Is allergic rhinitis contagious?

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The article was professionally consulted by Dr. Nguyen Van Dinh - Head of Respiratory - Asthma - Allergy - Clinical Immunology Unit, Vinmec Times City International Hospital.
Allergic rhinitis is a disease that affects people of all ages, but is more common in young and middle-aged people. Although the disease is not life-threatening, it often lasts a long time, affecting quality of life. Allergic rhinitis is sometimes confused with sinusitis.

1. What is allergic rhinitis?

Allergic rhinitis is inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by exposure to an allergen (substance/allergen) of the respiratory tract. This is a benign disease, but it causes many inconveniences to the patient, even seriously affecting the quality of life.
Allergic rhinitis is divided into 2 types:
Seasonal allergic rhinitis: Depending on the weather in each season, impurities in the wind such as pollen, mold... Allergic rhinitis is present all year round: In any season, allergic rhinitis can be caused by agents such as insects (fleas, ticks...), house dust, pet hair, especially cats and dogs. Although allergic rhinitis is not life-threatening, it causes a lot of trouble for the patient and therefore has a great impact on health. Allergic rhinitis if not treated scientifically will be one of the causes leading to allergic sinusitis, nasal polyps, sinus polyps...
Symptoms of allergic rhinitis Patients with allergic rhinitis have many symptoms such as itchy nose, runny nose, especially constant sneezing. Chronic disease has symptoms that are easily confused with sinusitis, such as frequent nasal congestion, ringing in the ears, and headaches. Some cases of long-term chronic rhinitis cause olfactory dysfunction or snoring due to nasal congestion.
>>> Is allergic rhinitis different from common rhinitis? Effective treatment

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2. Is allergic rhinitis contagious?

Allergic rhinitis is a disease with an allergic mechanism, not an infectious disease - that is, allergic rhinitis is not transmitted from person to person.

3. How to prevent allergic rhinitis?

Vào thời điểm giao mùa, khi thay đổi thời tiết, cần giữ cho cơ thể đủ ấm
Vào thời điểm giao mùa, khi thay đổi thời tiết, cần giữ cho cơ thể đủ ấm

Allergic rhinitis is caused by many causes, so people with allergies need to be wary of allergic rhinitis. To limit disease, it is important to note:
Do not keep pets in the house (dogs, cats, ...), minimize contact with pets. Periodically clean utensils (blankets, sheets, pillows, cushions, upholstery, ...) to limit dust mites from developing, keep the place clean, cool, avoid moisture to limit mold. Good personal hygiene. Do not smoke, minimize exposure to dust (such as wearing a mask when cleaning, when going out,...). At the time of changing seasons, when the weather changes, it is necessary to keep the body warm enough. Patients with allergic rhinitis can be treated with the following groups of drugs:
Antihistamines: Anti-itchy, runny, watery eyes Inhaled corticosteroids: Use aerosols into the nasal mucosa. Nasal spray corticosteroids usually take effect within 24-48 hours. However, a period of time is required for full effect (2-4 days for fluticasone, 3-7 days for budesonide). Corticosteroid nasal spray is not toxic but can also cause some side effects such as headache, sore throat, nasal irritation, sneezing, cough, nausea, skin rash, itching,... : Isotonic sodium chloride solution (0.9%) causes vasoconstriction, so it can prevent nasal congestion, used for adults, children, including newborns. Naphazoline enhances sympathomimetic causing local vasoconstriction in the nose, thus preventing nasal congestion. Use nasal drops 0.05 - 0.1% for adults. In children, it also causes sympathomimetic but stronger, first of all, the local effect causes strong vasoconstriction, preventing blood from reaching the nasal mucosa, causing necrosis; then absorbed internally, causing headache, dizziness, increased blood pressure, tachycardia, agitation, anxiety; especially causes vasoconstriction in the brain, heart, and scalp, which can lead to death. Absolutely do not arbitrarily use the drug for children under 15 years old. Xylometazoline: A vasoconstrictor against nasal congestion. Use for adults and children but not more than 3 days. Do not use for children under 2 years old. Phenylephrine: increases adrenaline secretion causing adrenergic phenomena to cause vasoconstriction, reduce congestion, anti-congestion. However, also due to this phenomenon that increases blood pressure, glaucoma, cannot be used for people with high blood pressure who are taking MAO inhibitors. Children are very sensitive to phenylephrine, especially when the child self-administered without dose control, will cause local as well as systemic toxicity, should not be used in children. Adults only use one nostril at a time, not more than 5 times a day. Allergic rhinitis is a common disease, causing many inconveniences to patients' living, studying and working, even if not adequately treated, it will be one of the causes leading to allergic sinusitis, polyps. nose, sinus polyps,... When there are signs of disease, patients should go to the doctor immediately for appropriate treatment.
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