Information on meningococcal infections and the Metracna vaccine

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Article written by MSc Nguyen Thanh Hung - Head of Pediatrics - Neonatology Department, Pediatrics - Neonatology Department - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital

MSc Huynh Bao Toan - Pediatrician - Neonatologist, Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital

Pharmacist Department of Pharmacy - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital

1. What are the causes of meningococcal infections?

The disease is caused by bacteria called Neisseria meningitidis . This bacterium has at least 13 serogroups, including: A, B, C, D, X, Y, Z, W-135, E-29, H, I, K, L. encountered in Vietnam are: A, B and C, in which serogroup A circulates in many places, which can cause large epidemics. Recently, there are W-135 and Y.

2. How is meningococcal disease transmitted?

The reservoir of pathogenic bacteria in nature is the sick person. Therefore, the main source of infection is sick and healthy people carrying the infection. The mode of transmission of the disease is direct contact through the respiratory tract such as coughing, sneezing, kissing... with droplets of saliva from an infected person to a healthy person.

Vi khuẩn Neisseria meningitidis là nguyên nhân gây ra bệnh nhiễm khuẩn do não mô cầu
Vi khuẩn Neisseria meningitidis là nguyên nhân gây ra bệnh nhiễm khuẩn do não mô cầu

3. When is the disease at high risk of outbreak?

The disease occurs in sporadic or epidemic form, in our country the disease usually occurs in winter - spring.

4. How long is the incubation period?

Incubation period is 2-10 days, average is 3-4 days.
The disease can progress rapidly, causing two serious conditions, sepsis and meningitis. Therefore, the disease needs to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

5. Is the prevalence of the disease in Vietnam high?

According to the data of the Central Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, the rate of disease in our country is 2.3/100,000 people, ranking 6th in the 10 infectious diseases with the highest mortality rate.
Common in children from 6 months to 1 year old.

6. What symptoms might an infected person have? How serious is the disease?

The disease can be in the form of meningococcal pharyngitis, or more severe forms such as meningitis, sepsis with a high mortality rate of 5-15%.
Common symptoms of meningococcal meningitis : High fever, severe headache (infants and young children will be violently fussy), vomiting and nausea (baby has poor appetite, refuses to breastfeed, lethargic), stiff neck or bulging fontanelle (when examined by the doctor), convulsions, coma may also occur.
Common symptoms of meningococcal sepsis : May or may not be accompanied by meningitis (30%) with high fever, chills, vomiting, cold hands and feet, arthralgia - muscle pain, > 70% disease The nucleus appears red or dark purple nodules with a size of 1-2mm to a few centimeters, with turbid fluid in the central area (Nodular rash). Nodules appear more often around large joints such as elbows, knees, ankles, can spread into plaques like maps.

If the disease is not detected early and treated promptly, it can cause rapid death within 24 hours or leave severe sequelae.

Người nhiễm bệnh viêm màng não do não mô cầu thường xuất hiện triệu chứng đau đầu
Người nhiễm bệnh viêm màng não do não mô cầu thường xuất hiện triệu chứng đau đầu

7. What should we do to prevent disease?

According to the guidance of the World Health Organization and the Department of Preventive Medicine - Ministry of Health, to prevent meningococcal infections in children and adults, we need to:
+ Raise awareness about meningococcal infections in children and adults. diseases, especially in localities with endemic epidemics, it is necessary to detect and isolate patients early and cooperate with medical staff to prevent epidemics.
+ Keep the living place, living environment, kindergarten and classroom clean, and keep children's toys clean.
+ The old outbreak site must be monitored, early detection of infected cases with symptoms of fever, pharyngitis. It is possible to test former patients and contacts if possible, to find healthy carriers of the bacteria.
+ Patients need thorough treatment, people in contact with patients need preventive treatment according to the protocol of the Ministry of Health..
+ It is recommended to vaccinate to prevent bacteria with types A, B, C , Y and W-135.

