Instructions to drink collagen properly

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Collagen has an important influence on women's skin. Supplementing with collagen helps to maintain youthfulness and is necessary for women aged 25 and over. So how to effectively supplement collagen as desired?

1. Importance of collagen supplements

In the body, collagen accounts for 25% of total protein and accounts for 70% of the structure of the skin, plays a role in connecting subcutaneous tissues into a complete structure. From there, it has a particularly important influence in maintaining the elasticity, smoothness and firmness of the skin.
Besides, collagen also accounts for a fairly large percentage in other parts of the body such as bones, cartilage, ligaments, ... to help maintain the toughness and flexibility of the joints.
Once the old collagen is lost, new collagen is born to replace it, but as we age, the amount of collagen produced is very little, not enough to compensate for the lost collagen. Specifically, after the age of 25, the body will lose about 1-1.5% of collagen every year, causing the body to age quickly, the face will appear many wrinkles, the skin also begins to dry and flow. sagging,... Therefore, supplementing with collagen is a way to help women keep their youthful features as well as recover and regain their youthfulness.

Bổ sung collagen giúp duy trì độ đàn hồi và căng mịn cho làn da
Bổ sung collagen giúp duy trì độ đàn hồi và căng mịn cho làn da

2. Some foods contain collagen

Collagen is present a lot in foods eaten daily, so you should take advantage of collagen tolerance through daily dishes to promote the body to increase natural collagen production. Specifically, the following top foods:
2.1 Avocado Fruit helps to beautify the skin naturally thanks to beneficial nutrients such as: Vitamin E, Omega 3 fatty acids to help increase the body's natural collagen.
2.2 Carrot is a fruit that helps to beautify the skin perfectly, promotes the production and repair of damaged collagen thanks to vitamins and other beneficial nutrients.
2.3 Garlic Garlic contains sulfur and other substances such as lipoic acid and taurine that help build and strengthen broken collagen fibers.
2.4 Salmon This raw material is quite rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that both help protect heart health, reduce bad LDL cholesterol levels, and also help promote the body's natural collagen production.
Although, natural foods help stimulate the body to produce collagen to maintain the health and beauty of the skin extremely well, but the amount of collagen produced is extremely low. That is the reason that wrinkles, dry, dull skin still do not improve much.
So collagen functional foods were born and trusted by many women.

Cá hồi chứa lượng acid béo và Omega-3 dồi dào để bổ sung cho cơ thể
Cá hồi chứa lượng acid béo và Omega-3 dồi dào để bổ sung cho cơ thể

3. Types of collagen

To properly use functional foods to help beautify the skin, you need to follow the instructions for using each type of collagen such as:
3.1 Liquid collagen Before drinking, shake the bottle gently, then open the shell. bottle and drink. This type of collagen drink is quickly absorbed by the body.
3.2 Collagen Powder This type of collagen only needs to be dissolved in water and taken normally. Time to drink is in the evening 30 minutes before going to bed.
3.3 Collagen tablets In order for your body to fully absorb collagen tablets, you should drink them with plenty of water.

Collagen dạng nước và dạng viên được nhiều chị em ưa chuộng
Collagen dạng nước và dạng viên được nhiều chị em ưa chuộng

4. How to drink Collagen to get the best effect?

To achieve high efficiency, you must drink collagen to bring the best benefits, you must choose for yourself a good product, suitable for your body and skin. Such as:
4.1 How to take collagen liquid Just shake gently, open the bottle and drink. This liquid collagen is very easy to drink. In addition, water-based Collagen products have a fast dissolution and quick absorption process, making it easy for your body to fully absorb the amount of Collagen when entering the body.

4.2 How to take Collagen Powder This type of collagen is packaged form, just need to be dissolved with water to drink.
4.3 How to take Collagen tablets This type of collagen has a moderate level of solubility, take this pill with plenty of water for the body to fully absorb and avoid being excreted.

Collagen dạng viên cần uống với nhiều nước để cơ thể dễ hấp thụ
Collagen dạng viên cần uống với nhiều nước để cơ thể dễ hấp thụ

5. When is the best time to drink Collagen?

You can take Collagen at any time of the day, but using it at night is the most effective way to use Collagen. Because in the evening is the time when metabolism and skin regeneration takes place most strongly, so applying collagen at this time will help the body absorb faster, more optimal efficiency. If drinking at other times of the day, you should drink 3 hours before meals and limit food intake immediately after drinking. Each user takes 5g of Collagen in 1 day. Combine exercise and diet with collagen.

6. Things to remember when taking Collagen

Pregnant and breastfeeding women from 6 months or less should note when using Collagen: For those who are taking birth control pills, they should not take collagen supplements into the body. Because if you take both, you will have side effects in your body such as a false feeling of pregnancy, accompanied by signs such as melasma, body fatigue. Combine exercise and sports with taking Collagen to bring about a healthy and scientific lifestyle to help the body develop and regenerate good skin. If you are allergic to any medication, consult your doctor before taking it. At the same time, to achieve the best results, you should take these supplements for 3 months, then stop for 1 month to let the body absorb the full amount of Collagen and then use the same dose again. maintenance is okay.
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