How does your 14-month-old "test" your patience?

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By the time your baby is 14 months old, children at this age are going through a lot of developmental changes that cause them to act stubbornly and that doesn't mean they're wrong or your parenting skills are down. suitable. This can "test" the patience of parents when raising children. In this article, we'll provide helpful information to understand the causes and how parents and caregivers can deal with disruptive children.

1. Changes that "test" your patience when your baby is 14 months old

If possible, the first thing 14-month-olds want to say to their parents is, "I know what I want." 14-month-old babies are really stubborn or disruptive. Children may lose control of their behavior, suddenly becoming very assertive about what they want to do and eat, where they want to go, and possibly even what they want to wear (such as refusing to hats or coats). Of course, the things that parents don't want their children to do the most are the things that children want to do the most. Children may also be determined to do some things for themselves that parents have always done for them, such as pouring milk into a cup or putting on their own shoes, even if they are not yet fully capable of doing it. those jobs.

Trẻ 14 tháng tuổi thực sự rất bướng bỉnh hay quậy phá
Trẻ 14 tháng tuổi thực sự rất bướng bỉnh hay quậy phá

2. 10 helpful tips for parents to deal with naughty children

If you feel the word your child says most often during this stage is "no", consider ways you can make your home, or at least parts of the house, and a large yard. large, completely safe for children's exploration. Lock garden tools in the garage or shed, make sure there is no water (e.g. buckets, swimming pools, etc.), and place a few balls for the child to chase and attempt to kick - one Large rubber balls can be very interesting for children. Designate a room or a corner of the house as a play area and full of pillows and toys for the children. Remove fragile items from tables or shelves that children can reach. Make sure you wrap all sharp corners of tables, chairs, or any other objects. Also, let your child try to feed himself, even if it leaves food strewn about. Remember that play and exploration is how toddlers learn about the world, so it's not 14-month-olds that are deliberately challenging their parents, but simply curious about everything around them. And I don't want anyone to stop me from exploring this big world.
Toddlers also tend to enjoy water play which can be both soothing and fun, so next time parents can have an extra way to distract their toddler - like when mom cooking - put your child in the highchair, fill the plastic bowl with water and give him a sponge or a few plastic dishes so he can try washing them.
There are a few simple guidelines for you to help you handle your naughty child. Here are some tips for dealing with naughty, disruptive kids:

2.1. Limit fix

Don't accept everything your child says. Set limits and decide what your child needs and doesn't need to do. Be firm but gentle if your child gets angry, then tell him that he won't just get what he wants with such behavior.

2.2. Be consistent

Don't treat your child differently every day. If you are tough on your child one day and lenient the next, they won't take you seriously. For example, if one day you don't let your kid watch TV for long and the next day you let him watch all he wants just because you're busy and want him to keep quiet, it won't be consistent. So be consistent in setting and following the rules.

Hãy nhất quán trong việc thiết lập và tuân theo các quy tắc với trẻ
Hãy nhất quán trong việc thiết lập và tuân theo các quy tắc với trẻ

2.3. Give your child some independence

Don't dictate every last thing your child has to do. Give your child a little independence in choosing their own clothes or deciding how they want to drink milk.

2.4. Limit device usage time

Watching cartoons continuously without limit can increase agitation in children, making them too excited and prone to naughty behavior. So, set limits on how long your child can watch TV or play computer games.

2.5. Determine Consequences

Let your child know about the consequences of his misbehavior. Children need to know that they are in trouble if they throw tantrums or scream for no reason. Tell your child that this type of behavior is not acceptable.

2.6. Stand firm in the face of anger

If your baby cries continuously for a long time, you can easily give in to his demands. But don't respond to your child's requests every time he cries or gets angry, as that will only damage him in the long run. Babies will think that by crying or screaming they can get anything, so learn to ignore their cries. The baby will stop crying on its own.

2.7. Attention

Sometimes children display naughty behavior because they want their parents' attention. Learn to listen to your child calmly, ask him why he's acting the way he does and what you can do to stop it. Your child will respond well to your considerate behavior.

2.8. Don't scream

Don't lose your temper and yell back at your child, this will backfire as it will stop him from throwing tantrums for the time being, but he'll also learn to imitate you in the future.

2.9. Don't take your anger out on your kids

When you're in a bad mood and your child misbehaves, don't take out your negative emotions on him. If you yell at your child when he's not at fault, he'll get mad at you and possibly misbehave. Stay calm and patiently handle the situation. Children are easy to impress; Your calm behavior will be noted by your child and he or she will learn to stay calm during angry times just by watching you.

2.10. Set a regular routine

When your child is absent from school, make a regular schedule for them. That will set the rules for living and your kids won't feel obligated to misbehave because they'll have a routine. Establish fixed sleeping and eating habits.
Your own behavior will be a mirror of your child's, so make sure your behavior is ideal for your child to follow. Do not be too strict with the child as this will make the child become naughty. Being clear and transparent with your child will help ensure that your child is not being naughty all the time.

3. Other changes that "test" your patience when your baby is 14 months old

Aggression is a common emotional and behavioral disorder in this age group. 14-month-old babies can be quite aggressive, even hitting or biting their peers. Parents shouldn't overreact and need to understand that this type of behavior is more likely the result of frustration than malice. Also remember that a 14-month-old is not capable of understanding how other children feel. If a girl suddenly screams at someone else pulling her hair, she may stop and consider her reaction, but she may not show any empathy. For children, this is pure causation and it is as tempting as tossing a toy out of a child's seat and then looking up where it went a few months ago. For this reason, parents need to pay special attention to their children, especially when there is one or two other children playing with them. The best way to stop aggressive behavior is to say firmly to your child, "Don't hit you, you'll hurt yourself" or something like that, and to separate your child if he notices signs he might hurt you. Playmates get hurt.
Experts agree that spanking or any other form of physical punishment to discipline a child does not work. While parenting a toddler can be frustrating for their parents, parents and babies will feel much better if they find other ways to limit their child's behavior. No form of discipline is effective in all cases. For example, when kids do something their parents don't like just to get their parents' attention, try not to overreact. It's likely that all a child wants is the attention of a parent or loved one.
14 months is the age when babies think they can do everything without help. 14-month-olds are also really stubborn and sometimes, they make parents impatient and angry. However, punishments for inappropriate behavior by 14-month-olds are often ineffective. Most children do these things to get the attention of their parents or loved ones so be gentle with them and let them know that you and everyone else are still concerned about them.

Hung hăng là một kiểu rối loạn hành vi, cảm xúc phổ biến ở độ tuổi này
Hung hăng là một kiểu rối loạn hành vi, cảm xúc phổ biến ở độ tuổi này
In addition, 14-month-old children need 5mg of elemental zinc/day to eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
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