Learn about lower urinary tract symptoms

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Thai Binh - Gastroenterologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital. Master, Doctor Nguyen Thai Binh has more than 20 years of experience working in abdominal surgery.

Lower urinary tract symptoms are common in men aged 65 years and older, including weak urinary stream and frequent urination at night. To be able to give the right treatment regimen, it is necessary to depend on the cause of the disease in each person, however, if the symptoms are not too severe and uncomfortable, the patient can choose not to treat.

1. What are lower urinary tract symptoms?

Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms LUTS, English name is Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, is a very common disease in older men, occurring when the urine stream becomes weaker and the patient often urinates at night.
In adults, the urinary system is divided into: upper urinary tract (kidneys and ureters), lower urinary tract (including bladder and urethra). Symptoms of the lower urinary tract are usually divided into those of expulsion (obstruction) and symptoms of containment (irritability).
Symptoms of expulsion (obstruction of the urinary tract) include: Weakened urine stream, difficulty urinating, and urinary interruption. Symptoms of irritation include: Urination, urinary frequency, urinary incontinence and nocturia. In addition, the patient may also appear a number of other symptoms including: After urinating, the urge to urinate again, the need to urinate after going to the toilet.

Dòng tiểu yếu đi, tiểu khó, tiểu ngắt quãng là những triệu chứng cơ bản của triệu chứng của đường tiểu dưới
Dòng tiểu yếu đi, tiểu khó, tiểu ngắt quãng là những triệu chứng cơ bản của triệu chứng của đường tiểu dưới

2. Causes of lower urinary tract symptoms

There are many possible causes of urinary incontinence symptoms, they include:
The patient has an enlarged prostate: The location of the prostate gland is around the bladder neck and when the prostate is enlarged. than normal will cause symptoms of lower urinary tract obstruction. Overactive bladder: Usually occurs in older men / women, with age, the capacity to hold urine can decrease, leading to more frequent urination and even more urine leakage. time. Having problems with water balance: The older you get, the harder it is for your body to regulate the amount of urine excreted at night, causing the patient to have to urinate many times at night. In addition, some causes that can cause symptoms in the lower urinary tract can come as: Urinary tract infection, diabetes, bladder stones, prostate cancer, neurological factors, bladder cancer. ...

3. Diagnosis of lower urinary tract symptoms

To accurately diagnose lower urinary tract symptoms, the doctor will conduct a clinical examination to check how big the patient's prostate is by doing an anorectal examination to feel the back of the gland. prostate. Alternatively, an abdominal exam may be performed to assess the size of the bladder. Your doctor may also order you to perform a number of tests including:
Urinalysis test to rule out UTIs or hematuria Blood sugar test to rule out diabetes Tests kidney function PSA blood test... In addition, depending on the specific case, the doctor may do other tests.

Xét nghiệm tổng phân tích nước tiểu dùng để loại trừ nhiễm trùng tiểu hoặc tiểu máu
Xét nghiệm tổng phân tích nước tiểu dùng để loại trừ nhiễm trùng tiểu hoặc tiểu máu

4. Treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms in patients

The symptoms of lower urinary tract obstruction in the patient can be self-treated at home if the condition is normal and the patient is not too uncomfortable. The patient can relieve the symptoms of the disease by:
Reducing the amount water into the body, especially in the evening. If possible, try to suppress the urge to urinate as often as possible. Change drinking water habits, minimize alcohol, carbonated drinks, and alcohol. Quit smoking habit. Learn how to train your bladder to hold urine for longer. Relax while urinating. Do pelvic floor exercises to help hold urine for long periods of time by trying to tighten the muscles for about 10 seconds, at least 10 times per day. Measures to treat symptoms in the lower urinary tract depend on the cause in the patient, depending on each case, the doctor may prescribe the patient to use drugs or surgery... The patient should see a doctor. urologist for examination after the use of drugs and self-treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms have not yielded results.

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