How to treat teenage acne

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Almost all teenagers get acne while going through puberty. This condition occurs when sebum clogs the pores. Acne can appear in many places such as: face, neck, back, chest and shoulders. There are many treatments that reduce acne. However, it is necessary to see a dermatologist to accurately determine the acne and skin condition so that the appropriate treatment can be selected.

1. Puberty Acne

Puberty acne can appear in several of the following ways:
Whiteheads : White dots are pores affected by oil and the skin is covered with layers of skin. Blackheads: Blackheads are affected by the pores, in which the substance around the acne nucleus is pushed out through the follicles. Black is not from dirt. It can be from bacteria, dead skin cells and substances that react with oxygen. Papules, pustules, or nodules: Lesions that become more severe with redness and swelling appear due to inflammation or infection of the tissues around the blocked follicles, often causing pain and a feeling of stiffness. Cyst: A deep, pus-filled boil. Some teenagers are very prone to acne, while others do not. The exact cause of acne is still unknown, but researchers believe that androgens may play a role in the development of acne. Androgens increase in both boys and girls during puberty. Androgens cause the skin's oil glands to become more numerous and at the same time produce more sebum. Androgens may also increase due to pregnancy-related hormonal changes or starting/stopping birth control pills.

Hormone androgen làm ảnh hưởng đến sự hình thành mụn trứng cá
Hormone androgen làm ảnh hưởng đến sự hình thành mụn trứng cá

Genetics can also be one of the important factors that contribute to acne. If a parent has acne, it's possible that their child will inherit the tendency, too.
Certain drugs, such as medicated androgens, epilepsy drugs, lithium and prednisone, can cause acne. Or, cosmetics with a viscous consistency can also clog pores, creating conditions for acne to develop. However, water-based skin care products are less likely to cause breakouts than oil-based products.
In addition, there are a number of factors that can make acne worse including:
Friction caused by rubbing the skin; Scrubbing and squeezing pimples Pressure from tight helmets, backpacks or collars Changes in hormone levels in adolescent girls and adult women two to seven days before the start of the menstrual cycle Stress

2. How to Treat Puberty Acne

Dermatologists or doctors who specialize in skin problems often treat acne, especially in severe cases. As for mild cases of acne, you can consult a general practitioner or a pediatrician or an internist.

Nên đến gặp bác sĩ chuyên khoa da liễu để được kiểm tra và tư vấn điều trị hiệu quả
Nên đến gặp bác sĩ chuyên khoa da liễu để được kiểm tra và tư vấn điều trị hiệu quả

Treatments for pubertal acne include:
Over-the-counter topical treatments such as topicals. This means you can use topical products to treat acne. These products are not drugs. These include: acetic acid, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and sulfur. These treatments are often products in a ready-made form such as gels, lotions, creams, soaps, and pads. When used regularly, these products can help treat moderate acne. Moreover, the time to be able to perceive an improvement of the skin with this method is usually long, about 4 to 8 weeks. Prescription topical treatments. Similarly, as with over-the-counter topical treatments, in this case acne sufferers will be able to use products with ingredients that are prescribed to treat their acne. These include: adapalene, antibiotics, azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, dapsone, tazarotene, and tretinoin. Prescription drug treatments. For moderate to severe cases of acne, doctors often prescribe oral antibiotics (tablets) in combination with topical medications. Oral antibiotics are thought to help control acne by curbing bacterial growth, which in turn reduces inflammation. Dosage of these drugs is for daily use and is continued for 4 to 6 months and then tapered or discontinued as acne improves. The strongest oral medication, isotretinoin (Earnica, Amnesteem, Claravis, Myorisan, and Zenatane), is usually taken once or twice a day for 16 to 20 weeks. These medications are thought to reduce the size of the oil glands to produce less oil and help prevent clogged pores. That curbs the growth of acne-causing bacteria. Because of the risk of this medicine for birth defects, women of childbearing age should only take isotretinoin when not pregnant. In medical facility treatment: Cysts can be treated with intramuscular cortisone injections. Furthermore, a red light therapy can be used to reduce inflammation and bacteria on the skin. Or a pill containing salicylic acid can be used to unclog pores.

Tùy tình trạng bệnh để sử dụng thuốc bôi hoặc thuốc uống để điều trị mụn trứng cá
Tùy tình trạng bệnh để sử dụng thuốc bôi hoặc thuốc uống để điều trị mụn trứng cá

3. Some methods to prevent puberty acne

Do not wash your face too much or use harsh scrubs on the skin. Acne is not caused by dirt. So, gently washing your face twice a day is enough. Over-cleansing can leave skin irritated and dry, triggering the glands to secrete more oil, increasing the likelihood of breakouts. Use oil-free or non-comedogenic skin care products on your face (those that don't clog pores). Do not squeeze or pick pimples. Pimples can push acne bacteria deeper into the skin. Popping pimples can lead to more inflammation and permanent scarring. Acne usually goes away on its own, but some teens find it interferes with their daily lives. See a dermatologist if you feel that your acne is making you feel sad or anxious. Severe acne can scar the skin. People who find that acne scars or dulls their skin should talk to their doctor to find an affordable fix.
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The formation and how to take care of skin with blackheads Why should not squeeze acne? Mistakes when treating acne
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