Language and cognitive development of a 21-month-old baby

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By the time your baby is 21 months old you may have noticed that your baby never stops moving, but he actually spends about 20% of his time just looking around. This is a time of language and cognitive development in children, and you can begin to teach your child the concept of time. For example, talk about your schedule: “First we will go to the library, then we will go to the park” and remind your child what will happen on specific days of the week: “On Sunday, We go to grandma's house. You can also think about gender identity issues when your 21-month-old begins to show an interest in certain types of toys, games, and playmates. In this article, we will provide useful information for parents to understand about language development and cognitive development of their 21-month-old baby.

1. Language and cognitive characteristics of 21-month-old children

At this age, children have begun to pay more attention to the smallest details. Now, 21-month-olds can not only name most of their own body parts; but they can also name, or at least point to, the same parts on a doll. And when the child's parents draw a circle on a piece of paper, the child will try to imitate his parents, although at this age it is relatively difficult for the child to draw a circle when the child is only used to drawing. straight lines. Children also enjoy small things, even bugs or ants. Part of the reason is that your baby now has the body coordination to bend over and his hands are also working to pick up small objects. In addition, their sensory perception is also maturing and children are curious about what they see or the smells, tastes and sounds of different things. At this age, children may also be patient enough to sit through books or pictures on their own for a few minutes. And if a child's parents give them a large jigsaw puzzle with lots of pieces, the child can concentrate for a long time to complete them.
Children's language is formed and developed in the early years. Toddlers at 21 months old are already able to say some complete words. And by the time your baby is 24 months old, the following skills will gradually be perfected, such as: recognizing the names of familiar people, objects and body parts, using simple phrases and sentences of two to four words. and the ability to follow simple instructions. In addition, a 21-month-old baby can also begin to name objects that parents or relatives point to.
Cognitive skills include thinking, reasoning and the ability to use the five senses. A 21-month-old should be starting or already be able to sort blocks or toys by shape and color. Children should have no trouble finding a hidden object, even one that has been placed under many cards or other objects. Most children at this age begin to discover games that they come up with on their own. If by 21 months your baby doesn't seem to know the function of household objects, such as a phone, fork or brush, call and consult a doctor or specialist.

Trẻ mới biết đi được 21 tháng tuổi đã có khả năng nói một số từ hoàn chỉnh
Trẻ mới biết đi được 21 tháng tuổi đã có khả năng nói một số từ hoàn chỉnh

2. What parents should do to develop language and cognition of 21-month-old children

Books or fairy tales like “Tam Bran”, “Sleeping Princess”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”,... are filled with small details and animals. Tastes that children this age love to learn. When parents read these stories, instead of letting children listen passively, try to get their brains active by asking them to find small objects in the pictures like a small mouse or a fruit. red balloons. Picture books that label everyday objects and body parts are also a good choice for 21-month-olds for language and cognitive development.

3. Other language and cognitive development of 21-month-old babies

Children this age can already increase the number of words they know and can somewhat tune in to the rhythm of the songs they hear. Experts say many parents ignore their baby's speech and speaking often, clearly and directly can improve a child's ability to speak clearly and bring a large vocabulary. Some songs and games for babies this age can also stimulate both language and thinking skills, and 21-month-olds seem to love them.
Cognitive development, or intellectual development, involves a child's ability to solve problems, learn, reason and think. A 21-month-old can participate in adult conversations and begin to develop their reasoning skills. She also knows some preliminary information about herself and her family such as her age and address, can determine which of the two is heavier, and can name the days of the week. At this age, a 21-month-old can tell stories that have a full beginning, middle, and end. Baby also knows the names of different shapes. However, children this age often cannot distinguish reality from fantasy.

Trẻ 21 tháng tuổi bắt đầu phát triển kỹ năng lập luận của mình
Trẻ 21 tháng tuổi bắt đầu phát triển kỹ năng lập luận của mình

4. Tips for language and cognitive development for 21-month-olds

Here are some ways parents can use to best develop language and cognitive abilities for their 21-month-old baby:
Continue to encourage your 21-month-old to learn how to dress themselves. At this point, your baby can take off a piece of clothing. Soon, they will also be able to put on a shirt, a pair of pants or even shoes on their own. Sign up for a swim class for both mom and baby. Experts used to discourage formal swimming lessons for children under the age of 4, because very few children under that age have enough muscle strength to let their bodies float on the water. But today, experts encourage informal swimming programs to keep toddlers comfortable in the water and teach them about the dangers they can face. Don't force your child to share if he's not ready to do so. But definitely praise if the child does it. Some parents find using the term "take turns" more effective than overemphasizing the issue of "sharing". Pediatricians measure a child's growth not only by weight and height, but also by proficiency in skills and language abilities. These skills often develop at a predictable age and follow long-term developmental milestones. According to experts, toddlers have many levels of normality. Don't worry too much if your child's development doesn't exactly match the pre-set milestones. Each child will go through a different development process. Even children in the same family can develop at different rates. A typical toddler at age 21 may reach some milestones earlier but may also reach others later than their peers.

Cha mẹ tiếp tục khuyến khích trẻ 21 tháng tuổi học cách tự mặc quần áo
Cha mẹ tiếp tục khuyến khích trẻ 21 tháng tuổi học cách tự mặc quần áo

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