How to eat poisonous puffer fish?

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Puffer fish, although small, but the danger of this fish is ranked high in the table of the most poisonous animals in the world. However, eating puffer fish is a trend in many countries, including Vietnam. So how to eat poisonous puffer fish and is it good that so many diners take the risk to enjoy?

1. How poisonous is puffer fish?

Puffer fish belongs to the order of puffer fish with more than 120 different species worldwide, in Vietnam there are about 66 species and of which 40 species are capable of causing toxins. The puffer fish is considered the second most poisonous species after the yellow dart frog.
Poisonous puffer fish is found in the internal organs, skin, abdominal muscles, seminal vesicles and especially in fish eggs. In each species of puffer fish, the toxin is often not the same, but in general, most puffer fish are toxic from mild to strong. The poison inside the puffer fish is tetrodotoxin, but this poison is not naturally produced by the puffer fish, but is produced by symbiotic bacteria on the fish. The poison in puffer fish is very special, they are not destroyed by boiling or other food processing methods such as drying. This is a very powerful neurotoxin that can cause muscle paralysis, respiratory failure and even death if not treated promptly.
A simple comparison of toxicity levels in puffer fish is that tetrodotoxin is 1000 times more potent than cyanide. so if you don't know about this fish and eat it by mistake, the risk of death is very high. Studies have shown that just 4mg of puffer meat is enough to kill a rabbit, the average person only needs 1-2mg can be poisoned or even die.

Cá nóc độc có độc trong nội tạng, da, cơ bụng, túi tinh và đặc biệt là trong trứng cá
Cá nóc độc có độc trong nội tạng, da, cơ bụng, túi tinh và đặc biệt là trong trứng cá

2. Is it good to eat puffer fish?

Although puffer fish is poisonous, in Asia, especially Japan, puffer fish is an expensive and famous dish in this country of the rising sun. So why is a dish that challenges death so popular and is it really good to eat puffer fish?
In fact, the poison of puffer fish is mainly in the viscera and ovaries, if handled properly, the fish meat is completely non-toxic and safe for users. Puffer fish meat is considered to be tough, sweet and extremely delicious, especially the fish that is processed immediately after death. That is why many people do not regret spending large amounts of money to enjoy this fish dish.
However, not everyone can make this dish, chefs need to go through a thorough training process and have to practice for 2-3 years and pass a difficult exam to be granted a license. processing of this poisonous puffer fish.
Although puffer fish is edible, people who want to enjoy this dish need to find reputable restaurants because even a small mistake in the processing process can cause tragic poisoning.
SEE ALSO: Puffer fish poisoning: Causes, signs

Chất độc bên trong cá nóc là tetrodotoxin
Chất độc bên trong cá nóc là tetrodotoxin

3. Poisoning due to improper eating of puffer fish

There are two cases when eating puffer fish causes poisoning, one is that the eater does not know this fish and accidentally eats it, the other is eating puffer fish that has not been properly processed and causes poisoning.
Signs after eating puffer fish poisoning usually occur right after eating from 10-45 minutes, patients often have manifestations such as numbness, tingling in the mouth, drooling, nausea or vomiting. In addition, the patient may experience some symptoms such as:
Fatigue, dizziness, loss of reflexes Low blood pressure The above symptoms will get worse after 4-6 hours if not taken to the emergency room. If the patient receives first aid or has timely first aid measures, there is a high risk that the patient will be paralyzed, lose consciousness, have respiratory failure or die.
Clinically, tetrodotoxin is divided into 4 levels of effects as follows:
Level 1: Numbness in the mouth, nausea, diarrhea, drooling Grade 2: Numbness of the tongue, extremities or some other places on the body , motor paralysis, slurred speech, headache, profuse sweating, normal reflex response Grade 3: Body begins to convulse, has respiratory failure, cannot speak out loud, dilated pupils Degree 4: Severe paralysis of respiratory muscles, low blood pressure, arrhythmia, falling into a coma. Although puffer fish poisoning is very dangerous, if detected early and treated promptly, recovery will be achieved after 1 day. Currently, there is no antidote to puffer fish, the treatment measures are only supportive in removing toxins from the body, so the risk of death from severe poisoning can still occur.
To prevent puffer fish poisoning, people need to pay attention to issues such as not eating puffer fish, carefully check whether puffer fish is mixed with normal fish or not when catching or drying fish. Puffer fish products for sale, raise people's awareness about this dangerous fish by spreading propaganda through various channels.
Visit a medical facility, the doctor will examine you and point out the most useful treatment for you.
With areas near the hospital of Vinmec Health System that can immediately transfer patients to Vinmec hospital, the hospital always prepares enough human resources to deal with food poisoning, prevent further poisoning to act.
Vinmec International Hospital's Emergency Resuscitation Department operates 24/24 on all days of the week, including Saturdays and Sundays as well as holidays of the year. With diagnostic imaging equipment and Modern testing, especially specialized heavy-duty ambulances with a full range of supporting machines for severe patients traveling long distances in the subclinical field as well as in transporting serious patients on request. . The team of emergency doctors and nurses at the Emergency - Resuscitation Department of Vinmec International General Hospital are intensively and professionally trained, able to receive and handle urgent cases of patients, and at the same time always has coordinated with all specialties of the Hospital in a methodical and quick manner. At Vinmec Emergency and Resuscitation Department, patients will be examined, diagnosed, quickly and accurately treated and treated according to the priority of emergency until the critical condition is over.

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