Home Remedies for Migraines

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh - Rehabilitation Doctor - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital
Migraine headaches are common in people under 45 years of age, especially women. Migraine headaches usually affect only one side of the head, can appear suddenly and last for a few hours, the pain often recurs many times, so the topic of migraine and home remedies for migraine is quite popular. care. When you have a migraine, not only can medications be used to relieve pain, but you can use some effective home remedies for pain relief.

1. Cool compress

Placing an ice pack on your forehead, top of your head, or neck will help relieve pain, which can be applied for a few minutes, then removed and then applied again. While experts can't explain why this home remedy for migraines works, the reduced blood flow may be part of the cause. If that's not available, you can also replace the ice pack with a piece of frozen gel or a cloth towel soaked in cold water.

2. Taking over-the-counter drugs

You can choose from a number of over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen , ibuprofen or naproxen. There are also specialized migraines with pain relievers that you can buy to use after consulting your doctor.

3. Caffeine

Caffeine is a major ingredient in coffee, as well as a number of other foods and beverages. This active ingredient not only provides temporary control of mild headaches, but it also helps your body absorb some migraine medications more quickly. However you run the risk of becoming dependent on caffeine (coffee/energy drink addiction), which will lead to more fatigue and headache symptoms if you want to get rid of them.

Caffeine gia tăng tình trạng đau đầu
Caffeine gia tăng tình trạng đau đầu

4. Rest in a dark, quiet room

Bright lights and loud noises can make your headache worse. So find a quiet location, away from activities, and pull down the curtains or turn off the lights, then rest when you have a migraine. This approach can potentially speed up your recovery.

5. Exercise

Don't do a lot of physical activity when you're in the middle of a migraine, because this will make it worse. But when you feel well, exercise regularly - sports regularly to prevent headaches. Exercise will reduce stress and help you sleep better, while stimulating the body to release endorphins - a natural pain reliever.

6. Magnesium Supplement

You can find the mineral magnesium in dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. While there's no cure for migraines, some studies suggest that magnesium can help prevent them. You can also take magnesium supplements in pill form, but always consult your doctor before taking them.

Magie có tác dụng ngăn ngừa đau nửa đầu
Magie có tác dụng ngăn ngừa đau nửa đầu

7. Good night

Take deep, frequent naps to help prevent migraine headaches. Sleeping too little or too much can both cause headaches and lower your pain threshold. Set a goal of 7-8 hours of sleep each night, and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.

8. Practicing Yoga

Exercise that gets your heart pumping can prevent migraines, but can also be a headache trigger for some people. In this case, switch to a safe alternative of yoga - with slow movements combined with deep breathing.
Research shows that regular yoga sessions cut down on the number of migraine attacks and make the pain less intense each time it occurs.

9. Vitamin B2 . Supplement

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, can be found in abundance in milk, cheese, fish, and chicken. You can also take it as a supplement. Studies show that vitamin B2 can help you prevent migraine headaches.

10. Avoid Migraine Triggers

Certain foods or surrounding conditions are sometimes the cause of your migraines. You should find out what is causing your pain and proactively prevent it. Some common factors identified in many people include: red wine, aged cheeses, meats, bright lights, altitude, and strong odors.

Rượu vang có thể là nguyên nhân gây đau nửa đầu
Rượu vang có thể là nguyên nhân gây đau nửa đầu

11. Horseshoe Herb (Butterbur)

Also known as Chi Kim Tam, this precious herb is quite popular in Europe and has been used to treat migraines since ancient times. After reviewing all the evidence, scientists have confirmed that horseshoe extract reduces the frequency and severity of headaches in some people.

12. Other measures

In addition, patients can also try some other migraine remedies such as:
Acupuncture According to traditional medicine, there are a number of acupuncture points on the head that, if inserted, will immediately reduce headaches. So it can be said that acupuncture will reduce the frequency of your migraines. However, you should only conduct this treatment at reputable clinics or medical facilities, and apply it with other migraine treatments to ensure safety and maximum effectiveness.
Massage Although there have not been many in-depth studies, experts have also proven that massage has the effect of reducing the frequency of headaches. Moreover, massage has the ability to relieve tension and common headaches in general.
Psychological counseling Talking with a psychologist is one of the therapies to help change people's perception and behavior, helping to support patients with fewer migraines. It should be noted that treatment with a counselor does not mean that you are experiencing emotional or mental problems. This therapy is simply a new approach, helping patients deal with situations that may be the cause of headaches.
Many people think that when they have a headache, only medicine can relieve the pain. However, there are still some extremely effective ways to treat migraines at home without the use of drugs. Patients should consult and try to apply the above suggestions, because if they abuse the drug, there is a risk of harming the body due to unwanted side effects. In case there is no effective treatment for migraine, you should consult a specialist for examination, monitoring and treatment.
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Articles refer to the source: webmd.com
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