Inguinal hernia in children needs early surgery

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The article was professionally consulted by MSc Vo Thien Ngon - Urologist, Vinmec International Hospital Da Nang.
Inguinal hernia in children is a congenital pathology, possibly right after birth, especially in premature babies; It could also be after a few months or years. May occur after a baby coughs or pushes a lot (constipation). This is a pathology that recommends early surgery to prevent possible serious complications.

1. Why should surgery for inguinal hernia early?

Inguinal hernia surgery is the only method to treat this pathology. The current trend is to operate the inguinal hernia as soon as possible to avoid complications of strangulation (due to bowel prolapse and failure to return to the abdomen). The best time for surgery, according to doctors, is when the child is nine months - one year old. This is the golden time to protect the blood vessels that feed the testicles and vas deferens; protect the child's future reproductive function.
If treatment is delayed, the visceral organs in the abdomen are at risk of prolapse into the hernia capsule and strangulation there, especially in the small intestine, this is a classic cause of motorized small bowel obstruction in emergency surgery. When this complication occurs, urgent surgery is required early to avoid bowel necrosis. Besides, it is possible that the female patient's ovary or appendix also prolapsed into the hernia capsule. As for boys, it causes damage to the testicles because the blood vessels supplying the testicles are compressed by the blocked viscera, the intestines press on the testicular vascular bundles, causing a decrease in blood supply to the testicles...
However, When performing surgery for inguinal hernia, it is also necessary to consider accompanying factors such as whether the baby was born prematurely, has any special pathology or not... In case there is a diagnosis of inguinal hernia, surgery is required. But if the inguinal hernia cannot be operated on immediately, apply pressure on the side of the hernia and operate at an appropriate time. With the current surgical technique, the incision is small, about 3-4cm in the inguinal fold area. The average hospital stay was two days and the sutures were removed after seven days, when the incision was healed.

Phẫu thuật thoát vị bẹn là phương pháp duy nhất để điều trị bệnh lý này
Phẫu thuật thoát vị bẹn là phương pháp duy nhất để điều trị bệnh lý này

2. Complications of inguinal hernia

Necrotic Intestinal Obstruction: About 20% of patients may have bowel obstruction at any age but it is common in boys with inguinal hernias and about 60% of ingu postpartum. This is a case where the intestine or the mesentery of the intestine cannot run back into the abdomen, is blocked at the neck of the bag or is twisted, leading to lack of blood supply. Therefore, if the inguinal hernia surgery is not timely, the intestine and mesentery of the child will be necrotic, causing generalized peritonitis. This is also one of the favorable factors leading to testicular torsion, testicular atrophy, strangulation of the spermatic cord bundle causing testicular necrosis, vasectomy causing infertility. Inguinal hernia is stuck, due to the herniated viscera going down but unable to push up due to sticking to the hernia sac or because the viscera in the bag stick together. Incarcerated inguinal hernias often cause a feeling of entanglement and are more prone to injury. Injury to the hernia mass due to the large and descending mass is relatively frequent, trauma from the outside causes contusion and rupture of internal organs... Digestive disorders, causing growth retardation in cases of inguinal hernia in young children. Inguinal hernia is also a favorable factor causing testicular torsion, testicular atrophy, strangulation of the spermatic cord, causing testicular necrosis.

Thoát vị bẹn còn là yếu tố thuận lợi gây xoắn tinh hoàn, teo tinh hoàn
Thoát vị bẹn còn là yếu tố thuận lợi gây xoắn tinh hoàn, teo tinh hoàn

3. Inguinal hernia surgery

Currently, there are two different surgical methods for inguinal hernias that are applied in the treatment of inguinal hernias: laparoscopic and open surgery.
Open surgery: An inguinal hernia surgery in which the doctor will make a single cut, thereby sealing the hernia and solidifying the abdominal wall. Laparoscopic surgery: This is a less invasive method of inguinal hernia surgery but more complicated than open surgery. Accordingly, the patient will be under general anesthesia and the doctor will make a few small cuts in the area to be operated on. The abdomen is pumped with CO2 gas to create a space for the doctor to perform intra-abdominal operations. The choice of surgery method depends on the disease condition and general health. With many advantages achieved, the modern laparoscopic method has gradually replaced the traditional surgical method in the treatment of inguinal hernia in children.
Inguinal hernia surgery is quite common and has very few risks. However, about 2-4% of cases relapse within 3 years. There are also other potential complications such as: Damage to the vas deferens - the tube that carries sperm to the testicles, pain and numbness in the groin area...
Hospital doctors recommend cases of inguinal hernia In infants, parents need to bring their children to the hospital as soon as possible for consultation and surgery. Avoid letting the disease progress to a strangulated inguinal hernia to proceed with treatment. Thus, when performing emergency inguinal hernia surgery, there are many potential risks that occur both during and after surgery.
To ensure effective inguinal hernia surgery, minimize the risk of recurrence, and recover quickly, you should choose treatment at reputable hospitals with a team of good and well-equipped doctors. Modern medical equipment, secure facilities and attentive post-operative care.
Vinmec Health System is equipped with modern and advanced facilities, international standard technical facilities, in addition, it always ensures the close supervision of medical managers, will help the case Laparoscopic surgery for inguinal hernia treatment in children was carried out smoothly and safely. In addition, in the field of surgical surgery, Vinmec possesses a very good level of anesthesia, anesthesia and analgesia, useful for surgery participants such as children.
Laparoscopic surgery to treat children's inguinal hernia is the most advanced surgical method today. This surgery has been applied at Vinmec Times City International General Hospital and now Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital is also ready to perform.
Customers can go directly to Vinmec Times City to visit or contact hotline 0243 9743 556 for support.
Customers can go directly to Vinmec Hai Phong to visit or contact hotline 0225 7309 888 for support.
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