Is your mouth "well or sick"?

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Oral health not only affects confidence and ability to communicate in particular, but also has a relationship with other organs as well as the general health of the whole body.

1. Can bacteria in the mouth affect the heart?

Some studies show that people with periodontal disease are at higher risk of cardiovascular disease than the general population. The actual cause of this problem is unknown, but there is no evidence that periodontal disease is the cause of other diseases. However, patients need better oral health care.

2. Periodontal disease and diabetes

Diabetes can lower the body's resistance to infections. Elevated blood sugar levels in the blood increase the risk of periodontal disease, and periodontal disease makes blood sugar control more difficult. Protect your teeth by keeping your blood sugar as close to normal as possible. Don't forget to floss, brush your teeth after every meal, and use an antiseptic mouthwash daily. Get regular dental check-ups at least twice a year or as directed by your doctor.

3. Dry mouth and tongue cause damage to teeth

People who are unfortunate enough to have Sjögren's syndrome are more susceptible to oral health problems than the general population. Sjögren's syndrome causes the body's immune system to attack the lacrimal and salivary glands, causing chronic dry eyes and mouth. Saliva helps protect teeth and gums from plaque and gingivitis caused by bacteria. Therefore, a chronically dry mouth will obviously increase the risk of tooth damage and periodontal disease.

Miệng và lưỡi khô gây hư hại cho răng
Miệng và lưỡi khô gây hư hại cho răng

4.Medications to treat dry mouth

Chronic dry mouth increases your risk of plaque formation and periodontal disease, but it's also important to watch out for any medications you're currently taking. Antihistamines, decongestants, pain relievers, and antidepressants are all medications that can cause dry mouth. Please consult your doctor and dentist if the medicine brings about unwanted effects so that there can be a solution.

5. Stress and bruxism

If you are under stress, anxiety, or depression, your risk of dental problems is higher. People who are stressed produce more of the hormone cortisol, and this causes great damage not only to their teeth but also to the body. Moreover, stress makes people less interested in their teeth, up to 50% of stressed people do not floss or brush their teeth regularly. In addition, harmful habits often associated with stress are smoking, drinking, and grinding teeth.

6. Osteoporosis and tooth loss

Osteoporosis affects all the bones in the body, including the jawbone and can cause tooth loss. The bacteria in periodontal disease can also affect the jawbone. An osteoporosis medicine called a bisphosphonate may slightly increase the risk of a rare condition called osteonecrosis, which causes bone loss in the jaw. However, often people only care about this problem after a maxillofacial surgery. Tell your dentist if you are being treated with a bisphosphonate.

Bệnh loãng xương ảnh hưởng tới toàn bộ các xương của cơ thể, bao gồm cả xương hàm và có thể gây nên tình trạng mất răng
Bệnh loãng xương ảnh hưởng tới toàn bộ các xương của cơ thể, bao gồm cả xương hàm và có thể gây nên tình trạng mất răng

7. Pale gums and anemia

The mouth may hurt and look pale if the body is anemic, and the tongue may become inflamed. With anemia, the body does not have enough red blood cells, or the red blood cells do not contain enough hemoglobin, resulting in not enough oxygen to feed the body. There are different types of anemia with different treatments. See your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

8. Eating disorders cause tooth enamel to gradually be destroyed

Dentists may be the first to recognize an eating disorder (such as anorexia nervosa). Stomach acid from repeated vomiting will severely erode tooth enamel, cause swelling of the mouth and throat, affect salivary glands as well as create bad breath. Eating disorders can cause nutritional deficiencies and affect oral health.

9. Oral thrush and HIV

People with HIV and AIDS may develop oral thrush, oral warts, lip sores, recurrent mouth ulcers, and oral mucosal leukoplakia (white or gray patches on the tongue or inside the cheeks). The patient's immune system is weakened and cannot fight off infections. People with HIV and AIDS are also prone to dry mouth, which increases the risk of oral diseases that make chewing, eating, swallowing and talking difficult.

10. Treating periodontal disease may help with rheumatoid arthritis

People with rheumatoid arthritis face an eight-fold increased risk of periodontal disease compared with those without autoimmune conditions. What both diseases have in common is inflammation. But the bad news is that rheumatoid arthritis patients can have difficulty cleaning their teeth because damaged knuckles interfere with flossing and brushing. The good news is that treating an acquired dental infection can help reduce inflammation in general and ease joint pain.

11. Loss of teeth and kidney disease

Adults with missing teeth are more susceptible to chronic kidney disease than the general population. The exact cause and link are still unknown, but researchers suggest chronic inflammation may be a threat. So take good care of your teeth to prevent problems with chronic kidney disease.

12. Periodontal disease and premature birth

Nếu thai phụ mắc bệnh nha chu sẽ đối mặt với nguy cơ sinh non
Nếu thai phụ mắc bệnh nha chu sẽ đối mặt với nguy cơ sinh non
Pregnant women with periodontal disease are at increased risk of preterm delivery and low birth weight babies. The mechanism and explanation of the correlation are still unclear, but it is possible that the reason stems from inflammation and infection. Pregnancy and hormonal changes also aggravate periodontitis. Please consult your obstetrician and dental hygienist for the appropriate direction.

13. What will healthy gums look like?

Healthy gums will be pink and strong, with no redness and swelling. To keep your teeth healthy, practice good hygiene. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss at least once a day, gargle with an antiseptic mouthwash once or twice a day, have regular dental visits, and don't smoke.
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