How to supplement zinc for children

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Vu Quoc Anh - Pediatrician - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology, Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.

According to statistics, up to 40% of children under 1 year old in Vietnam are zinc deficient. Meanwhile, zinc is an important trace element for the development of height and intelligence of children. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to supplement zinc for children properly.

1. Zinc - an important trace mineral for children

Zinc is an essential trace mineral for children and has many important roles such as:
In the human body, zinc is directly involved in the process of creating enzymes that promote protein synthesis. Effective protein synthesis helps children develop well in height, muscle and immune system. When the immune system works well, the baby will avoid harmful agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, ... from entering the body, reducing minor illnesses. Zinc helps increase the perception of taste and smell organs, helping children eat more deliciously. Fully supplemented with zinc - increasing protein synthesis also helps speed up the wound healing process in damaged skin areas. Zinc helps transport calcium to the brain, contributes to the regulation of endocrine functions (pituitary, adrenal, sex, thyroid,...). As a result, people better adapt to changes in external circumstances. Zinc distributes to the skin, hair and nails, making these parts stronger. However, parents need to pay attention to how to use zinc for children correctly. Because if the body is too much or too deficient in zinc, children may experience abdominal pain, nausea, anorexia, digestive disorders or growth retardation,...

2. Children's zinc needs

Zinc deficiency is very common in children, because the need for this substance often increases with the age of the child. At different stages of development and different ages, children will have different zinc needs. The required dose of zinc for children is prescribed by the World Health Organization as:
Children 0 - 6 months old: Need 2mg/day Children 7 - 11 months old: Need 3mg/day Children 1-3 years old: Need 3mg/day Day Children from 4 to 8 years old: Need 5mg/day Children from 9-13 years old: Need 8mg/day Children over 14 years old: Girls need 9mg/day, boys need 11mg/day

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3. Symptoms of zinc deficiency or excess zinc

3.1. Common symptoms: Loss of appetite. Growth was slower than expected. Poor immune system function 3.2. Severe symptoms of zinc deficiency: Delayed sexual maturation. Diarrhea. Damage to eyes and skin. Feeling sluggish or hilarious. Hair loss. Poor wound healing. Unexplained weight loss. Abnormal taste and/or smell. Difficulty concentrating. 3.3. Symptoms of excess zinc: Abdominal pain Diarrhea. Headache Nausea, vomiting Loss of appetite.

4. Diagnosis of zinc deficiency

When there are symptoms indicating the possibility of zinc deficiency and the blood zinc level is below 70Mcrogram/dl (Normal 70-120 Microgram/dl).

5. Ways to supplement zinc for children

5.1 With children under 6 months of age Some of the most common ways to properly supplement zinc for children include:
At this age, the simplest and best zinc supplement for children is through breast milk. Breast milk in the early stages of a baby's life is rich in zinc, antibodies and other nutrients. Therefore, with children under 6 months of age, parents should limit the use of formula milk, but should take advantage of the inherent source of breast milk to help the baby develop better. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement enough zinc and nutrients for the mother during pregnancy and postpartum. Pregnant and postpartum mothers should pay attention to add the following foods to their daily diet:
Zinc-rich foods: Shrimp, fish, crab, eggs, meat,... Nuts, beans (especially soybeans) Foods rich in vitamin C such as oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits,... They have the effect of increasing the body's ability to absorb zinc. Conversely, zinc also has the ability to help the body easily absorb vitamin C. In addition, if you want to supplement both zinc and iron, the mother should take iron 2 hours after taking zinc, because iron can prevent the body from absorbing it. zinc collection. At the same time, you need to pay attention to supplement zinc in moderation, avoid abuse because it can cause an excess of zinc in the body.
5.2 With children from 6 months of age and older At this stage, children begin to feel about food, so parents need to change their baby's daily diet to avoid boredom but still ensure to provide food. full of essential nutrients.
For malnourished children: Parents should prepare dishes from a variety of nutritious foods such as fish, eel, crab, shrimp, oysters, meat or legumes, nuts, green vegetables (spinach). sticky rice, broccoli,...); For children with anorexia: To help children eat more deliciously while still fully supplementing with zinc and nutrients, parents need to meet their children's dietary needs. Some foods rich in zinc that most children like include: Dark chocolate, seafood, yogurt, dairy, whole grains,... These are foods that stimulate the taste buds, helping Children eat better. Besides supplementing zinc for children through their daily diet, parents can supplement zinc for their children through pharmaceuticals.

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Bổ sung kẽm cho trẻ bằng một số loại thực phẩm

6. Note when supplementing with zinc for children with medicine

Only if the child's zinc deficiency is confirmed by clinical manifestations and biochemical tests, or the child has damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa leading to reduced zinc absorption, parents can supplement zinc for the child. under the guidance of a specialist. After examining and doing necessary tests, the doctor will decide whether to supplement zinc for children or not, with what dosage, how long to take,...
Dosage of zinc supplements for children Children are from 0.5 - 1.5mg elemental zinc/kg body weight/day. When supplementing with zinc with a supplement, you should give it to your baby 30 minutes after a meal. Do not take zinc tablets at the same time as iron and calcium, should take zinc at least 2 hours before. The time to supplement zinc is usually 2-3 months and then stop. At the same time, you should give your child vitamin A, B6 and C supplements to stimulate the body to increase zinc absorption.
Parents should pay attention not to arbitrarily add zinc to their children (without the guidance of a doctor), especially with high doses, because zinc excess can lead to risks of metabolism and growth for children.
With the above sharing, hopefully, it has helped parents know more information about how to use zinc for children as well as appropriate food supplements with children according to each age.
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