How to treat 8th nerve tumor?

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Video content is consulted by Doctor, Doctor Tran Hoang Ngoc Anh - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital

The body can hear or walk with balance thanks to the 8th nerve structure. The 8th nerve has 2 parts: vestibule and cochlea. The vestibule has the function of regulating the balance of the body, the cochlea is the hearing. The characteristics of the 8th nerve tumors are benign, originating from the vestibular part, the semicircular canals. The neuromas will grow, depending on the tumor size, the patient will have different clinical symptoms.

Characteristics of 8th nerve tumors are benign, originating from the vestibular part, the semicircular canals. The neuromas will grow, depending on the tumor size, the patient will have different clinical symptoms. First, the patient is dizzy, the tumor comes from the vestibular part. Then there will be hearing loss, hearing loss. When the tumor exits the ear canal, it will press on the cerebellar hemisphere and the patient will have different symptoms. When it is inserted into the 5th nerve, the patient will have pain in the 5th nerve, if it is inserted into the brain stem structure, the patient will have symptoms of weakness, if it is inserted into the cerebellum hemisphere, the patient will have dizziness. , Tinnitus. So is the 8th nerve tumor curable and what is the 8th nerve tumor?
There are 3 main treatment methods for 8th neuroma, including:
The first is a monitoring measure, that is, the tumor is small in size, has not caused any symptoms, the patient will need to be monitored because the tumor is benign. , grows very slowly The second 8th neuroma cure is surgery to remove the tumor. However, this is a complex surgery, requiring adequate equipment to ensure remaining nerve function. The third method of treating 8th nerve tumor is radiosurgery, the patient does not have surgery but will irradiate the tumor to reduce its size. Deciding which method to cure 8th nerve tumor will depend on tumor size, patient condition and patient's current progress to provide appropriate treatment. The goal of tumor treatment is to cure completely, but still to preserve the patient's neurological function. Therefore, in order to make a decision on whether to treat completely or not, it is necessary to consult with many specialists. The ultimate goal when treating neuralgia is to completely cure the patient's disease but still preserve 2. Important functions are hearing function and nerve circuit function.

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