Laparoscopic liver resection: What you need to know

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Laparoscopic liver resection is a difficult technique, but has the advantage that the incisions on the abdominal wall are small, causing less pain after surgery, and the patient's recovery time is quick. However, for this treatment to be effective, patients need to detect the disease at an early stage by screening for liver cancer.

1. Advantages of laparoscopic liver resection?

Liver cancer is a common malignancy in Vietnam, with a very high mortality rate. The disease often appears in people with chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis. Surgical treatment is always considered, assessing liver function by measuring the liver's ICG clearance to determine the remaining part of the liver, ensuring that all cancer cells are removed but still safe for people's quality of life. sick.

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Ung thư gan dẫn đến nguy cơ tử vong rất cao

Laparoscopic liver resection is considered a radical treatment, less invasive, less painful after surgery, reduced complications, quick recovery with small cosmetic surgery scars from 4mm to 1cm. However, laparoscopic liver resection is a difficult technique, the surgeon has a lot of experience, specialized equipment and especially it is necessary to detect the disease at an early stage by screening for liver cancer.

2. Indications and contraindications for laparoscopic hepatectomy

Indications for laparoscopic liver resection when:
Malignant tumor in the right liver. Left liver volume is > 1% of body mass, liver function Benign liver tumors are contraindicated for laparoscopic hepatectomy when:
The patient's condition is old and weak Having cardiovascular and respiratory diseases There are contraindications for prolonged intra-abdominal inflation. Previous history of complicated abdominal surgery Large liver tumor near major blood vessels

Khối u gan quá lớn không thể tiến hành phẫu thuật
Khối u gan quá lớn không thể tiến hành phẫu thuật

3. Steps to perform laparoscopic liver resection

Step 1: Prepare a synchronous laparoscopic surgery system, laparoscopic surgery kits, scalpels, sutures, automatic cutters. Step 2: Anesthesia examination 1 day before surgery and before surgery for the patient. Step 3: Anesthetize the patient with endotracheal intubation and ask the patient to lie on his or her back, legs apart. Step 4: Place the trocar hump: Trocar umbilicus (10mm); trocar across the right umbilicus at the right white line (10mm); right subcostal trocar above the anterior axillary line (5mm); the left subcostal trocar above the midclavicular line (5mm) and the substernal trocar (5mm). Step 5: Check the condition of the liver and abdomen Step 6: Release the liver by cutting the ligaments of the round, sickle, right triangle, and right rim. Step 7: Cholecystectomy, exposing the liver peduncle, then shaking the entire liver peduncle, dissection revealing and ligation of 3 components of the right hepatic peduncle. Step 8: Cut the liver parenchyma according to the ischemic area of ​​the right liver, then place a drain and take samples.

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Kỹ thuật mổ nội soi cắt gan

4. Monitoring and handling of accidents

Follow up after laparoscopic hepatectomy:
Monitor pulse, blood pressure after surgery Retest blood count, blood biochemistry Monitor abdominal drainage Monitor complications during and after laparoscopic hepatectomy:
During surgery: Stitch hemostasis or pair of clips if bleeding occurs during pedicle dissection, tearing large blood vessels; suture the biliary tract tear if leaky blood vessels After surgery: If bleeding after surgery, need blood and fluid transfusion (unresponsive need open surgery to stop bleeding); if the bile leak does not go away after 1 week or there are signs of peritonitis, re-operating; hemodialysis if liver failure. The danger of liver cancer has shown the importance of screening and early detection of the disease. Therefore, Vinmec International General Hospital has provided customers with a package of screening and early detection of liver cancer to screen for liver cancer pathology for people at high risk of disease such as: alcoholics, cirrhosis, family history of liver cancer, cirrhosis, hepatitis B virus infection, chronic hepatitis C,...
Service selection Package for screening and early detection of liver cancer, patients will be examined, consulted and performed tests, diagnostic imaging to evaluate liver function, liver diseases and liver cancer screening. With a system of modern machinery and a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors, Vinmec is committed to the best protection for the health of patients.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.

In April & May 2021, when there is a need for liver cancer examination and treatment at Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital, customers will enjoy dual incentives:
- Free specialist examination and free of charge Fees for tests and scans
- Reduce 50% of costs for customers who have a prescription for post-examination treatment. The program is limited to the corresponding technique of each hospital and to customers who perform this treatment technique for the first time at Vinmec.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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