How should people with high pancreatic enzymes be treated?

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Hello doctor. I have a history of low blood pressure, slightly high sugar. After being tired in the sun, I had a severe headache, jerking in the head, blood pressure up to 140mmHg, vomiting, blood tests I have high pancreatic enzymes, CT scan is normal. Please ask the doctor with the current health condition and the problem of high pancreatic enzymes should be treated? Thanks for the advice doctor.
Do Thi Thuoc (1968)
Hello, Ms. Elevated pancreatic enzymes are usually caused by pancreatitis. In acute pancreatitis, on the first day of the onset of symptoms (eg, abdominal pain, vomiting), amylase levels increase to three or more than normal levels in 75% of cases, after 3-7 days back to normal.
However, in patients with chronic (chronic) pancreatitis, amylase levels may remain normal. On the contrary, a person with chronic high amylase level is often due to a non-pancreatic cause such as: biliary tract disease, liver failure, kidney failure..
Good with the current state of health, you should arrange a time. Go to a hospital under Vinmec Health System for a detailed examination and advice on how to treat high pancreatic enzymes?
Hope to see you soon at Vinmec. Wish you good health always.
Answered by Master, Doctor Danh Man - Cardiologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital
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