Is tooth extraction painful?

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The cases indicated by the doctor to take the tooth pulp are usually when the tooth is chipped, decayed, ... causing the pulp to become infected and necrotic. The doctor will usually focus on the method of preserving the tooth, but there are still some cases where the tooth has to be extracted. So when to extract a tooth that has taken the pulp? Is tooth extraction painful? The following article will answer this issue in detail to help readers.

1. Do teeth that have been extracted need to be extracted?

For some teeth that have had their pulp removed or died, the preservation of real teeth still needs to be a top priority. This is one of the basic principles in dentistry and is especially important for each patient's oral health.
Teeth after the pulp has been removed, most of them no longer have any function. Because the tooth has also lost its source of life, it will gradually become weak and easy to crack, so it can only last for about 1 year. Usually, if the tooth has been treated, the doctor will appoint a filling or porcelain crown to increase the life of the tooth as well as restore the chewing function. Therefore, in these cases, the tooth should not be extracted, but it should be preserved to avoid future complications caused by tooth loss.
However, in case the tooth that has taken the pulp has an abscess, inflammation or a loose tooth that is about to fall off, it is necessary to extract the tooth that has taken the pulp to protect the gums, gums as well as the surrounding tissues. This also helps prevent the infection from spreading to other teeth in the jaw.

2. Is the extraction of the tooth that has taken the pulp painful?

Usually, after the tooth has been extracted, it still hurts. The main reason is that the root canal treatment process is not really effective or comes from the following reasons:
The cleaning of the inflamed pulp has not been thorough, there is still a remnant of dead pulp tissue and an infection that causes the disease to flare up. develop rapidly, causing pain to the patient; The technique of sealing the canal is not careful, not tight, this allows bacteria to thrive, eat away and attack your tooth structure; The doctor's skill is not high, puncture the pulp floor or pulp apex, this is a position adjacent to the root; Materials used to fill teeth are of poor quality, easily falling off during chewing. From there, it will create an opportunity for acids as well as bacteria to multiply, grow and attack the tooth pulp, causing pain.

3. Note after extracting the tooth has taken the pulp

Whether or not the extraction of a tooth that has been extracted is painful will also be affected by your oral care regimen. Therefore, after extracting a tooth that has died, you need to pay attention to the following issues to make the recovery process faster and safer.
Diet after tooth extraction has taken root canal:
You should eat foods that are easy to swallow, less chewy but still have enough nutrients such as porridge, soup...; Do not eat hard food or food that has not been cooked thoroughly because it will have a strong impact on the newly extracted tooth area, causing bleeding and jaw fatigue; Avoid eating foods that are too hot, too cold, spicy or greasy; Do not chew food at the extraction site as it can cause infection. Proper oral hygiene after tooth extraction:
Should brush teeth regularly every day, gentle movements and do not affect the position where the tooth has been extracted; Avoid contact of the socket with sharp objects such as toothpicks to keep the blood clot from breaking off or bleeding again; Rinse your mouth clean daily to prevent bacteria from growing in the socket causing infection; Periodic dental check-up every 6 months:
Periodic dental check-ups will help patients detect signs of pathology, prevent and promptly treat dangerous complications that may occur after extraction. the tooth has had the pulp removed. Normally, 1-2 weeks after extraction, the extraction will heal and the patient can eat and drink as usual. However, in cases where the spit takes a long time to heal, even bleeding continuously for many days and shows no signs of abating, these are unusual manifestations that you need to be especially careful about. Go to the dentist immediately to be checked and treated promptly by a doctor to avoid unwanted complications.
After extracting the tooth with the pulp removed, you should perform a denture to restore aesthetics and chewing function. With the method of implanting teeth by Implant, it will help prevent dangerous complications caused by tooth loss such as jaw displacement, jaw bone loss, gum recession or even premature aging,...
4. Teeth Have you taken the pulp, should it be covered with porcelain or extracted to plant a new tooth? The problem of teeth that have taken pulp should be covered with porcelain or planted with new teeth, depending on the degree and medical condition as follows:
Porcelain crowns in mild cases: If the teeth after root canal treatment are well cared for, the legs are still intact. If you have healthy teeth and frames, you can choose the method of porcelain crowns for restoration. The best condition for carrying out porcelain crowns is that the real tooth tissue must be abundant, strong and sturdy enough to support the crown. Porcelain dental implant in case of serious complications: The tooth that has taken the pulp is deeply decayed and broken. If left untreated for a long time, it will gradually become calcified, the root of the tooth is weak and wobbly. At this time, the real tooth tissue is almost necrotic, although it still exists on the jaw, it has completely lost its life and function as well as is very easy to shake and break, so it must be removed to place the implant. new. Implant implantation after tooth extraction has taken root canal is very necessary to prevent complications caused by tooth loss, such as crooked teeth, jaw pain, face deviation or bone loss, overbite. ..
Above is the information to help you answer the question, is the extraction of the tooth that has taken the pulp painful? Hope this information is useful for you to take care of and protect your oral health in the long run.
Currently, at Vinmec International General Hospital, there is a dental implant package. When registering for the Implant package, customers will receive:
General dental examination; CT Cone Beam 3D dental film; Perform tests such as Prothrombin Time (PT: Prothrombin Time), Thrombin Time (TT: Thrombin Time) by automatic machine, Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT: Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) by automatic machine, Fibrinogen quantification (factor I quantification), Clausse-direct method; Implant surgery (Transplant 01 MIS brand implant); Attach 01 Abutment (prosthetic pillar); Prosthetics on implants and bridges: Cercon porcelain; E.max Zirconia (CAD/CAM); Cercon porcelain crown attached with cement/Titanium attached with cement/Titanium mounted with screws on the Implant; General dental check-up (by appointment); Get tartar.

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