynova , you should see your doctor for regular checkups (at least once a year). At these check-ups, the patient is again counseled about the benefits and risks of continuing to take the medication.
Thus, while taking the medication, the woman should remember to go for regular breast exams and Cervical smear test as recommended by your doctor. Also, know how to regularly check your breasts for any changes such as skin indentations, changes in the nipples, or any visible or palpable lumps.
Cases in which progynova cannot be used:
If you have or have had breast cancer, or if you are suspected of having the disease If you have an oestrogen-sensitive cancer, such as endometrial cancer If you have bleeding unexplained vaginal bleeding If excessive thickening of the lining of the uterus (endometrial hyperplasia) is left untreated If you have or have ever had a blood clot in a vein (thrombosis) such as in the legs (deep vein thrombosis) or lung (pulmonary embolism) If you have a clotting disorder (such as protein C, protein S or antithrombin deficiency) If you have or have recently had a blood clot in an artery, such such as heart attack, stroke or angina
If you have or have ever had liver disease, and liver function tests do not come back normal If you have a rare blood problem called a “metabolic disorder” porphyrin” if you are allergic to estradiol valerate or any of the other ingredients of this medicine If you are, or may be pregnant, or are pregnant g breastfeeding

3. How to take progynova?

Always take your progynova exactly as your doctor or pharmacist has told you to do. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if it is not clear.
The recommended dose is one 2mg progynova tablet taken once daily. Your doctor will prescribe the lowest dose to treat symptoms for a short time when needed.
On the start date, take the first pill from the top row of the pack marked with the correct date. Maintain a regular routine of taking one pill per day, as directed by the arrow, until all 28 pills in the pack have been completed. Once one pack has been completed, start the next pack the next day and avoid gaps.
It is best to take the medicine at the same time every day. Progynova can be taken with or without food. The tablet should be swallowed whole with a glass of water or milk.
If you forget to take a pill at your usual time and it's still within 12 hours, take it as soon as possible. Take the next
pill at the usual time. If more than 12 hours have passed, discard the forgotten pill in the blister pack. Continue to take the remaining tablets at your usual time each day. A woman may experience sudden vaginal bleeding if progynova is stopped or the usual symptoms of menopause return, including hot flashes, trouble sleeping, anxiety, dizziness or vaginal dryness.

4. Possible side effects when taking progynova

Like all medicines, progynova 2mg can cause side effects, although not everyone gets them.
Side effects reported when taking progynova 2mg :
Breast cancer Abnormal growth or cancer of the lining of the uterus (endometrial hyperplasia or malignancy) Ovarian cancer Blood clot formation in the veins of the legs or lungs (venous thrombosis) Heart attack Stroke Breast pain, tenderness or enlargement, breast discharge Dysmenorrhea, changes in vaginal discharge, premenstrual symptoms, increased size fibroids in the uterus
Indigestion, feeling of bloating, abdominal pain Rash or discoloration of the skin, itching, eczema, acne, hair loss or abnormal hair growth, increased pigmentation especially on the face
Pain headache, migraine, dizziness, anxiety or depressive symptoms, fatigue Fast or irregular heartbeat (palpitations), high blood pressure Fluid retention leading to swelling of parts of the body Weight changes body and sex drive, increased appetite, muscle cramps, leg pain In summary, progynova 2mg is an example of hormone replacement therapy, providing an exogenous source of oestrogen. hi body is deficient. Because of the possible risks, any indications for the use of progynova 2mg should be carefully discussed between the physician and the patient. In addition, in the process of taking the drug, women also need to have regular gynecological examinations as well as know the abnormal signs on the body in order to adjust the medicine soon.

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