Instructions for wearing a medical mask correctly

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Currently, 2019-nCoV causing an acute pneumonia epidemic is causing concern worldwide, so many people have chosen to protect themselves by wearing medical masks. However, wearing a medical mask only works when you use it correctly.

1. Instructions on how to wear a medical mask properly

Wearing masks against pollution, viruses, dust,... properly will prevent pathogens.
Currently the disease caused by 2019-nCoV is a global concern, so wearing a medical mask correctly will prevent large droplets containing the virus from being ejected from the carrier through sneezing or coughing. Therefore, it will effectively prevent the virus.
The Ministry of Health said that people can use regular medical masks. Those who directly care for and treat corona-infected patients or those entering the outbreak need to wear face coverings and special masks.

Khẩu trang y tế được khuyến cáo sử dụng
Khẩu trang y tế được khuyến cáo sử dụng

Here are instructions for wearing a medical mask properly that you should do:
When wearing a medical mask, it is necessary to leave the blue side out, the white side inside. Because the blue side is water resistant, it won't seep in. The white side is hygroscopic, to let the breath out. When wearing a mask, it must cover the nose and mouth. Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth when wearing a mask, because this move inadvertently makes your hands infected with corona virus and other pathogens that transmit the disease to yourself and those around you. After wearing a medical mask once, it should not be reused but must be thrown in a trash can with a lid. When removing the mask, do not use the hand to hold the mask, but should hold the strap over the ear to remove it. Wash your hands with soap and water for about 20 seconds after discarding the mask.

Đeo khẩu trang y tế đúng cách
Đeo khẩu trang y tế đúng cách

2. Measures to prevent corona virus

To prevent diseases caused by corona virus, people and communities actively implement the following measures:
Less direct contact with people who are suffering from acute respiratory infections. When you have to come into contact with them, you must wear a medical mask. Need to cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, not spit in public places; If you have a cough, fever, difficulty breathing, you must immediately notify a medical facility and do not travel or go to crowded places; Clean body and house regularly; eat cooked, drink hot and keep body warm, increase resistance; Do not travel to areas where there is currently an outbreak. If travel is required, personal protective measures should be taken;

Mọi người không nên đi du lịch đến các vùng hiện đang có dịch bệnh
Mọi người không nên đi du lịch đến các vùng hiện đang có dịch bệnh

Do not buy, sell, contact with wild or domestic animals; If returning from China, they should self-isolate at home and monitor their health status for at least 2 weeks. Notify medical facilities when you have signs of fever, cough, difficulty breathing and must wear a mask to protect loved ones and the community; If it is not important, you should not go to China at this time. If you must go, you should limit leaving the house; apply disease prevention measures as recommended.
Instructions for wearing a medical mask correctly

Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.
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