How to treat babies with thrush?

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Hello doctor. My baby has thrush in his mouth, I washed it with physiological saline and Denicol but it didn't go away. What do I do? In addition, the baby is 3 months old, weighs 5kg, when he was born weighing 2kg6, is such a baby malnourished? Baby is exclusively breastfed.
Nguyen Thi Lan Anh (1980)
Hello, Breastfed babies are prone to thrush. Children with thrush are most often due to common causes such as fungal or viral infections. Thrush in infants and young children will make the child uncomfortable and anorexic because of the appearance of white false membranes on the child's tongue causing entanglement. The disease is not dangerous but affects the eating and drinking of children. Parents should take appropriate measures to treat thrush in their baby properly. In the case of your baby, the mother has washed with physiological saline and Denicol but it doesn't go away, then you need to take the child to a pediatrician to find the cause and have the most appropriate treatment.
Thank you for your question to website. Best regards.
Resident Doctor Duong Van Sy - Pediatric Resident - Pediatrics - Neonatology Department - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital
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