In what cases is transrectal ultrasound indicated?

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The article was written by Specialist Doctor Nguyen Dinh Hung - Radiologist, Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Transrectal ultrasound is the use of an ultrasound probe designed to fit the rectum to survey the male pelvic organs or evaluate the rectal sphincter, to aid in perioperative procedures. ultrasound area.

1. Indications for transrectal ultrasound

Normal morphology, abnormality, pathological changes of structures located in the pelvis and pelvic floor in both men and women. Direct assessment of the structure of the rectum. Assist in biopsies of lesions around the survey area. Prostate survey and biopsies.

2. Preparation for transrectal ultrasound

Siêu âm qua ngả trực tràng chống chỉ định với bệnh nhân bị hen phế quản
Siêu âm qua ngả trực tràng chống chỉ định với bệnh nhân bị hen phế quản

The patient will have a full body examination to rule out contraindications to the procedure such as: Cardiovascular disease, bronchial asthma, allergy history... Advise and explain to the patient about the technique possible complications, risks and risks in the technical process. The patient fasted for at least 6 hours before the procedure. The patient had a clean enema and prophylactic antibiotics (oral or injected) 1 day before the biopsy. If the patient is being treated with anticoagulants, the drug must be stopped 1 week before the procedure.

3. Steps to conduct transrectal ultrasound

Steps to take:
The patient urinates before doing the ultrasound. Investigate previous imaging results if available. Doctor: Put on a shirt, gloves, and remove the transducer. Patient position: Lying on the left side with the knee in the abdomen, placing an intravenous line, installing a monitor to monitor breathing, pulse, blood pressure, electrocardiogram, SpO2. Proceed to insert the transducer into the rectum and conduct evaluation. The time to perform transrectal ultrasound depends on the medical condition and the requirement to include a biopsy or not?
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