How long will it take for red eye to go away?

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The average incubation period for pink eye is about 8 days and the onset of the disease lasts several days, weeks or longer, depending on the cause and treatment.

1. Causes and symptoms of pink eye

The disease can be found in all genders, all ages and is contagious. Common causes and symptoms of pink eye such as:
Virus: This is the most common cause of the disease with symptoms of discharge, itching, watery eyes, swollen eyelids, decreased vision, glare. complications of dry eye. The disease is very contagious through direct contact with the patient's tears; cough, sneeze when sore throat or flu is accompanied. . Caused by Bacteria: Usually caused by Staphylococcus bacteria, Haemophilus Influenzae ..., can cause severe damage if not treated promptly. Common symptoms such as yellow or greenish-yellow discharge cause sticky eyelids when waking up in the morning, itching and watery eyes, if the disease is severe, it can cause corneal ulcers, irreversible vision loss. The disease is spread through tear secretions or objects contaminated with eye secretions. Due to Allergies: Like dust, pet dander, pollen, drugs, ... it is often difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of an allergy, which occurs seasonally, persists or recurs. The disease has symptoms such as watery eyes, very itchy eyes, allergic rhinitis, the disease occurs in both eyes and is not contagious.

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2. How long will it take to get rid of red eye?

Pink eye is curable if detected early and have a reasonable treatment plan. The disease usually resolves within 7-10 days. However, if detected late or given inappropriate treatment plan, it can cause many dangerous complications such as corneal ulcers, keratitis, even blindness.

3. How to cure red eye?

Viral pinkeye : It clears up on its own after a few days. Patients can apply cold compresses themselves to reduce edema symptoms; Wash face with cold and clean water and apply artificial tears. If you have eye irritation, apply a slice of lemon to the tear ducts, eyelids. Bacterial conjunctivitis: your doctor will prescribe antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs or eye ointments to treat. Allergic conjunctivitis: The patient should avoid contact with the causative agent if known; your doctor will prescribe drops or pills to reduce allergies; Use artificial tears to relieve itching.

4. Diet for pink eye

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People with red eyes have a burning sensation in their eyes, which is very uncomfortable. This is a benign disease that can go away on its own in 7-10 days, but in order to recover quickly, the patient needs a combination of medicine and the right diet.
Diet foods: Foods with fishy odors such as shrimp, fish, snails; Water spinach (because it will produce a lot of gel); Stimulants, carbonated drinks; Animal fat and not arbitrarily use antibiotics.
Foods to eat: Foods like Carrots, Green vegetables (except water spinach), orange bell peppers, egg yolks, Fish oil, Antioxidant astaxanthin, Blueberries.
When pink eye, you should not self-treat, need to see an eye specialist immediately to be examined and given appropriate treatment.

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