How long does it take for a spontaneous abortion to stop bleeding?

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Hello doctor, I am currently 5 weeks pregnant, bleeding, yesterday I went to the doctor, the hospital diagnosed a threatened miscarriage, a miscarriage, I went to a pregnancy ultrasound, they said there was a gestational sac but there is no fetal heartbeat, today I have bleeding again, when I went to the doctor again, the doctor said that the ultrasound did not see the gestational sac anymore and diagnosed me with an early miscarriage and a natural miscarriage, the doctor advised me as follows: So I'm not pregnant anymore right? What do I need to eat to stop bleeding?
Vu Ngoc Han (HCMC)
Hello doctor. The doctor asked me if I need to go to the doctor after a natural miscarriage? And how long does the bleeding last. (about 4-6 weeks pregnant). Expect the doctor to answer. Thank you.
Anonymous question
Hello, with the diagnosis of the above doctors as having a miscarriage, in cases of early miscarriage, the bleeding will usually stop after 1-2 weeks. During this time, you just need to maintain hygiene like when you are menstruating. If after the above time, there is still bleeding, you should go to the gynecologist again to have the appropriate treatment.
CKI Doctor Truong Nghia Binh - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital
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