Is a 13-month-old 75cm tall baby dwarfed?

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Toddler age has arrived when your baby is 13 months old. This also means trouble at mealtimes, diaper changes, bedtime and mood swings. These same factors also affect the development of children in the second year of life. Therefore, parents need to know how tall a 13-month-old baby is to monitor and care for the child.

1. Physical development of 13 months old baby

When children are 13 months old, motor skills have gradually improved, children tend to be more and more mobile. At this time, the baby's weight gain slows down, but the child's limbs grow quickly, making the lovely skin lines on the children's limbs gradually disappear.
How tall is a 13-month-old? According to the World Health Organization, the average height at 13 months of age is 75cm (29.6 inches) for girls and 77cm (30.3 inches) for boys. In terms of weight, the average index of a 13-month-old child is 10kg. Of course, every child is different and — just like in childhood — the number on a child's growth chart in itself is not important as long as a child is gaining weight and growing in a healthy way, reflected by a positive curve on the weight-height chart.
Accordingly, if the baby is 13 months tall, 75cm is suitable for girls but will be slightly short for boys. However, the baby still has a good chance of growing taller in the following months. Thus, it is necessary to monitor the indicators on the growth chart, helping parents to detect early that their child is not growing healthy and consult a pediatrician. If a baby weighing device is not available at home, the child's weight and height will also be checked during the physical examination at the 15-month mark.
"Trẻ 13 tháng cao bao nhiêu?" là vấn đề được nhiều phụ huynh quan tâm

2. The development of 13 months old baby's skills

Here are some important skills a 13-month-old may already have or may be working on:
Can a 13-month-old talk? Yes, but it may not sound like real words. Children may be using the same babble — "ba" for bottle, "da" for "dada" or even "cak" for coat, for example — and that counts as speaking. Some 13-month-olds are still using nonsensical statements that have the same tone and rhythm as real conversation but don't include any actual words. That is also normal.
Toddlers: Most 13-month-old toddlers are able to stand up on their own and can walk around the room with a few unsteady steps while holding onto furniture. Some parents will be worried because their baby can't walk yet, so don't worry because even some perfectly healthy babies don't walk until they are 18 months old.

3. Sleep of a 13-month-old baby

Parents may notice that their 13-month-old is already quite settled with a daily sleep routine - although little things, such as flu, teething can sometimes happen to interfere with sleep. .
One to two year olds should sleep a total of 11 to 14 hours in 24 hours a day. Some 13-month-olds still get two naps a day, but others start to transition to just one (usually by 18 months). So, how those hours are divided depends on the child's schedule as well as the family's living habits.

4. Diet for 13-month-old children

At 13 months, babies are transitioning away from specialized infant foods, breast milk and/or formula to similar adult foods. However, keep in mind that children are still learning all these new things, so parents can make the transition slowly, while helping children get used to it but still get the nutrition and energy they need.

Một chế độ dinh dưỡng phù hợp sẽ giúp đảm bảo cho trẻ 13 tháng tuổi phát triển toàn diện
Một chế độ dinh dưỡng phù hợp sẽ giúp đảm bảo cho trẻ 13 tháng tuổi phát triển toàn diện

Accordingly, the diet of most toddlers is expected to provide about 1,000 calories per day - including solid foods or milk drinks - or count for about 40 calories per inch of height of children. However, trying to accurately measure a child's calorie intake is impractical. Babies can enjoy play, exercise, anorexia so parents or caregivers can hardly expect a 13-month-old baby to be able to eat the same sized portions from one meal to the next - or the same amount of food from day to day. Indeed, don't expect your child to touch food after he ate it wholeheartedly yesterday.
In fact, to prepare one serving for a 13-month-old baby is about a quarter of an adult serving with three meals and two snacks per day. Then, parents should allow their child to have self-directed weaning by choosing extras according to his or her appetite such as milk, yogurt, ice cream, cookies, cereal or fruit.
Besides, parents need to be aware that toddlers tend to get too little calcium, iron and fiber. So, in addition to dairy products, children should get calcium from foods like green leafy vegetables, broccoli and tofu or lean ground beef. For fiber, children can eat whole-grain crackers, bananas, and whole-wheat pasta.
On the other hand, milk is still an essential source of nutrition for children. And how much milk a 13-month-old should drink depends on how much other calcium is in his or her diet. However, most 13-month-olds should drink milk, whole milk, because babies over one year old need fat for brain development. Only at the age of two should parents switch their children to skim or 1 percent fat milk. Since doctors recommend children aged one to three years get 700 mg of calcium per day, if children are not getting calcium from any other source, they will need about three cups of milk per day. In case the child gets calcium from other sources, parents can adjust the child's milk intake accordingly.
In short, the development of 13-month-old babies tends to slow down and become more independent. Although children refuse to eat more often than before, and parents cannot and really should not force their children to eat when they know how tall and heavy a 13-month-old is. Instead, continue to patiently provide a variety of healthy, natural, unprocessed foods, both to cope with picky eating at 13 months of age, and to ensure a source of nutrients for your baby's growth at this time. this point.
In addition, 13-month-old children need 5mg of elemental zinc/day to eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
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