Is blood in urine after laparoscopic lithotripsy?

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Hello doctor! My husband just returned home from endoscopic lithotripsy, with a tube in place, 2 days after discharge from the hospital. When urinating, there is still blood in the urine. Bleeding from time to time. I want to ask if there is blood in urine after laparoscopic lithotripsy?
Anonymous customer
First of all, thank you for sharing the question "is it okay to urinate after laparoscopic lithotripsy?" to the website. Please answer your questions as follows:
"Intubation" after urolithiasis, the correct term is JJ catheter placement, JJ catheter is placed for many purposes depending on urinary tract status and lithotripsy results.
Usually, after lithotripsy, the urine will be clear or light pink in the first few days, in case there is red urine such as meat wash or bright red blood, it may be due to UTI, unstable urinary tract injury. or because many JJ tubes rub against the urinary tract, causing mucosal water to build up, causing red urine.
According to the doctor, you or your husband should inform the surgeon about the current condition for specific advice and close monitoring. If you can't contact or are not sure about your condition, you and your husband can go to the nearest Vinmec International General Hospital to see a urologist and get an accurate diagnosis. disease, with the most appropriate treatment. When you go to the doctor, you should bring the results of the previous visits (if any).
You can go to the clinics and hospitals of Vinmec Health System nationwide to get more advice from doctors. Best regards!
Answered by Master, Doctor Tran Thanh Hung - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital
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