8. Currently, does Vietnam have enough vaccines to prevent meningococcal infections?

As mentioned above, we have 13 pathogenic serotypes. The types that cause severe disease are A, B, C, Y and W-135. Other types usually cause only milder symptoms or illness.
Currently on the Vietnamese market at Vinmec's Immunization Centers, we have a vaccine against meningococcal meningitis BC - Mengoc BC and a vaccine against meningococcal infection, meningitis, bacteremia caused by meningococcal types A, C, Y, W-135 with the full name Menactra produced by Sanofi Pasteur company in the US.

Hình ảnh vắc-xin viêm màng não mô cầu tuýp BC – Mengoc BC
Hình ảnh vắc-xin viêm màng não mô cầu tuýp BC – Mengoc BC

9. Who can get the Menactra vaccine?

Menactra vaccine is indicated for children 9 months to adults 55 years of age. At Vinmec, customers who come for vaccination are screened and consulted by specialist doctors.
+ Children from 9 to 24 months old: Menactra is given 2 doses at least 3 months apart.
+ People 02-55 years old: Inject 01 dose.

10. Can I get the Menactra vaccine if I have ever had VA-Mengoc-BC?

Okay. Severe meningococcal disease caused by serotypes A, B, C, Y and W-135. Therefore, both meningococcal vaccines BC and Menactra should be given. Customers will receive advice from the call center or details from the visiting doctor.

Hình ảnh vắc-xin Menactra
Hình ảnh vắc-xin Menactra

11. Can pregnant and lactating women inject Menactra?

Currently, recommendations from the manufacturer indicate that there are no data to fully evaluate.

12. How effective is the Menactra vaccine?

Menactra vaccine is produced by Sanofi Pasteur - the world's leading manufacturer of vaccines and biological products, Menactra is currently circulating in over 50 countries and territories. Menactra is highly immunogenic, can protect > 85% of infants against 4 serotypes of meningococcal bacteria, A, C, Y, W-135.
To vaccinate your child and family members with Menactra vaccine, you need to choose a vaccination facility that performs a 4-step vaccination process including:
Pre-vaccination screening. Perform vaccinations. Monitor post-injection reactions. Medical staff check health after vaccination. Vinmec International General Hospital provides customers with vaccination services with the following outstanding advantages:
Children will be examined and screened by pediatric-vaccine specialists. health and fitness issues, advice on preventive vaccines and injection regimens, how to monitor and care for children after vaccination before giving an indication for vaccination according to the latest recommendations of the Ministry of Health & The World Health Organization aims to ensure the best effectiveness and safety for children.

Trẻ được bác sĩ chuyên khoa khám sàng lọc trước khi tiêm chủng
Trẻ được bác sĩ chuyên khoa khám sàng lọc trước khi tiêm chủng

A team of experienced and professional pediatric doctors and nurses, understand children's psychology and apply effective pain relief methods for children during the vaccination process. 100% of vaccinated children were monitored for 30 minutes after vaccination and reassessed before leaving. Underwent general supervision before, during and after vaccination at Vinmec Health System and always have an emergency team ready to coordinate with the vaccination room to handle cases of anaphylaxis, respiratory failure - circulatory arrest, ensuring Ensure timely and correct handling when incidents occur. The vaccination room is airy, with a play area, helping children feel comfortable as if they are walking and have a good mentality before and after vaccination. Vaccines are imported and stored in a modern cold storage system, with a cold chain that meets GSP standards, keeping vaccines in the best conditions to ensure quality. Parents will receive a reminder message before the vaccination date and their child's vaccination information will be synchronized with the National Immunization Information System.
Customers can go directly to Vinmec Nha Trang to visit or contact hotline 0258 3900 168 for support.
Meningococcal disease, Department of Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health Meningococcal vaccination, CDC Meningococcal meningitis, WHO WHO recommendations for routine immunization, April 2019
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