How is chronic gastritis treated?

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I went to gastroesophageal endoscopy with atrophic mucosal inflammation, low intestinal metaplasia, had a biopsy in October 2019 and concluded that chronic gastric ulcer. I use western medicine, oriental medicine. Currently, the stomach is boiling, a little painful when hungry, especially early in the morning. Please advise treatment.
Quoc Thai Nguyen (1963)
Hello! He was diagnosed with chronic gastritis. With this disease, he needs long-term treatment and periodic follow-up at a facility that specializes in Gastroenterology. Now that he has symptoms, he can take more Prokinetic drugs: Gasmotin 5mg x 3 times / day, before meals.
You can go to the clinics and hospitals of Vinmec Health System nationwide to get more advice from doctors.
Thank you for trusting Vinmec. I look forward to meeting with you for more specific advice.
Answered by Specialist Doctor I Le Nguyen Hong Tram - Gastroenterologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
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