How tall is a 21-month-old girl?

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Height and weight are always a measure to help parents monitor their child's development month by month. However, between girls and boys there will be a difference between these two measurements. Furthermore, 21 months of age is a period of development of many other skills, so a child's height and weight are not growing as much as a year ago. So how tall is a 21-month-old girl?

1. How tall and heavy is a 21-month-old baby girl?

To ensure that your child is growing normally and is gaining weight, you can use the height and weight growth chart. This will give you an average measure of a toddler's weight and height. How tall is a 21 month old baby girl? In which, the average height of a 21-month-old girl is 83.7cm and weight is 10.9kg. Recording your child's height and weight monthly for monitoring will be the basis for the pediatrician to know the child's growth pattern.
The 21-month-old stage is a period of comprehensive development of children's motor skills, speech, teething,... Most 21-month-old babies can run, squat and throw the ball under their hands. Your child may know 50 or more words and be able to put two words together to make a phrase. At the same time, your child's lower second molar may be erupting causing some teething discomfort. These may affect the height and weight development of a 21-month-old girl.
Watch now: When should a 21-month-old baby get pneumococcal vaccine?

2. Caring for a 21-month-old baby

Health is always the top concern of parents. At the age of 21 months, parents not only take care of their children in terms of nutrition, but the need for sleep and physical activity is also very important, helping them develop better and become stronger.

Giải đáp bé gái 21 tháng tuổi cao bao nhiêu?
Giải đáp bé gái 21 tháng tuổi cao bao nhiêu?

2.1 Sleep for a 21-month-old baby

Toddlers need a lot of sleep to grow, most 21-month-olds need about 11 to 12 hours of sleep at night, plus a nap of about 1.5 to 3 hours. Therefore, a child's total sleep time is between 13 and 14 hours a day. If your baby suddenly wakes up more at night, parents shouldn't worry, because a teething episode, illness, or a trip can also alter a child's sleep habits. Therefore, parents need to calmly find out the cause so that they can help their child return to the original state of sleep habits.
It's normal for a 21-month-old baby to refuse to go to sleep. All fun activities will make children much more excited than going to bed. Therefore, you should help your child get into the habit of going to bed at the same time every day, creating a quiet space, and at the same time make sure that your child can play many activities during the day and do not use devices. electronics at least 20 minutes before going to bed.

2.2 Menu for a 21-month-old girl

Eating is a really important part of a 21 month old baby's life. Children need 3 meals a day plus two snacks. Menus for 21-month-old girls in particular and 21-month-olds in general need to be full of food groups including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, protein and milk. Offer a variety of foods at each meal and during weaning time. Most toddlers should eat about 3⁄4 to 1 cup of fruits and vegetables, 1⁄4 cup of whole grains, and three tablespoons of protein per day.
Most 21-month-olds should drink whole milk, as one-year-olds need fat for brain development. At two years old, parents should switch their children to 1 percent milk or skim milk. Doctors recommend children between the ages of one and three get 700 mg of calcium per day. So, if your child is not getting calcium from any other source, he or she will need about three 240 ml cups of milk per day. If your baby is consuming other forms of calcium, you can adjust your baby's milk intake accordingly.
If you are weaning a 21-month-old, remember to do it slowly by skipping one daily feeding session for at least three to seven days before skipping the next one. If it goes too fast, the mother can run the risk of blocked milk ducts and infection. Plus, weaning is a transition that can have an emotional impact on babies, so babies may need a little extra comfort and reassurance when weaning.
In addition, you should not be too worried if your child refuses nutritious foods and eats less than before. It's normal for 21-month-olds to be picky eaters because they don't grow as quickly as they did in their first year of life. The best you can do is continue to make healthy food choices, choose and prepare a variety of your child's favorite foods, and model healthy eating behaviour. If you're concerned your child isn't getting enough nutrients in his or her diet, ask your pediatrician about vitamin supplements. Some toddlers can take a multivitamin or iron supplement.
Fiber gummies are often used to prevent constipation in babies, but are rarely needed because fruits and vegetables can often help keep a 21-month-old baby's digestive system working properly.
Watch now: Language and cognitive development of a 21-month-old baby

Thực đơn cho bé gái 21 tháng tuổi cần phải đầy đủ các nhóm thực phẩm
Thực đơn cho bé gái 21 tháng tuổi cần phải đầy đủ các nhóm thực phẩm

2.3 Activities for 21-month-olds

Fun activities, games and toys for 21-month-old babies include:
Clay: use clay to shape objects around. This not only helps children discover and recognize shapes of objects and animals, but also gives them skills of ingenuity and flexibility. Make puzzles: Simple puzzles will attract children and help them exercise their critical thinking ability. Play tagging objects: Children this age love to run around and tag objects. In short, height and weight are always a measure to help parents monitor their child's development month by month. However, between girls and boys there will be a difference between these two measurements. In addition, 21 months is a period of development of many other skills, so the height and weight of the baby is not growing as much as a year ago. In which, the average height of a 21-month-old girl is 83.7cm and weight is 10.9kg. Recording your baby's height and weight monthly helps your pediatrician understand your child's growth pattern. If your child is below average, you should not be too worried, but you can take your child to a medical facility for evaluation and appropriate interventions.
In addition, parents also need to pay attention to supplementing necessary micronutrients for children during this period such as: Selenium, Chromium, Vitamins B1 and B6, Ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C),... Especially Especially the biological zinc to improve taste, help children eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard, good immune system, enhance resistance to reduce minor illnesses and less digestive problems. .
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the National General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.

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