How much blood fat is normal, how much is high?

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The article was professionally consulted by MSc.BSCK II Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Blood fat, also known as blood lipid, is an important component in the body. However, when this blood lipid index is too high, it will cause fatty blood disease - a fairly common disease today.

1. What is blood fat?

Blood fat is a common name for blood lipids, including many different components, of which the most important component is cholesterol.
Many people still think that cholesterol is a bad component in the body, the cause of many diseases. In fact, cholesterol is very important to the body, participating in many parts such as the structure of cell membranes, precursors to vitamin D and some hormones, helping us to grow and function properly. They only become harmful when there is a disturbance between the types of cholesterol, which the typical pathology causes is atherosclerosis.
As fats are insoluble in water, cholesterol and fats such as triglycerides must combine with the water-soluble lipoproteins to move easily in the blood. Therefore, when testing blood fat in addition to total cholesterol, people also analyze cholesterol according to types of Lipoprotein, in which there are 2 important types, which are LDL-c (low-density lipoprotein) "bad fat" and HDL- c (High Density Lipoprotein) “good fat.” Blood fat increases when the bad type increases and the good type decreases, causing many dangerous cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident ...

Mỡ máu tăng cao gây ra nhiều loại bệnh tim mạch nguy hiểm như nhồi máu cơ tim, tai biến mạch não...
Mỡ máu tăng cao gây ra nhiều loại bệnh tim mạch nguy hiểm như nhồi máu cơ tim, tai biến mạch não...

Another important component of blood fats is triglycerides , also known as triglycerides , which play an important role as a source of energy and transport fats during metabolism . But if the index is high, it will cause atherosclerosis. Increased triglycerides are common in people with obesity, inactivity, diabetes, drinking a lot of alcohol and smoking a lot.
People with this index often have an increase in total cholesterol, an increase in bad LDL cholesterol and a decrease in good HDL cholesterol.

2. How much fat is high?

Most people with high blood cholesterol have no obvious signs, they will develop silently in the body. So the only way to know how high blood fat is is to have a blood test.
Experts recommend: People over 20 years old should have a blood test at least once every 5 years. Blood test readings are given in mg/DL or mmol/L.
The following is the total cholesterol index and the triglyceride index indicating the status of blood fats in the body:

2.1. Total cholesterol index table

3. High blood fat should eat what?

Diet and activity are extremely important for people with high blood fat. In order not to increase the risk of hyperlipidemia in the body, you should eat a lot of green vegetables, succulent fruits. Because in vegetables and fruits contain a lot of micronutrients and natural fiber that helps digestion, especially good for the blood. Some foods can help lower cholesterol such as: Ginger, shiitake, wood ear, onion, garlic, bean products... It is recommended to eat white meat instead of red meat, such as fish, every week. should eat 2-3 meals of fish instead of meat, especially for the elderly. Use vegetable oil instead of animal fat for cooking. To limit the increase of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, it is recommended to limit eating fried/fried foods, animal organs (especially brains, kidneys, hearts, livers), crab bricks, red meats containing a lot of fat; Don't eat chicken, duck, swan skin. Don't eat a lot of sweets like jam, candy, soft drinks, ice cream... Don't drink a lot of alcohol, don't smoke.

Không nên ăn nhiều đồ ngọt như mứt , kẹo , nước ngọt , kem ..
Không nên ăn nhiều đồ ngọt như mứt , kẹo , nước ngọt , kem ..
In addition to a reasonable diet, you need to exercise regularly, suitable for your health and conditions. Go for regular health check-ups to promptly detect as well as take appropriate corrective measures to suit your condition.

4. Where is the blood fat test?

To be proactive in disease prevention and treatment, each person should have regular health check-ups at a reputable medical facility. So where should the blood fat test be?
Currently, most medical facilities, both private and public, have blood lipid testing services. Your job is to find yourself a reliable and high-quality liposuction clinic.
Vinmec International General Hospital meets international standards from facilities to high-class medical examination and treatment services. The hospital has developed screening packages for cardiovascular disease and diabetes, in which cholesterol tests (total, LDL, HDL, triglycerides) check blood fat levels, helping each person be more proactive in preventing these diseases. diseases caused by disorders of fat metabolism.
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