How does emergency contraception affect the body? Did you drink pregnant?

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I say hello to the doctor. Doctor, 6 days ago (specifically on March 25), I and my girlfriend had oral sex and then I put my finger inside her vagina (before 5 minutes there was semen of me) so I have suspicions about an unwanted pregnancy. On March 27, my girlfriend used an emergency contraceptive pill of 1 pill. Normally, her menstrual cycle fluctuates during the 26-29 day. The doctor told me there is a high chance of pregnancy? And does my girlfriend's body have any bad effects?
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Hello. In the case of sperm that live in the air for 5 minutes on a dry surface such as clothing, bedding or on hands, the sperm will die by the time the semen dries. Therefore, the chances of your girlfriend getting pregnant are very low. At the same time, using emergency contraceptive pills, so there is no possibility of pregnancy, you do not need to worry too much.
However, emergency contraceptive pills are oral contraceptives with high hormone content that will cause side effects such as: Vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, nausea, missed period or missed period... when taking medicine. According to recommendations, girls should only take a maximum of 2 emergency contraceptive pills in a month. To protect your female reproductive health, you should use safer methods of contraception such as condoms.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards.
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