How to clean the umbilical cord of a newborn baby?

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The umbilical cord in newborns is an area that is very susceptible to infection, if the baby's umbilical cord is cut with tools that are not thoroughly sterilized or daily hygiene is not guaranteed, the baby's umbilical cord will be at high risk of infection. and many other diseases. The period after the umbilical cord falls off in a newborn is a sensitive period, so it is necessary to properly clean the umbilical cord for the child, and at the same time pay attention to abnormal signs in the umbilicus, which warn of dangerous diseases.

There is a problem that many parents wonder when cleaning the umbilical cord for a newborn baby is to clean the newborn umbilical cord with alcohol 70 or what to clean the newborn umbilical cord with? In fact, to answer this question depends on each specific case:
In the case of a newborn without umbilical cord infection, the umbilicus should be left open, the umbilical cord is not needed, and a low diaper should be worn. below the navel. When cleaning the umbilicus, there is no need to apply anything to the baby's navel, after bathing, just dry the navel area by using clean gauze to dry it and let the umbilicus fall off naturally You should use physiological saline to clean the infected navel. Besides, use Milian or Eosin solution to apply to the baby's navel about 4 times a day. Parents should not clean the umbilical cord of an infant with povidine.
In addition to properly cleaning the baby's umbilical cord, parents also need to pay attention to how to take care of the umbilical cord for a newborn by following these steps:
Prepare tools:
Sterile cotton sticks or sterile cotton Sterile gauze. 70 degrees alcohol umbilical cord cleaning solution or 1% eosin solution. Navel band. Steps to take care of the baby's umbilical cord:
Wash your hands clean, preferably with antibacterial soap Remove the baby's old umbilical cord and wash your hands again One hand using sterile gauze gently lift the umbilical cord, care Observe whether the navel is red, has pus, oozes blood or has a bad odor, the skin around the base of the navel is red. Use a sterile cotton swab soaked in an antiseptic solution to disinfect the umbilicus in the order from the umbilical stump, umbilical trunk, and umbilical cord cross section. Disinfect the skin around the umbilical cord from the base of the umbilicus to 5cm wide with an antiseptic solution. Finally, if the navel is fresh, bandage the umbilicus with thin gauze, and if the umbilicus is dry, do not bandage the umbilicus to open it. Normally, if the umbilical cord is cleaned and cared for well, the umbilical cord will fall off in about 7-10 days, but there are also some cases where the umbilical cord falls off longer, but if there are no signs of infection, it is not a cause for concern. . What you need to do is clean the navel and keep the surrounding area clean and dry until the stump falls off.

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