Immune cell activity and cancer

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Posted by TS. Nguyen Van Office and MSc Le Thi Huyen - Cell Therapy Division, Vinmec High-Tech Center.
The concept of immunosurveillance (immunosurveillance) was introduced in 1957, describes the process by which the immune system performs the task of checking, detecting and destroying harmful agents such as bacteria, viruses, foreign cells. or abnormal cells that have the ability to mutate into cancer cells.

1. Tumor immunosurveillance concept

Between 1994 and 1998, several research groups produced initial evidence, tested directly in mice, that mice with mutations in genes that cause immune system defects were more susceptible to disease. more cancerous than other mice.
Thus, scientists began to question the existence of immune surveillance in humans. Studies conducted and monitored in humans have shown that the immune system plays an important role in cancer prevention and control.
According to statistics from a study conducted at Odense University Hospital, Denmark in 1995, organ transplant recipients with weakened or immunosuppressed immune systems often have a high rate of cancer. . Specifically, 5692 kidney transplant patients in Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden had a cancer incidence five times higher than the general population.

2. The role of the immune system in immune surveillance

Hình ảnh tế bào giết tự nhiên (NK)
Hình ảnh tế bào giết tự nhiên (NK)

Cancer is not only a disease caused by genetic factors or abnormal cell growth, but it is also a constant struggle between the immune system and precancerous cells. .
To form a tumor, precancerous cells undergo a process of escaping immune surveillance through a mechanism called immunoediting with 3 stages: exclusion, balance and escape.
In the exclusion stage, cancer cells are detected and eliminated by immune cells such as natural killer (NK) cells, helper T cells (CD4+ T cells), cytotoxic T cells ( CD8+ T)... These cells recognize cancer cells through surface receptors. This is when the immune system is most active.
However, cancer cells often develop heterogeneously leading to genetic changes to create cells that are able to evade recognition by the immune system. So these cells will continue to survive and enter the equilibrium phase.
In the equilibrium phase, the activity of the immune system and the cancer cells both maintain a steady state. The selection process that occurs at this stage increases the genetic diversity of tumor cells.
The original cancer cells are destroyed, but at the same time, new mutations are continuously created to help the cells carrying this mutation to resist attack from the body. This stage usually lasts a long time before the cancer cells enter the escape stage.
At the escape stage, immune cells gradually become ineffective in maintaining equilibrium, while cancer cells proliferate uncontrollably leading to tumor formation and metastasis .
Currently, immunotherapy is being considered as an effective strategy in cancer treatment. The aim of this approach is to re-establish the relationship between the immune system and cancer cells with the hope of bringing the immune surveillance process from a state of escape back to a state of equilibrium or, ideally, return to the excluded state.
At Vinmec, autologous immunotherapy is being deployed strongly in cancer support and treatment. Specifically, in order to create an advantage for the immune system, NK natural killer cells and cytotoxic T cells in the patient's body have been cultured to increase and activate in large numbers to create a protective barrier. Effective defense with the task of recognizing and destroying cancer cells.

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3. Immune cell activity and cancer

A study in Japan that followed more than 3500 participants between 1986 and 1990 found that people with low innate immune activity had a higher incidence of cancer than those with active immunity. high or moderate natural immunity.
Therefore, immune cell activity is considered an indicator of natural immunity against cancer. This index is extremely important in assessing our immune system status or cancer risk.
At Vinmec, the immunological activity test has started to be implemented to meet the needs of customers in checking or monitoring changes in health status through the activity value of immune cells. .
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