Instructions for children to take supplements properly

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Supplements are like any other medicine, too much can cause side effects. Therefore, in order for children to take supplements properly, parents should take the child to a doctor for specific advice on the type, content and safe use of the drug.

1. Should you add supplements for your baby?

Children are healthy, have enough weight but parents suspect that the diet is not enough, they can go to the doctor for specific advice. Not enough nutrients can come from many different causes such as wilted vegetables, not fresh fruit or overcooking of food causing a lot of vitamin C loss, eating white rice that has been sifted many times causes vitamin B1 loss,...
Children malnourished children need to be supplemented with tonics. For obese children, it is recommended to eat a low-fat diet combined with vitamin supplements because fat plays an important role in the absorption of vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K.
Newborns (0 to 4 months old) supplement nutrients by giving tonics to their mothers, not directly giving them to babies. However, parents who want to supplement with supplements for their children need to take their children to the doctor to know what nutrients the child lacks and how much before supplementing.

2. What tonic for children to take?

On the market, there are many types of tonics used for children, of which the most popular and safe can be mentioned:
Micro nuggets: Micro nuggets provide vitamins, minerals and active ingredients to help stimulate delicious, used for children with anorexia. Supplements for children with anorexia should be used as directed by a doctor to minimize the risk of side effects. Probiotics and digestive enzymes: There are many different ingredients such as whey protein, zinc, lysine, taurine to help balance the intestinal microflora, increase appetite, increase the ability to absorb nutrients from food and improve children's appetite. High-energy milk: High-energy milk contains natural fiber to help support digestion, limit the risk of constipation, flatulence, and bloating. In addition, it also contains many vitamins and minerals such as IgA, IgM, IgB to help strengthen immunity. Before buying any tonic, parents also need to carefully read the product's ingredients, vitamin and mineral content, and origin to give their children the correct and safe tonic.

Bổ sung thuốc bổ cho bé biếng ăn nên dùng theo chỉ dẫn của bác sĩ
Bổ sung thuốc bổ cho bé biếng ăn nên dùng theo chỉ dẫn của bác sĩ

3. Is it good for children to take a lot of supplements?

Supplements are like any other medicine, overuse can cause unwanted side effects, so, before adding supplements to children, it is necessary to determine which nutrients the child lacks through symptoms. controls and clinical tests.
Calcium: Excess calcium can cause many problems such as kidney calcification, enlarged bones, reduced absorption of other minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus. Vitamin D: Excess vitamin D causes hypercalcemia, soft tissue calcification, kidney failure, early ossification of cartilage, anorexia, fatigue in young children. For pregnant women, it can cause placental calcification. Vitamin A: Excess vitamin A causes headaches, increased intracranial pressure, dermatitis, atrophy of the optic nerve in infants. For pregnant women, excess vitamin A can cause birth defects. Vitamin C: Excess vitamin C can cause diarrhea, even gastrointestinal ulcers, kidney stones when used for a long time. Parents should note that Effervescent C is not a beverage, should not be given to children to drink every day to avoid causing the above effects. Iron: Too much iron can cause constipation. Vitamins of group B: Allergy to B vitamins, especially B6, B1, B12, at a mild level can cause raised eyebrows, severe can cause anaphylaxis. Note, vitamin A and vitamin D taken in the wrong dosage can cause many serious side effects. Therefore, before using these two vitamins, it is necessary to see a doctor to be measured and prescribed by a doctor.

Cần cho trẻ uống thuốc bổ đúng cách và an toàn
Cần cho trẻ uống thuốc bổ đúng cách và an toàn

4. Give your child the right tonic

Supplements should be given to children during the day, preferably in the morning. It is okay to drink before or after meals for single vitamins, for multivitamins, it should be taken after meals to avoid causing discomfort.
Supplements are shaped like candy, so they should be kept out of reach of children, avoiding children thinking it is candy and accidentally taking an overdose of the drug causing side effects. Liquid tonics need to be taken in the correct number of drops or volume (ml) because they are easily absorbed, taking a higher dose causes an excess dose of the drug causing side effects.
In short, supplements are just like other drugs, excess supplementation can cause side effects. While using tonics, if there are reactions such as itching, hives, difficulty breathing or discomfort in the body, it is necessary to stop the drug and immediately return to the doctor for timely treatment.
Supplements cannot replace food, but should combine the two, both supplementing the right needs and feeding the child enough to see the fastest effect.
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